Компьютерное моделирование изгибания бурильной колонны при ее осевом и вращательном движениях





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Используя теорию гибких криволинейных стержней, поставлена задача об упругом изгибании бурильных колонн в каналах глубоких наклонно-направленных скважин с геометрическим несовершенствами их осевых линий в форме локализованных гармоник. Численными методами выполнен анализ зависимости сил сопротивления при спуске колонны от параметра отношения линейных скоростей осевого и вращательного движения. Проанализированы результаты компьютерного моделирования.
The problem of computer simulation of deep curvilinear drilling operations is considered. The system of non-linear differential equations is derived on the basis of the theory of curvilinear flexible elastic rods. It permits one to describe quasi-static effects of the drill string bending accompanying the processes of its raising, lowering and rotation inside deep curvilinear boreholes. The techniques for numerical solution of the constructed equations are elaborated. With their use the phenomena of the drill string movement accompanied by emergency situations are considered. The bore-hole axis line distortions in the shape of localized harmonics of the bore-hole axis line are considered for different lengths and deeps of the wells. The improved mathematical model of non-linear elastic deforming of drill strings in the channels of curvilinear bore-holes is created. On the basis of usage of a specially chosen movable reference frame, the simplified constitutive equations are elaborated. They differ by absence of singularities connected with transformation of the radii of curvature and twist into infinity.The computer analysis of influence of the bore-hole axis line geometry imperfections on the forces resisting to drill string motion during performing lifting-lowering operations is performed. The questions of the forces minimization through the choice of optimal ratio between the velocities of axial and rotary motions are considered.Computer analysis of influence of the bore-hole axis line harmonic imperfections on the resistance forces impeding the drill string motion (the friction forces) is performed for the lowering operation.


Бібліографічний опис

Андрусенко Е. Н. Компьютерное моделирование изгибания бурильной колонны при ее осевом и вращательном движениях / Е. Н. Андрусенко // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Новые решения в современных технологиях. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 39 (1148). – С. 9-13.




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