Модели и механизмы управления портфелем проектов охраны труда
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Рассматривается применение цепей Маркова в проектно-ориентированном управлении в области охраны труда и приводятся некоторые из результатов исследований портфеля проектов охраны труда. В условиях ограничения ресурсов на промышленных предприятиях необходимо рациональное управление проектами охраны труда. Определено, что запуск новых проектов охраны труда соответствующей направленности, в едином портфеле проектов, позволяет получить ожидаемое повышение уровня охраны труда на промышленном предприятии. Реализация этого возможно через создание портфеля проектов охраны труда. Качество формирования портфеля проектов охраны труда напрямую влияет на уровень охраны труда, а значит на уровень промышленной безопасности. Разработана модель управления портфелем проектов, которая воспроизводит фрагмент общей схемы взаимодействия проектов охраны труда разной направленности. Цепь Маркова является элементом системы управления охраной труда предприятия в целом и включает в себя правовые, социально-экономические, организационно-технические, лечебно-профилактические и санитарно-гигиенические проекты охраны труда. Приведенное математической описание модели портфеля проектов марковской цепи позволяет моделировать количественные параметры системы, а именно, изменения вероятностей состояний системы.
The application of Markov chains in the project-oriented management in the field of labor protection is considered and some of the results of studies of the portfolio of labor protection projects are given. The main objective of the study is to develop a model of portfolio management of labor protection projects, which reproduces a fragment of the general scheme of interaction between the main entities of labor protection projects of different orientations. In conditions of limiting resources in industrial enterprises, rational management of labor protection projects is necessary. It is determined that the launch of new labor protection projects of a corresponding orientation, in a unified portfolio of projects, allows to obtain the expected increase in the level of labor protection in an industrial enterprise. Realization of this is possible through the creation of a portfolio of labor protection projects. The quality of the formation of the portfolio of labor protection projects directly affects the level of labor protection, and thus the level of industrial safety. A model of project portfolio management is developed, which reproduces a fragment of the general scheme of interaction of labor protection projects of different directions. At the same time, the Markov chain is an element of the occupational safety and health management systems of the enterprise as a whole and includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, medical, preventive and sanitary-hygienic occupational safety projects, which allows to determine changes in the state of the system and to form the necessary control actions in portfolio of labor protection projects. The reduced mathematical description of the model of the portfolio of projects of the Markov chain allows one to model the quantitative parameters of the system, namely, the changes in the probabilities of the states of the system. The application of the Markov model makes it possible to take into account the impact of each focus of the labor protection project in a single portfolio.
The application of Markov chains in the project-oriented management in the field of labor protection is considered and some of the results of studies of the portfolio of labor protection projects are given. The main objective of the study is to develop a model of portfolio management of labor protection projects, which reproduces a fragment of the general scheme of interaction between the main entities of labor protection projects of different orientations. In conditions of limiting resources in industrial enterprises, rational management of labor protection projects is necessary. It is determined that the launch of new labor protection projects of a corresponding orientation, in a unified portfolio of projects, allows to obtain the expected increase in the level of labor protection in an industrial enterprise. Realization of this is possible through the creation of a portfolio of labor protection projects. The quality of the formation of the portfolio of labor protection projects directly affects the level of labor protection, and thus the level of industrial safety. A model of project portfolio management is developed, which reproduces a fragment of the general scheme of interaction of labor protection projects of different directions. At the same time, the Markov chain is an element of the occupational safety and health management systems of the enterprise as a whole and includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, medical, preventive and sanitary-hygienic occupational safety projects, which allows to determine changes in the state of the system and to form the necessary control actions in portfolio of labor protection projects. The reduced mathematical description of the model of the portfolio of projects of the Markov chain allows one to model the quantitative parameters of the system, namely, the changes in the probabilities of the states of the system. The application of the Markov model makes it possible to take into account the impact of each focus of the labor protection project in a single portfolio.
Бібліографічний опис
Модели и механизмы управления портфелем проектов охраны труда / А. В. Оганов [и др.] // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Серія: Стратегічне управління, управління портфелями, програмами та проектами = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 1 (1277). – С. 25-30.