Алкоголіз тригліцеридів етанолом у присутності солей двовалентних металів
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Досліджено реакцію алкоголізу тригліцеридів етанолом та естеро-альдегідною фракцією у присутності солей двовалентних металів – ацетатів нікелю, купруму (II), оксалатів нікелю, сульфатів нікелю, мангану (II), купруму (II), цинку, кадмію, хлоридів стануму (II), кобальту (II) та стеарату кадмію. Встановлено, що в їх присутності конверсія тригліцеридів перевищує 98%. Найактивнішим каталізатором з усіх досліджених органічних солей двовалентних металів є ацетат купруму (II), а з досліджених неорганічних солей ‒ сульфат купруму (II). У реакції алкоголізу естеро-альдегідною фракцією конверсія тригліцеридів досягає 95% у присутності неорганічної солі ‒ хлориду стануму (II). Виявлено, що солі двовалентних металів доцільно використовувати як каталізатори реакції алкоголізу, оскільки це дозволяє досягнути високих значень конверсії триолеату гліцерину за короткий час.
The reaction of transesterification of triglycerides by ethanol and ester-aldehyde fraction in the presence of salts of divalent metals namely nickel acetate, copper (II) acetate, nickel oxalate, nickel sulfate, manganese (II) sulfate, copper (II) sulfate, zinc sulfate, cadmium sulfate, tin (II) chloride, cobalt (II) chloride and cadmium stearate was investigated. It has been established that the triglyceride conversion in their presence exceeds 98%. The most active catalyst of all studied organic salts of divalent metals is copper (II) acetate and of inorganic salts is copper (II) sulfate. The conversion of triglycerides reaches 95% in the reaction their transesterification by ester-aldehyde fraction in the presence of inorganic salts such us tin (II) chloride. Such differences in the results obtained from the use of ethanol and ester-aldehyde fraction can be caused by several factors including the presence of significant amounts of water and other impurities in the composition of ester-aldehyde fraction. Different molar ratios and the use of salts containing other metal cations have significant affect on the conversion triglycerides. For the studied catalysts it was calculated the initial rate of conversion of triglycerides which makes it possible to compare the activity of salts of divalent metals as catalysts of transesterification reaction. This indicates that during transesterification reaction hydrolysis of triglycerides does not occur and free fatty acids are not formed. It has been revealed that salts of divalent metals can be used as transesterification catalysts since it enables to reach high values of conversion of triglycerides. It was shown that time of achieving equilibrium conversion of triglycerides more depend on the nature of the metal cations and much less on the nature of the anion salt. It was found that the salts of divalent metals partially are soluble in the reaction mixture what creates the problem of separating the catalyst from the reaction products.
The reaction of transesterification of triglycerides by ethanol and ester-aldehyde fraction in the presence of salts of divalent metals namely nickel acetate, copper (II) acetate, nickel oxalate, nickel sulfate, manganese (II) sulfate, copper (II) sulfate, zinc sulfate, cadmium sulfate, tin (II) chloride, cobalt (II) chloride and cadmium stearate was investigated. It has been established that the triglyceride conversion in their presence exceeds 98%. The most active catalyst of all studied organic salts of divalent metals is copper (II) acetate and of inorganic salts is copper (II) sulfate. The conversion of triglycerides reaches 95% in the reaction their transesterification by ester-aldehyde fraction in the presence of inorganic salts such us tin (II) chloride. Such differences in the results obtained from the use of ethanol and ester-aldehyde fraction can be caused by several factors including the presence of significant amounts of water and other impurities in the composition of ester-aldehyde fraction. Different molar ratios and the use of salts containing other metal cations have significant affect on the conversion triglycerides. For the studied catalysts it was calculated the initial rate of conversion of triglycerides which makes it possible to compare the activity of salts of divalent metals as catalysts of transesterification reaction. This indicates that during transesterification reaction hydrolysis of triglycerides does not occur and free fatty acids are not formed. It has been revealed that salts of divalent metals can be used as transesterification catalysts since it enables to reach high values of conversion of triglycerides. It was shown that time of achieving equilibrium conversion of triglycerides more depend on the nature of the metal cations and much less on the nature of the anion salt. It was found that the salts of divalent metals partially are soluble in the reaction mixture what creates the problem of separating the catalyst from the reaction products.
Ключові слова
триолеат гліцерину, етанол, естеро-альдегідна фракція, органічні солі, salts of divalent metals, ester-aldehyde fraction
Бібліографічний опис
Палюх З. Ю. Алкоголіз тригліцеридів етанолом у присутності солей двовалентних металів / З. Ю. Палюх, Ю. Р. Мельник, С. Р. Мельник // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 23 (1245). – С. 158-163.