Європейський підхід до підготовки спеціалістів із охорони праці
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Назва тому
На теперішній час в Україні стали багато уваги звертати на Європейські цінності, у тому числі, закони та норми, що стосуються питань охорони праці. Тому у статті розглянуто питання Євроі-нтеграції освіти щодо безпеки та гігієни праці. Представлено доповідь по роботі Європейського агентства з безпеки та гігієни праці (occupational safety and health - OSHA) і організація аналогі-чного освіти в Україні. Показані Міжнародні стандарти з безпеки і ризиків, а також організація підготовки фахівців і завдання вищої освіти на сучасному етапі.
The article discusses that at the currently in Ukraine were a lot of attention paid to European values, including laws and regulations concerning labor protection. We in Ukraine and in Western Europe for many years ascertain the presence of industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The only difference is in the number and severity of cases, and in the work to prevent these situations like this, that is - prevention. We are far ahead of all of Western Europe at this the bad performance. The our country began to study international experience in addressing these issues at the last 10-15 years but remains to be done for its application in full. No European or world that approaches cannot solve the issue, to reduce injuries, no integrated and comprehensive application of all instruments regulating these issues at all levels, from government to the most ordinary worker. To solve the pressing issues to reduce injuries and occupational diseases in manufacturing possible only under use of modern equipment, workers work in a comfortable environment, the availability of high culture labor leaders and subordinates, training and monitoring real knowledge of safety and more. Now we want to step up to the European culture and have heavy chains of inheritance, which do not allow doing so. The main hope for the resolution of these issues is assigned to a new generation of young professionals who are currently preparing universities Ukraine. We must learn from the experience of experts and make their national approaches to the problems of occupational safety and health at work.
The article discusses that at the currently in Ukraine were a lot of attention paid to European values, including laws and regulations concerning labor protection. We in Ukraine and in Western Europe for many years ascertain the presence of industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The only difference is in the number and severity of cases, and in the work to prevent these situations like this, that is - prevention. We are far ahead of all of Western Europe at this the bad performance. The our country began to study international experience in addressing these issues at the last 10-15 years but remains to be done for its application in full. No European or world that approaches cannot solve the issue, to reduce injuries, no integrated and comprehensive application of all instruments regulating these issues at all levels, from government to the most ordinary worker. To solve the pressing issues to reduce injuries and occupational diseases in manufacturing possible only under use of modern equipment, workers work in a comfortable environment, the availability of high culture labor leaders and subordinates, training and monitoring real knowledge of safety and more. Now we want to step up to the European culture and have heavy chains of inheritance, which do not allow doing so. The main hope for the resolution of these issues is assigned to a new generation of young professionals who are currently preparing universities Ukraine. We must learn from the experience of experts and make their national approaches to the problems of occupational safety and health at work.
Ключові слова
євроінтеграція, підготовка фахівців, безпека праці, ризик, індикатори, стандарти, European integration, education, professionals, safety, risk, indicators
Бібліографічний опис
Березуцький В. В. Європейський підхід до підготовки спеціалістів із охорони праці / В. В. Березуцький // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Механіко-технологічні системи та комплекси. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2015. – № 21 (1130). – С. 155-163.