Деформация поля компетенций в инновационных проектах
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Рассматривается использование компетентностного подхода в программах инновационного развития организаций. Проведен анализ последних достижение в мире и Украине в области применения компетентностного подхода в программах организационного развития. Приведены принципы таксономии Блума для формирования полей компетенций и компетентности. Сформулирован принцип искривления поля компетенций в инновационных проектах и программах. Применение модели с учетом деформации поля компетенций позволяет повысить точность модели и определить траектории развития компетентности менеджеров проектов, команд и организации. Приведен пример оценки компетентности организации на основе модели IPMA Delta.
The use of a competence-based approach in the programs of innovative development organisations is considered. An analysis of the latest achievements in the world and Ukraine in the field of application of the competency approach in the programs of organisational development is done. The principles of Bloom's taxonomy to generate fields of competence and expertise are given. The principle of the curvature of field of competencies in innovative projects and programs is formulated. Application of the model taking into account the deformation of the competencies of the field allows to increase the accuracy of the model and to determine the trajectory of development of competence of project managers, teams and organizations. An example of an organisation competency assessment based on IPMA Delta model is given. The successful implementation of innovative projects and programs provided by the creative use of competency approach. This approach can be used as a common language of communication, which brings together the organization and employees, tasks and performers. Thus the development of the organization and development of personnel takes place at the same time.
The use of a competence-based approach in the programs of innovative development organisations is considered. An analysis of the latest achievements in the world and Ukraine in the field of application of the competency approach in the programs of organisational development is done. The principles of Bloom's taxonomy to generate fields of competence and expertise are given. The principle of the curvature of field of competencies in innovative projects and programs is formulated. Application of the model taking into account the deformation of the competencies of the field allows to increase the accuracy of the model and to determine the trajectory of development of competence of project managers, teams and organizations. An example of an organisation competency assessment based on IPMA Delta model is given. The successful implementation of innovative projects and programs provided by the creative use of competency approach. This approach can be used as a common language of communication, which brings together the organization and employees, tasks and performers. Thus the development of the organization and development of personnel takes place at the same time.
Ключові слова
компетенции, компетентность, поле компетенций, таксономия Блума, инновационный проект, competence, competence field, Bloom's taxonomy, innovative project
Бібліографічний опис
Бушуев С. Д. Деформация поля компетенций в инновационных проектах / С. Д. Бушуев, Д. А. Бушуев, Р. Ф. Ярошенко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Стратегічне управління, управління портфелями, програмами та проектами = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 2 (1224). – С. 3-7.