3D-Моделирование и расчеты привода главного движения фрезерного станка с шестишпиндельной револьверной головкой
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Построены 3D-модели специализированного вертикального фрезерно-сверлильного станка второго типоразмера модели СФ16МФ3 в интегрированной САПР КОМПАС-3D и проведено комплексное исследование напряженно-деформированного состояния деталей привода главного движения и револьверной головки в модулях АРМSHAFT, АРМBEAR и АРМSTRUCTURE 3D.
The 3D-models of the specialized vertical milling-drilling machine-tool of second type dimension of model SF16МF3 are built in integrated CAD of КОМPAS- 3D with the use of facilities of parameterizations and possibilities of the specialized libraries. The parameterization models for class of details are worked out "step shaft" with the use of syntax of the programmatic module of АРМ GRAPH. The calculations of base details for drive of main motion of the machine-tool of SF16МF3, equipped by a revolver head with six spindles in the system АРМ WinMachine, are executed. Procedure of calculation of shafts for box of speeds in machine-tool is considered in the environment of the specialized module of APM SHAFT, all cycle of design of shafts and axes is executed in that, beginning from development of construction and ending a static and dynamic calculation. In this procedure description of the deformed state of shaft is used by the method of Mohr, and opening of static indefinableness iscarried out by the method of forces. The calculation of supports of spindle is realized in the module of АРМ BEAR, the feature of that is an account of errors of bodies and raceway of bearing. In the process of calculation of the roller radial double-row bearing the different variants of distribution for normal forces are considered depending on credible virtual position of bearing center. An all-round analysis is executed tensely - deformed state of spindle for machine-tool in the module of АРМ STRUCTURE - 3D by the finite elements method. The fields of equivalent stress and moving are built to the different sections of the designed object.
The 3D-models of the specialized vertical milling-drilling machine-tool of second type dimension of model SF16МF3 are built in integrated CAD of КОМPAS- 3D with the use of facilities of parameterizations and possibilities of the specialized libraries. The parameterization models for class of details are worked out "step shaft" with the use of syntax of the programmatic module of АРМ GRAPH. The calculations of base details for drive of main motion of the machine-tool of SF16МF3, equipped by a revolver head with six spindles in the system АРМ WinMachine, are executed. Procedure of calculation of shafts for box of speeds in machine-tool is considered in the environment of the specialized module of APM SHAFT, all cycle of design of shafts and axes is executed in that, beginning from development of construction and ending a static and dynamic calculation. In this procedure description of the deformed state of shaft is used by the method of Mohr, and opening of static indefinableness iscarried out by the method of forces. The calculation of supports of spindle is realized in the module of АРМ BEAR, the feature of that is an account of errors of bodies and raceway of bearing. In the process of calculation of the roller radial double-row bearing the different variants of distribution for normal forces are considered depending on credible virtual position of bearing center. An all-round analysis is executed tensely - deformed state of spindle for machine-tool in the module of АРМ STRUCTURE - 3D by the finite elements method. The fields of equivalent stress and moving are built to the different sections of the designed object.
шпиндель, жесткость, опора, САПР, 3D-model, machine-tool, spindle, stiffness, support, CAD
Кроль О. С. 3D-Моделирование и расчеты привода главного движения фрезерного станка с шестишпиндельной револьверной головкой / О. С. Кроль, В. В. Журавлев // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Механико-технологические системы и комплексы. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 40 (1083). – С. 87-99.