Структурный синтез сложных электромашинных агрегатов с использованием их генетических программ
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Анализируются принципы структурной организации и генетические программы структурообразования сложных агрегатов, содержащих ряд физически и функционально взаимосвязанных электромеханических преобразователей энергии. На примере двухмашинных агрегатов двойного вращения рассмотрена последовательность реализации процедур инновационного синтеза электромеханических структур по их генетическим программам. Разработана обобщенная (дивергентно-конвергентная) генетическая модель, при помощи которой определены структурные формулы, удовлетворяющие заданной функции синтеза. Результаты исследований рассматриваются как важный шаг на пути создания системной методологии генетического проектирования сложных технических систем с электромеханическими преобразователями энергии.
The principles of structural organization and genetic programs of electric machinery units containing a number of physically and functionally interrelated electromechanical energy converters structure appearing are shown. At example of two-machine units double rotation sequencing of innovative synthesis procedures of electromechanical structures in their genetic programs are reviewed. The generalized (convergent-divergent) genetic model was created. By generalized genetic model structural formulas that satisfy the specified synthesis function were defined. Scientifically proved that electric machinery units are genetically certain class of electromechanical systems, which principles of structure appearing are determined by genetic replication and operators crossing (hybridization) allows the formation of the isomeric composition. According to the given synthesis function defined macrogenetic program of electric machinery units represented by the 5th parental chromosomes of 0.2 series and 10th homologous chromosomes of the hybrid type, which define genetic diversity of allowable units of double rotation. For the dominant species of double rotating machines for the first time developed a generalized genetic model by which the three genetic routines and received 9 structural formulas that satisfy the specified synthesis functions are defined. Based on the results of genetic modeling was done directed synthesis genetically permissible structures. Genetic data bank was created and developed competitive solutions of two-machine units double rotation. The conceptual model of the technology of genetic engineering of complex electromagnetic system, comprising a logical sequence of interrelated steps, search procedures and methods for the identification and decoding of genetic programs, systems analysis and synthesis of structure formation models, implementing the functions of the structural prediction algorithms and directed synthesis of complex structures on a given objective function were proposed. The research results are seen as an important step towards the creation of a systematic methodology of genetic engineering of complex technical systems with electromechanical energy converters.
The principles of structural organization and genetic programs of electric machinery units containing a number of physically and functionally interrelated electromechanical energy converters structure appearing are shown. At example of two-machine units double rotation sequencing of innovative synthesis procedures of electromechanical structures in their genetic programs are reviewed. The generalized (convergent-divergent) genetic model was created. By generalized genetic model structural formulas that satisfy the specified synthesis function were defined. Scientifically proved that electric machinery units are genetically certain class of electromechanical systems, which principles of structure appearing are determined by genetic replication and operators crossing (hybridization) allows the formation of the isomeric composition. According to the given synthesis function defined macrogenetic program of electric machinery units represented by the 5th parental chromosomes of 0.2 series and 10th homologous chromosomes of the hybrid type, which define genetic diversity of allowable units of double rotation. For the dominant species of double rotating machines for the first time developed a generalized genetic model by which the three genetic routines and received 9 structural formulas that satisfy the specified synthesis functions are defined. Based on the results of genetic modeling was done directed synthesis genetically permissible structures. Genetic data bank was created and developed competitive solutions of two-machine units double rotation. The conceptual model of the technology of genetic engineering of complex electromagnetic system, comprising a logical sequence of interrelated steps, search procedures and methods for the identification and decoding of genetic programs, systems analysis and synthesis of structure formation models, implementing the functions of the structural prediction algorithms and directed synthesis of complex structures on a given objective function were proposed. The research results are seen as an important step towards the creation of a systematic methodology of genetic engineering of complex technical systems with electromechanical energy converters.
Ключові слова
электромашинный агрегат, вращающийся индуктор, принципы структурообразования, генетическая программа, генетическая модель, структурный синтез, генетический банк данных, генетическое проектирование
Бібліографічний опис
Шинкаренко В. Ф. Структурный синтез сложных электромашинных агрегатов с использованием их генетических программ / В. Ф. Шинкаренко, А. А. Шиманская, Ю. В. Гайдаенко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Електричні машини та електромеханічне перетворення енергії. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 11 (1183). – С. 93-101.