Деформируемость металла в процессе трехстороннего комбинированного выдавливания
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Рассмотрен процесс комбинированного трехстороннего выдавливания полой детали. Моделирование проводилось с целью определения предельного формоизменения в условиях холодного деформирования заготовок из алюминиевого сплава АД31. Проанализировано напряжённо-деформированное состояние с учетом влияния основных технологических параметров. Установлена наиболее опасная зона, где будет наблюдаться разрушение детали, и определеное значение критической степени деформации.
The process of the combined three lateral radial longitudinal extrusion for hollow member having an axial appendage and the flange is considered. The simulation was performed in deformation state to determine the fracture criterion cold deformation the aluminum alloy AD31. The calculations were performed with the use of the software engineering program is named QForm 2D. The stress strain analysis with different technical parameters such as flange thickness, diameter of the appendix, the thickness of the bottom and edges of the radii of transition considered. It was found that the critical zone in which the risk of fracture is the outer periphery of the flange. Analyzed the scheme of the stress state and the basic parameters for the determination of resource exhaustion of plasticity. As a result of research obtained by the logarithmic degree of deformation, which will be observed at the beginning of the destruction of the outer flange part
The process of the combined three lateral radial longitudinal extrusion for hollow member having an axial appendage and the flange is considered. The simulation was performed in deformation state to determine the fracture criterion cold deformation the aluminum alloy AD31. The calculations were performed with the use of the software engineering program is named QForm 2D. The stress strain analysis with different technical parameters such as flange thickness, diameter of the appendix, the thickness of the bottom and edges of the radii of transition considered. It was found that the critical zone in which the risk of fracture is the outer periphery of the flange. Analyzed the scheme of the stress state and the basic parameters for the determination of resource exhaustion of plasticity. As a result of research obtained by the logarithmic degree of deformation, which will be observed at the beginning of the destruction of the outer flange part
Ключові слова
пластическое деформирование, ресурс пластичности, комбинированное выдавливание, фланец, разрушение, combined extrusion, plasticity resource, flange, destruction
Бібліографічний опис
Алиева Л. И. Деформируемость металла в процессе трехстороннего комбинированного выдавливания / Л. И. Алиева, А. К. Шкира, К. В.Гончарук // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Инновационные технологии и оборудование обработки материалов в машиностроении и металлургии. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 43 (1086). – С. 3-7.