Основи забезпечення еколого-енергетичної ефективності суднових дизелів стабілізацією температури палива сумішами холодоагентів
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05.05.03 – двигуни та енергетичні установки
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.05.03 – двигуни та енергетичні установки Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», м. Харків. 2023. Дисертація присвячена розробці теоретичних основ розрахунку властивостей перспективних сумішей холодоагентів з метою поліпшення еколого-енергетичної ефективності суднових двз шляхом використання системи стабілізації температури палива для підтримки його в'язкості у границях, передбачених заводом виробником. На підставі експериментальних та додатково отриманих опорних даних за методикою з використанням функції взаємодії компонентів суміші розроблені єдині моделі стану для розрахунку термодинамічних властивостей перспективних сумішей R32/R 125, R125/R290 та R134a/R290. Ці властивості необхідні для проектування холодильних установок суднових систем охолодження та кондиціонування на базі вказаних сумішей. Отримані моделі стану введені у автоматизовану інформаційну систему, за допомогою якої виконано аналіз термодинамічної поведінки сумішей холодоагентів у стані фазової рівноваги. У результаті аналізу визначені азеотропні склади досліджуваних сумішей та отримані таблиці термодинамічних властивостей сумішей у діапазонах температури та тиску характерних для роботи холодильних установок суднових систем охолодження. Проведено аналіз еколого-енергетичної ефективності холодильної установки системи стабілізації температури палива суднового дизельного двигуна який працює на паливі із наднизьким вмістом сірки. У результаті аналізу зроблено висновок про перспективність використання нових суміше й холодоагентів та їх компонентів як робочих речовин суднових холодильних установок.
Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.05.03 engines and power plants. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv. 2023. The dissertation deals with issues related to solving the scientific and applied problem of improving the environmental and energy efficiency of marine diesel engines and their systems in connection with the constant tightening of international requirements. Thermodynamic processes in diesel engines and in refrigeration units of fuel temperature stabilisation systems were chosen as the object of research. Refrigeration units on ships of various types and purposes are also used in many systems: in hold cooling systems on refrigerated ships, in gas re-liquefaction systems on LNG carriers, in air conditioning systems and in provisions stores on all types of ships. This work investigates the operating process of a marine diesel engine using ultra low sulphur fuels. Such fuels are recommended for use in marine vessels by the International Maritime Organization to reduce the volume of harmful emissions. In order to reduce the impact on the greenhouse effect, the paper proposes to use promising mixtures of ozone friendly and natural refrigerants for the refrigeration unit of the fuel temperature stabilisation system. As shown by the comprehensive ecological and thermo-economic analysis performed in this work, the use of new mixtures in the system for stabilising the fuel temperature of a marine diesel engine will improve the environmental performance of its refrigeration unit and achieve greater energy efficiency of the cycle than when using the components of the mixtures, one of which is a fairly common refrigerant. To analyze the possibility of efficient use of the studied mixtures as working substances of ship refrigeration systems, the method developed in this thesis was used to obtain models of the state of the mixtures to calculate their thermodynamic properties. To evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the calculation of thermodynamic properties using state models, a detailed comparison of the calculated values of the properties with the experimental data used to develop the models was performed. On the basis of experimental and additional reference data obtained using the method of the mixture components interaction function, unified state models were developed for calculating the ther modynamic properties of promising R32/R125, R125/R 290 and R134 a/R290 mixtures. These properties are necessary for the design of refrige of refrigerating plants of shif cooling and air conditioning systems when used the researching mixtures. An automated information system has been created to calculate the thermodynamic properties of a large number of substances (including the studied refrigerant mixtures), as well as the operating parameters of refrigeration units based on these substances. Using an automated information system, the thermodynamic behaviour of the mixtures in the state of phase equilibrium was investigated and the azeotropic compositions for each of them were determined. The use of azeotropic mixtures as working substances in refrigeration units of fuel temperature stabilisation systems creates the necessary conditions for their highly efficient operation. The values of the refrigeration coefficient, cooling capacity, and effective efficiency of the chiller of the fuel temperature stabilisation system using azeotropic mixtures and their components were calculated. The calculation results showed higher values of the main efficiency parameters when using refrigerant mixtures than when using their components. An analys of the ecological and energy efficiency of the refrigerating plant which is a part of the fuel temperature stabilizalization system of the ship's diesel enginine, which is a part of the fuel temperature stabilization system of the ship's dirsel engine, which runs on fuel with an ultra-low sulful content, was carried out. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the prospects of using new mixtures of refrigerants and their components as working substances of ship refrigerating plants.
Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.05.03 engines and power plants. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv. 2023. The dissertation deals with issues related to solving the scientific and applied problem of improving the environmental and energy efficiency of marine diesel engines and their systems in connection with the constant tightening of international requirements. Thermodynamic processes in diesel engines and in refrigeration units of fuel temperature stabilisation systems were chosen as the object of research. Refrigeration units on ships of various types and purposes are also used in many systems: in hold cooling systems on refrigerated ships, in gas re-liquefaction systems on LNG carriers, in air conditioning systems and in provisions stores on all types of ships. This work investigates the operating process of a marine diesel engine using ultra low sulphur fuels. Such fuels are recommended for use in marine vessels by the International Maritime Organization to reduce the volume of harmful emissions. In order to reduce the impact on the greenhouse effect, the paper proposes to use promising mixtures of ozone friendly and natural refrigerants for the refrigeration unit of the fuel temperature stabilisation system. As shown by the comprehensive ecological and thermo-economic analysis performed in this work, the use of new mixtures in the system for stabilising the fuel temperature of a marine diesel engine will improve the environmental performance of its refrigeration unit and achieve greater energy efficiency of the cycle than when using the components of the mixtures, one of which is a fairly common refrigerant. To analyze the possibility of efficient use of the studied mixtures as working substances of ship refrigeration systems, the method developed in this thesis was used to obtain models of the state of the mixtures to calculate their thermodynamic properties. To evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the calculation of thermodynamic properties using state models, a detailed comparison of the calculated values of the properties with the experimental data used to develop the models was performed. On the basis of experimental and additional reference data obtained using the method of the mixture components interaction function, unified state models were developed for calculating the ther modynamic properties of promising R32/R125, R125/R 290 and R134 a/R290 mixtures. These properties are necessary for the design of refrige of refrigerating plants of shif cooling and air conditioning systems when used the researching mixtures. An automated information system has been created to calculate the thermodynamic properties of a large number of substances (including the studied refrigerant mixtures), as well as the operating parameters of refrigeration units based on these substances. Using an automated information system, the thermodynamic behaviour of the mixtures in the state of phase equilibrium was investigated and the azeotropic compositions for each of them were determined. The use of azeotropic mixtures as working substances in refrigeration units of fuel temperature stabilisation systems creates the necessary conditions for their highly efficient operation. The values of the refrigeration coefficient, cooling capacity, and effective efficiency of the chiller of the fuel temperature stabilisation system using azeotropic mixtures and their components were calculated. The calculation results showed higher values of the main efficiency parameters when using refrigerant mixtures than when using their components. An analys of the ecological and energy efficiency of the refrigerating plant which is a part of the fuel temperature stabilizalization system of the ship's diesel enginine, which is a part of the fuel temperature stabilization system of the ship's dirsel engine, which runs on fuel with an ultra-low sulful content, was carried out. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the prospects of using new mixtures of refrigerants and their components as working substances of ship refrigerating plants.
Ключові слова
автореферат дисертації, екологічні вимоги, робочий процес, палива із наднизьким вмістом сірки, система стабілізації температури палива, дизельний двигун транспортного судна, суміші холодоагентів, моделі стану, термодинамічні властивості, автоматизована система, фазова рівновага, таблиці властивостей, перспективність використання, ecological requirements, working process, ultra-low sulfur fuels, fuel temperature stabilization system, marine diesel of transport vessel, refrigerant mixtures, equation of state, thermodynamic properties, automated system, phase equilibrium, property tables, perspectives of using
Бібліографічний опис
Мальчевський В. П. Основи забезпечення еколого-енергетичної ефективності суднових дизелів стабілізацією температури палива сумішами холодоагентів [Електронний ресурс] : реф. дис. ... д-ра техн. наук : спец. 05.05.03 / Валентин Павлович Мальчевський ; Одес. нац. морськ. ун-т ; Нац. техн. ун-т "Харків. політехн. ін-т". – Харків, 2023. – 45 с. – Бібліогр.: с. 36-43. – укр.