Динамика двухдвигательных приводов с гидропневмобаллонными муфтами
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Рассмотрены двухдвигательные приводы, содержащие муфты с резинокордными оболочками, которые сообщены между собой общим трубопроводом. Приведены схемы муфт, предназначенные для передачи крутящих моментов 509кН-м и 814кН-м, а также аналитические выражения их упруговязких характеристик. В качестве примера рассмотрена динамика синхронного двухдвигательного привода, с гидропневмобаллонными муфтами. Установлено, что применение таких приводов позволяет равномерно распределить статические и динамические нагрузки между линиями передач каждого двигателя и ограничить их максимальную величину в резонансном режиме до безопасной величины.
In present article the dual pinion drive system with flexible rubber-cord shell couplings is considered. Considered couplings are interconnected by hose. The flexible couplings sketches, which are designed for torsion torque transmission 509kN-m to 814kN-m, and their visco-elastic characteristic formula are adduced. It is shown, that in mechanical systems of ball mill dual pinion drives the forced oscillations can excite. The forced oscillations caused by the accumulated error in the teeth pitch. As an example, the dynamics of the ball mill dual pinion drive with flexible rubber-cord shell couplings is shown. The equivalent dynamic diagram and forced oscillation equations of a synchronous dual pinion drives consists of rubber-cord shell couplings are adduced. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the motors and couplings moment of elasticity are adduced. It is shown that the application of considered couplings enables to distribute the static and dynamic load between transmissions of each motors uniformly. It also enables to reduce the dynamic impact and resonant load.
In present article the dual pinion drive system with flexible rubber-cord shell couplings is considered. Considered couplings are interconnected by hose. The flexible couplings sketches, which are designed for torsion torque transmission 509kN-m to 814kN-m, and their visco-elastic characteristic formula are adduced. It is shown, that in mechanical systems of ball mill dual pinion drives the forced oscillations can excite. The forced oscillations caused by the accumulated error in the teeth pitch. As an example, the dynamics of the ball mill dual pinion drive with flexible rubber-cord shell couplings is shown. The equivalent dynamic diagram and forced oscillation equations of a synchronous dual pinion drives consists of rubber-cord shell couplings are adduced. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the motors and couplings moment of elasticity are adduced. It is shown that the application of considered couplings enables to distribute the static and dynamic load between transmissions of each motors uniformly. It also enables to reduce the dynamic impact and resonant load.
Ключові слова
резинокордная оболочка, упругая муфта, распределение нагрузки, dual pinion drive, rubber-cord shell, flexible couplings, load sharing
Бібліографічний опис
Христенко А. В. Динамика двухдвигательных приводов с гидропневмобаллонными муфтами / А. В. Христенко, Б. В. Виноградов // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Проблемы механического привода. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 35 (1144). – С. 140-145.