Факторы, снижающие достоверность тепловизионной диагностики трубопроводов агрегатных залов АЭС
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Рассмотрены результаты тепловизионного обследования паропроводов высокого давления и основного конденсата атомной станции. Указаны условия и методика проведения тепловизионного контроля отдельных участков трубопроводов. Проанализированы внешние факторы, затрудняющие выявление внутренних скрытых дефектов (влияние освещения, цилиндрической формы объектов, мощных внешних источников тепла). Обнаружено, что кавитационные дефекты имеют "тепловой след". Предложено применение тепловидения как эффективного метода экспресс-контроля, позволяющего быстро определять по температурным аномалиям места для детального изучения другими методами неразрушающего контроля.
The results of thermographic examination of high pressure steam lines and main condensate pipelines of nuclear power plant are considered. The conditions and technique of thermographic examination of particular parts of pipelines are described. Qualitative features and quantitative characteristics of external factors, which make it difficult to identify internal hidden defects, have been analyzed. These factors are lighting, cylindrical shape of objects, powerful external heat sources. It was found, that cavitation defects have a "heat trace". A hidden defect having a cavitation nature has been revealed, and the signs of its identification are described. The presence of detected defect is confirmed by the standard ultrasound method. Thermographic examination was proved to be an effective express-control method for quickly determining by temperature anomalies the localities for a detailed study which must be carried out by other methods of non-destructing control. The background of thermal testing the pipelines of nuclear power plant aggregate halls are laid. It is suggested to introduce thermal testing in the list of standard test procedures in nuclear power plants.
The results of thermographic examination of high pressure steam lines and main condensate pipelines of nuclear power plant are considered. The conditions and technique of thermographic examination of particular parts of pipelines are described. Qualitative features and quantitative characteristics of external factors, which make it difficult to identify internal hidden defects, have been analyzed. These factors are lighting, cylindrical shape of objects, powerful external heat sources. It was found, that cavitation defects have a "heat trace". A hidden defect having a cavitation nature has been revealed, and the signs of its identification are described. The presence of detected defect is confirmed by the standard ultrasound method. Thermographic examination was proved to be an effective express-control method for quickly determining by temperature anomalies the localities for a detailed study which must be carried out by other methods of non-destructing control. The background of thermal testing the pipelines of nuclear power plant aggregate halls are laid. It is suggested to introduce thermal testing in the list of standard test procedures in nuclear power plants.
Бібліографічний опис
Мешков С. Н. Факторы, снижающие достоверность тепловизионной диагностики трубопроводов агрегатных залов АЭС / С. Н. Мешков, Р. П. Орел // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Електроенергетика та перетворювальна техніка : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 8 (1284). – С. 39-44.