Модель системи менеджменту якості верстатобудівного підприємства
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Назва тому
Розробка моделей та методів, які б дозволили підвищувати конкурентну спроможність підприємств за рахунок вдосконалення процесів управління є важливим завданням проектного менеджменту. У роботі виконано удосконалення існуючої системи менеджменту якості верстатобудівного підприємства ХК МІКРОН® та доведено, що введення нових процесів (відповідно до ISO 9001:2009) є важливим й науково-обґрунтованим кроком для підвищення рівня технологічної зрілості підприємства та структурної модернізації управління.
Development of models and methods such that would improve the competitive position of enterprises by improving management processes is an important task of project management. Lack of project management within the information technology and continuous improvement of methods for the management of the environment, interaction, community, value and trust, based on the strategic objectives of enterprises and based on models that take into account the relationship of the system, resulting in significant material and resource costs. In the current work the improvement of the quality management system machine-tool company HC MIKRON® and proved that the introduction of new processes critical analysis requirements for products, support processes of the products to consumers and enterprises in the formation of a system of responsibility, division of responsibilities and reporting (according to ISO 9001: 2009) is an important scientific and reasonable step to improve the level of technological maturity and structural modernization of enterprise management. For improved structure of the analysis model and test the properties of ergodicity, as a condition of efficiency, a new quality management system.
Development of models and methods such that would improve the competitive position of enterprises by improving management processes is an important task of project management. Lack of project management within the information technology and continuous improvement of methods for the management of the environment, interaction, community, value and trust, based on the strategic objectives of enterprises and based on models that take into account the relationship of the system, resulting in significant material and resource costs. In the current work the improvement of the quality management system machine-tool company HC MIKRON® and proved that the introduction of new processes critical analysis requirements for products, support processes of the products to consumers and enterprises in the formation of a system of responsibility, division of responsibilities and reporting (according to ISO 9001: 2009) is an important scientific and reasonable step to improve the level of technological maturity and structural modernization of enterprise management. For improved structure of the analysis model and test the properties of ergodicity, as a condition of efficiency, a new quality management system.
Бібліографічний опис
Модель системи менеджменту якості верстатобудівного підприємства / К. В. Колеснікова [та ін.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Стратегічне управління, управління портфелями, програмами та проектами = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 1 (1173). – С. 91-96.