Тепловий ефект при холодному видавлюванні порожнистих виробів
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Розглянуто тепловий ефект при холодному видавлюванні порожнистих виробів та його вплив на температуру робочого інструменту. Проведено чисельні експерименти з використанням методу скінченних елементів в програмному комплексі DEFORM 3D, що дозволило визначити залежність зміни температури заготовки, робочого інструменту від ступеня деформування. Визначено залежність зусилля виймання пуансону та виштовхування. Для експериментального дослідження було спроектовано та виготовлено технологічне оснащення. Представлено результати експериментального визначення залежності зміни температури робочого інструменту при холодному видавлюванні порожнистих виробів.
Processes cold die forging have several advantages, which allow for high-quality products with high material use 97%, and in some cases up to 100%. But these processes are characterized by significant specific stress on deforming tool and heat as a result of plastic deformation. If specific stress actingon the tool in many research works, the data related to the definition of thermal effects in the process of cold die forging and its influence on deforming tool and directly determine the temperature distribution in the volume of blanks available. Therefo re, the results of theoretical and experimental studies to determine the thermal effect and its impact on deforming tools presented in this paper are relevant. Numerical experiments using a finite element software complex DEFORM 3D, allowing to fully explore the process of reverse hollow extrusion products ranging from extrusion cavity and ending pushing blank matrix. Theoretical by the temperature distribution in the volume of blanks and experimentally determined maximum temperature of the workpiece and punch temperature dependence of the number of transactions.Reviewed by thermal effect of cold extrusion of hollow articles and its influence on the temperature of the working tool. Numerical experiments have been conducted using the finite element method i n the program complex DEFORM 3D, which allowed to determine the dependence of the temperature change of the tool from the workpiece deformation degree. Determined effort to plug retrieval of workpiece and push. For pilot studies were designed and manufactured tooling. Built the experimental dependence of temperature change a working tool in cold extrusion of hollow parts.
Processes cold die forging have several advantages, which allow for high-quality products with high material use 97%, and in some cases up to 100%. But these processes are characterized by significant specific stress on deforming tool and heat as a result of plastic deformation. If specific stress actingon the tool in many research works, the data related to the definition of thermal effects in the process of cold die forging and its influence on deforming tool and directly determine the temperature distribution in the volume of blanks available. Therefo re, the results of theoretical and experimental studies to determine the thermal effect and its impact on deforming tools presented in this paper are relevant. Numerical experiments using a finite element software complex DEFORM 3D, allowing to fully explore the process of reverse hollow extrusion products ranging from extrusion cavity and ending pushing blank matrix. Theoretical by the temperature distribution in the volume of blanks and experimentally determined maximum temperature of the workpiece and punch temperature dependence of the number of transactions.Reviewed by thermal effect of cold extrusion of hollow articles and its influence on the temperature of the working tool. Numerical experiments have been conducted using the finite element method i n the program complex DEFORM 3D, which allowed to determine the dependence of the temperature change of the tool from the workpiece deformation degree. Determined effort to plug retrieval of workpiece and push. For pilot studies were designed and manufactured tooling. Built the experimental dependence of temperature change a working tool in cold extrusion of hollow parts.
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Бібліографічний опис
Горностай В. М. Тепловий ефект при холодному видавлюванні порожнистих виробів / В. М. Горностай, С. Ф. Сабол, А. М. Потятини // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Інноваційні технології та обладнання обробки матеріалів у машинобудуванні та металургії = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : Innovative technologies and equipment handling materials in mechanical engineering and metallurgy. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 30 (1202). – С. 26-31.