Анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния облицовки сталежелезобетонной спиральной камеры гидротурбины РО310-В-600 при гидроиспытании
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Создана математическая модель для исследования НДС узла "статор-спиральная камера" РО310-В-600 согласно разработанной схеме гидроиспытания. Результаты выполненного численного исследования МКЭ позволили выявить особенности НДС узла "статор-спиральная камера" гидротурбины РО310-В-600 при гидроиспытании. Выявлены зоны локализации напряжений. Определено влияние на уровень напряжений конструктивных особенностей.
Current regulatory documents include certain provisions related to the issues of calculation and design of large-diameter circular spiral cases for high heads. Spiral case designs are classified into the following types: a steel spiral case covered with a soft gasket separating the spiral shell from the reinforced concrete of the turbine block; a composite reinforced concrete spiral case without any deformable gasket between the bearing structure and mass reinforced concrete of the turbine block where forces are taken up jointly by the steel shell and reinforcement cage; a composite reinforced concrete spiral case with a deformable gasket at the top, between the bearing composite reinforced concrete structure and mass reinforced concrete of the turbine block. The used type of design is mainly determined by the value of HD parameter (product of water column height and spiral case inlet diameter). An overview is given, of the existing numerical methods to analyze the strain-stress behavior of stay ring/spiral case assembly. A mathematical model is created for stress-strain analysis of stay ring/spiral case assembly of hydroturbine РО310-В-600 according to the developed hydrotesting pattern.
Current regulatory documents include certain provisions related to the issues of calculation and design of large-diameter circular spiral cases for high heads. Spiral case designs are classified into the following types: a steel spiral case covered with a soft gasket separating the spiral shell from the reinforced concrete of the turbine block; a composite reinforced concrete spiral case without any deformable gasket between the bearing structure and mass reinforced concrete of the turbine block where forces are taken up jointly by the steel shell and reinforcement cage; a composite reinforced concrete spiral case with a deformable gasket at the top, between the bearing composite reinforced concrete structure and mass reinforced concrete of the turbine block. The used type of design is mainly determined by the value of HD parameter (product of water column height and spiral case inlet diameter). An overview is given, of the existing numerical methods to analyze the strain-stress behavior of stay ring/spiral case assembly. A mathematical model is created for stress-strain analysis of stay ring/spiral case assembly of hydroturbine РО310-В-600 according to the developed hydrotesting pattern.
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Ровный К. Н. Анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния облицовки сталежелезобетонной спиральной камеры гидротурбины РО310-В-600 при гидроиспытании / К. Н. Ровный, А. В. Душин // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Гидравлические машины и гидроагрегаты = Bulletin of National Technical Unversity "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Hydraulic machines and hydrounits. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 45 (1154). – С. 82-85.