Особливості формування лідерських навичок в учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
Освітні установи відіграють ключову роль у формуванні особистісних рис, зокрема й лідерських якостей, котрі забезпечують учнів розумінням важливості співпраці, розвивають вміння приймати ініціативу, ефективно розв'язувати проблеми, керувати групою та впливати на оточуючих. Розглянуто основні аспекти процесу формування лідерських навичок серед школярів, проаналізовано роль лідерства в різних сферах життя та виявлено необхідність у підготовці молодих людей до активної ролі в суспільстві. Особлива увага приділяється розвитку комунікаційних навичок та підкресленню важливості уміння ефективно спілкуватися, вислуховувати інших та аргументувати свою позицію. Запропоновано розглянути необхідність заохочення учнів до самостійності в ухваленні рішень. Наведено аргументи на користь створення освітнього середовища, яке сприяє розвитку ініціативи та творчості. Насамкінець, стаття підбиває підсумки представлених концепцій формування лідерських навичок в учнів. Запропоновано інтеграцію підходів у освітній процес із метою підготовки молоді до активного та успішного життя, сприяючи їхньому професійному та особистісному розвитку.
Today’s realities require graduates not only to be academically successful, but also to be able to interact effectively with the world around them, to be active participants in social and professional life. Leadership skills are becoming critical for successful adaptation in a rapidly changing environment. Educational institutions play a key role in shaping personal traits, including leadership skills. They should ensure that students understand the importance of cooperation, develop the ability to take initiative, solve problems effectively, lead a group and influence others. Developing leadership skills in general secondary education students is an important task aimed at developing students' personal qualities and social competences. Leadership skills enable graduates to work effectively in a team, take responsibility for their actions, solve problems, set goals and inspire others. This article focuses on the important issue of developing leadership skills in students of general secondary education. Leadership skills are a set of competences that contribute to effective teamwork, acceptance of responsibility and development of individual potential. The article examines the main aspects of the process of developing leadership skills among schoolchildren. The role of leadership in various spheres of life is analyzed and the need to prepare young people for an active role in society is identified. Particular attention is paid to the development of communication skills and the importance of the ability to communicate effectively, listen to others and argue one's position. Examples of practical methods of developing communication skills in the school environment are given. The article discusses the need to encourage students to be independent in their decision-making. Arguments are presented in favor of creating an educational environment that promotes initiative and creativity. Teaching conflict management, as leadership skills include the ability to effectively manage conflict. The article discusses methods of conflict resolution and ways to integrate them into the educational process. The article analyses the role of emotional intelligence in the development of leadership skills. Practical recommendations for developing students' self-regulation and empathy skills are given. The article also emphasizes the importance of the role of teachers and educational programmes in the process of developing leadership skills. It discusses methods of introducing leadership aspects into the curriculum and emphasizes the importance of the teacher's role as a role model. Finally, the article summaries the presented concepts of developing leadership skills in students. It calls for the integration of approaches into the educational process in order to prepare young people for an active and successful life, contributing to their professional and personal development.
Today’s realities require graduates not only to be academically successful, but also to be able to interact effectively with the world around them, to be active participants in social and professional life. Leadership skills are becoming critical for successful adaptation in a rapidly changing environment. Educational institutions play a key role in shaping personal traits, including leadership skills. They should ensure that students understand the importance of cooperation, develop the ability to take initiative, solve problems effectively, lead a group and influence others. Developing leadership skills in general secondary education students is an important task aimed at developing students' personal qualities and social competences. Leadership skills enable graduates to work effectively in a team, take responsibility for their actions, solve problems, set goals and inspire others. This article focuses on the important issue of developing leadership skills in students of general secondary education. Leadership skills are a set of competences that contribute to effective teamwork, acceptance of responsibility and development of individual potential. The article examines the main aspects of the process of developing leadership skills among schoolchildren. The role of leadership in various spheres of life is analyzed and the need to prepare young people for an active role in society is identified. Particular attention is paid to the development of communication skills and the importance of the ability to communicate effectively, listen to others and argue one's position. Examples of practical methods of developing communication skills in the school environment are given. The article discusses the need to encourage students to be independent in their decision-making. Arguments are presented in favor of creating an educational environment that promotes initiative and creativity. Teaching conflict management, as leadership skills include the ability to effectively manage conflict. The article discusses methods of conflict resolution and ways to integrate them into the educational process. The article analyses the role of emotional intelligence in the development of leadership skills. Practical recommendations for developing students' self-regulation and empathy skills are given. The article also emphasizes the importance of the role of teachers and educational programmes in the process of developing leadership skills. It discusses methods of introducing leadership aspects into the curriculum and emphasizes the importance of the teacher's role as a role model. Finally, the article summaries the presented concepts of developing leadership skills in students. It calls for the integration of approaches into the educational process in order to prepare young people for an active and successful life, contributing to their professional and personal development.
Ключові слова
лідерські навички, освіта, заклади загальної середньої освіти, розвиток, учні, комунікація, самостійність, управління конфліктами, емоційний інтелект, педагогічна роль, формування, соціальні компетенції, leadership skills, education, general secondary education institutions, development, students, communication, independence, conflict management, emotional intelligence, pedagogical role, formation, social competences
Бібліографічний опис
Беспарточна О. І. Особливості формування лідерських навичок в учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти / О. І. Беспарточна // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами: філософія, психологія, педагогіка, соціологія. – 2023. – № 3. – С. 86-98.