Технические решения трехфазного маломагнитного компактного трансформатора

dc.contributor.authorСтавинский, Андрей Андреевичru
dc.contributor.authorАвдеева, Елена Андреевнаru
dc.contributor.authorПлахтырь, Олег Олеговичru
dc.contributor.authorСтавинский, Ростислав Андреевичru
dc.contributor.authorЦыганов, Александр Николаевичru
dc.description.abstractПоказана возможность снижения внешнего магнитного поля, контурного объема и трудоемкости производства пространственных аксиальных электромагнитных систем специальных трехфазных трансформаторов и реакторов. Усовершенствование достигается симметрированием положений фазных элементов в пространстве при параллельных поверхностях смежных стержней и упрощением конфигураций разверток секций и сечений стержней соответственно витых и навито-шихтованных магнитопроводов при нетрадиционных образующих контурах стержней и обмоточных катушек.ru
dc.description.abstractElements of electrical equipment are subject to environmental and special norms for limiting the levels of the external magnetic field and contour volume. The basics of the designs of most power three-phase transformers are electromagnetic systems by planar magnetic cores. In this case, the three-phase transformers in production without external compensation devices do not respond the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility. The aim of the work is to analyze the possibility of developing low-magnetic three-phase transformers and reactors. The concept of the symmetrization and transformation of the structures of the magnetic circuit elements are used. The unconventional design and technological solutions of variants of axial spatial electromagnetic systems with twisted and combined butt magnetic cores are grounded. Traditional planar and spatial magnetic cores are characterized by circular forming contours of rods and winding coils. Such contours extremely complicate the solution of the problem of symmetry of structures and positions of the elements of rods and yokes in the space. The replacement of circular forming contours by polyhedral and sectoral contours forms sections of parallel lateral surfaces of adjacent rods. These contours make it possible to balance the masses and dimensions of the rods, as well as the positions of the elements of the axial spatial magnetic cores in the space, which is a condition of practical non-magnetism. Relatively to analogs with circular forming contours, the laboriousness of producing magnetic circuits and increasing the compactness of the spatial electromagnetic systems of transformers and reactors with reduced labor input are also reduced.en
dc.description.abstractElements of electrical equipment are subject to environmental and special norms for limiting the levels of the external magnetic field and contour volume. The basics of the designs of most power three-phase transformers are electromagnetic systems by planar magnetic cores. In this case, the three-phase transformers in production without external compensation devices do not respond the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility. The aim of the work is to analyze the possibility of developing low-magnetic three-phase transformers and reactors. The concept of the symmetrization and transformation of the structures of the magnetic circuit elements are used. The unconventional design and technological solutions of variants of axial spatial electromagnetic systems with twisted and combined butt magnetic cores are grounded. Traditional planar and spatial magnetic cores are characterized by circular forming contours of rods and winding coils. Such contours extremely complicate the solution of the problem of symmetry of structures and positions of the elements of rods and yokes in the space. The replacement of circular forming contours by polyhedral and sectoral contours forms sections of parallel lateral surfaces of adjacent rods. These contours make it possible to balance the masses and dimensions of the rods, as well as the positions of the elements of the axial spatial magnetic cores in the space, which is a condition of practical non-magnetism. Relatively to analogs with circular forming contours, the laboriousness of producing magnetic circuits and increasing the compactness of the spatial electromagnetic systems of transformers and reactors with reduced labor input are also reduced.en
dc.identifier.citationТехнические решения трехфазного маломагнитного компактного трансформатора / А. А. Ставинский [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Електричні машини та електромеханічне перетворення енергії = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. sci. papers. Ser. : Electrical Machines and Electromechanical Energy Conversion. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 5 (1281). – С. 116-122.ru
dc.publisherНТУ "ХПИ"ru
dc.subjectвнешнее магнитное полеru
dc.subjectthree-phase transformeren
dc.subjectexternal magnetic fielden
dc.subjectmagnetic coreen
dc.titleТехнические решения трехфазного маломагнитного компактного трансформатораru
dc.title.alternativeTechnical solutions of three-phase low-magnetic compact transformeren


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