Зміни вуглеводного комплексу плодів при зберіганні за обробки антиоксидантними композиціями
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Дослідження присвячені виявленню та науковому обґрунтуванню впливу комплексних антиоксидантних композицій на зміни вуглеводного комплексу плодів протягом тривалого холодильного зберігання. Встановлено, що обробка антиоксидантними композиціями збалансовує катаболічні та анаболічні процеси перетворення вуглеводів при зберіганні плодової продукції, зменшує у 1,1...5,0 разів інтенсивність процесів післязбирального перетворення розчинних сахаридів, у 1,6...4,7 разів швидкість оцукрення крохмалю та у 1,7...9,3 рази швидкість витрати пектинових речовин.
The studies are dedicated to the identification and scientific substantiation of the effect of complex antioxidant compositions on the changes in the carbohydrate complex of fruits during long refrigerated storage. Fruits of apple varieties dared, Aidared, Golden Delicions, Renet Symyrenka, Florina, fruits pear varieties Konferentsіia, Vіktorіia, Kiure, Іziumynka Krymu and plum fruit varieties cornflower, Voloshka, Stenlei, Uhorka italiis`ka were selected for researches. The processing with antioxidant compositions was made in storage by imprisoning them into the working solution prepaired in advance. Processing time - 10 seconds. The fruits were dried with the help of aeration. Variants of the processing: K –control, which was taken by the fruit, processed by water; Variant 1 - AKM - complex composition which contains a mixture dimetilsulfoskid, butilhidroksitoluol (ionol) of Polyethylene glycol; Varient 2 - AKRL - a mixture of ascorbic acid, rutin that lecithin; Variant 3 -DL - a mixture of dimetilsulfoskid, ionol of lecithin. The storage was done in plastic boxes 15 kg of fruit each. Storage temperature 0 ± 1 ° C, humidity 95%. It has been established that the treatment with antioxidant compositions balances catabolic and anabolic processes of carbohydrate conversion during storage of fruit products, reduces the intensity of the processes of post-harvest metabolism of soluble saccharides in 1,1 ... 5,0 times, in 1,6 ... 4,7 times the saccharification rate starch and in 1,7 ... 9,3 times the rate of consumption of pectin substances. It is shown that pectic substances, along with starch, are used as the main reserve substance for the synthesis of sugars. A strong negative correlation between the intensity of breathing and pectin substances confirms the active involvement of the latter in the respiratory metabolism of the fruit.
The studies are dedicated to the identification and scientific substantiation of the effect of complex antioxidant compositions on the changes in the carbohydrate complex of fruits during long refrigerated storage. Fruits of apple varieties dared, Aidared, Golden Delicions, Renet Symyrenka, Florina, fruits pear varieties Konferentsіia, Vіktorіia, Kiure, Іziumynka Krymu and plum fruit varieties cornflower, Voloshka, Stenlei, Uhorka italiis`ka were selected for researches. The processing with antioxidant compositions was made in storage by imprisoning them into the working solution prepaired in advance. Processing time - 10 seconds. The fruits were dried with the help of aeration. Variants of the processing: K –control, which was taken by the fruit, processed by water; Variant 1 - AKM - complex composition which contains a mixture dimetilsulfoskid, butilhidroksitoluol (ionol) of Polyethylene glycol; Varient 2 - AKRL - a mixture of ascorbic acid, rutin that lecithin; Variant 3 -DL - a mixture of dimetilsulfoskid, ionol of lecithin. The storage was done in plastic boxes 15 kg of fruit each. Storage temperature 0 ± 1 ° C, humidity 95%. It has been established that the treatment with antioxidant compositions balances catabolic and anabolic processes of carbohydrate conversion during storage of fruit products, reduces the intensity of the processes of post-harvest metabolism of soluble saccharides in 1,1 ... 5,0 times, in 1,6 ... 4,7 times the saccharification rate starch and in 1,7 ... 9,3 times the rate of consumption of pectin substances. It is shown that pectic substances, along with starch, are used as the main reserve substance for the synthesis of sugars. A strong negative correlation between the intensity of breathing and pectin substances confirms the active involvement of the latter in the respiratory metabolism of the fruit.
Ключові слова
цукор, крохмаль, пектин, твердість, antioxidants, carbohydrates, sugars, starch, pectin substances, hardness, storage
Бібліографічний опис
Сердюк М. Є. Зміни вуглеводного комплексу плодів при зберіганні за обробки антиоксидантними композиціями / М. Є. Сердюк // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 53 (1274). – С. 137-145.