Схемно-конструктивні та технологічні особливості систем тригенерації для умов Близького Сходу
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Для країн Близького Сходу забезпечити нормальні умови існування населення - цілорічне стабільне отримання електричної енергії, гарячого водопостачання, кондиціювання та опалення приміщень, здатні системи тригенерації на основі сонячних енергетичних установок. Запропоновано малу сонячну енергетичну установку прямого перетворення енергії. Холодо- та теплопостачання приміщення
здійснюється парокомпресорною машиною через систему вентиляції зі зміною напряму та витрати обробленого зовнішнього повітря.
Trigeneration systems based on solar power plants are capable to ensure normal living conditions for the population – year-round stable generation of electric energy, hot water supply, air conditioning and space heating for the countries of the Middle East. Small solar power plant for direct energy conversion is worked out. The heat and cold supply system of the room at base of one-stage steam compressor machine working in wide range of temperatures and pressures is proposed. The selection of low boiling substance is based on its thermodynamic perfection. In the machine, the condenser and the evaporator areеру are the air heat exchangers. For changing of work modes of heat supply system at base of of heat pump and of air conditioning at base of refrigerating machine reverse of flow of working substance is not provided in heat exchangers. The total flow rate of external air through the ventilation system is distributed between the condenser and the evaporator in accordance with the necessary values. The outside air, which is prepared in corresponding apparatuses, through the ventilation system, while changing the direction and flow rate, provides the air conditioning or heating of the room. The proposed system provides provides high energy efficiency of cooling and heating modes, operational reliability and maintaining a constant comfortable temperature in the room for any seasonal and daily parameters of the outside air.
Trigeneration systems based on solar power plants are capable to ensure normal living conditions for the population – year-round stable generation of electric energy, hot water supply, air conditioning and space heating for the countries of the Middle East. Small solar power plant for direct energy conversion is worked out. The heat and cold supply system of the room at base of one-stage steam compressor machine working in wide range of temperatures and pressures is proposed. The selection of low boiling substance is based on its thermodynamic perfection. In the machine, the condenser and the evaporator areеру are the air heat exchangers. For changing of work modes of heat supply system at base of of heat pump and of air conditioning at base of refrigerating machine reverse of flow of working substance is not provided in heat exchangers. The total flow rate of external air through the ventilation system is distributed between the condenser and the evaporator in accordance with the necessary values. The outside air, which is prepared in corresponding apparatuses, through the ventilation system, while changing the direction and flow rate, provides the air conditioning or heating of the room. The proposed system provides provides high energy efficiency of cooling and heating modes, operational reliability and maintaining a constant comfortable temperature in the room for any seasonal and daily parameters of the outside air.
Бібліографічний опис
Схемно-конструктивні та технологічні особливості систем тригенерації для умов Близького Сходу / А. Є. Денисова [та ін.] // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Інноваційні дослідження у наукових роботах студентів = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Innovation researches in students’ scientific work : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 40 (1316). – С. 10-16