Розробка рецептури пива з додаванням хвойного екстракту
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Запропоновано розробку рецептури пива з додаванням нетрадиційної рослинної сировини та побудовано математичну модель із метою прогнозування вмісту хмелю та хвої сосни звичайної. Доведено доцільність часткової заміни хмелю на хвою сосни звичайної та визначено вплив цих інгредієнтів на органолептичні показники і вміст дубильних речовин у готовому продукті. Установлено співвідношення складових рецептури, які забезпечили максимальне наближення до заданих показників розробленого пива. Визначено хімічний склад розробленого пива.
Hop responsible for the characteristic taste and aroma of beer, but recent research scientists give reason to believe the negative impact of hops in the human body. Partial replacement hops on plant material or extracts in the manufacture of beer positive impact on the quality of the finished drink because it is a source of natural antioxidants and reduces the negative effects of alcohol. The goal is to develop formulations of beer with hops partial replacement needles on pine that provide high biological value drinks and significantly reduce the negative impact of hops in the human body. Built beer recipes regression model with the addition of pine extract, the correlation components of the formulation that makes it possible to get a drink of high biological value with pronounced hop bitterness and a refreshing pine tone and partial replacement of pine needles hops will reduce the cost of the finished beer. The expediency of partial replacement hops on needles of pine and the influence of these ingredients on the organoleptic properties and the content of tannins in the finished product. It is established that the content of pine needles in terms of sublimated substance can not be more than 20% by weight of the estimated norm hop, enough to preserve the bitterness and aroma hops.
Hop responsible for the characteristic taste and aroma of beer, but recent research scientists give reason to believe the negative impact of hops in the human body. Partial replacement hops on plant material or extracts in the manufacture of beer positive impact on the quality of the finished drink because it is a source of natural antioxidants and reduces the negative effects of alcohol. The goal is to develop formulations of beer with hops partial replacement needles on pine that provide high biological value drinks and significantly reduce the negative impact of hops in the human body. Built beer recipes regression model with the addition of pine extract, the correlation components of the formulation that makes it possible to get a drink of high biological value with pronounced hop bitterness and a refreshing pine tone and partial replacement of pine needles hops will reduce the cost of the finished beer. The expediency of partial replacement hops on needles of pine and the influence of these ingredients on the organoleptic properties and the content of tannins in the finished product. It is established that the content of pine needles in terms of sublimated substance can not be more than 20% by weight of the estimated norm hop, enough to preserve the bitterness and aroma hops.
Ключові слова
пиво, екстракт, хвоя, хміль, дубильні речовини, математична модель, beer, extract, pine needles, hop, tannins, mathematical model
Бібліографічний опис
Пенкіна Н. М. Розробка рецептури пива з додаванням хвойного екстракту / Н. М. Пенкіна, Л. В. Татар // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Механіко-технологічні системи та комплекси. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 7 (1179). – С. 85-90.