Модель оценки риска отказа подсистемы "человек"







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Предложен набор информативных параметров оценки психофизиологического состояния человека. На основе использования математического аппарата нечеткой логики разработана модель риска отказа подсистемы "человек" человеко-машинной системы. На основе этой модели может быть разработана математическая модель оценки риска отказа человеко-машинной системы и, соответственно, в дальнейшем, имитационная компьютерная модель оценки риска отказа подсистемы "Человек".
There are proposed the method of diagnostics of psychophysiological state of human-operator. There are presented the rationale the choose of informative parameters for evaluation of the psychophysiological state of man. On the basis of the using the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic model there are developed by the risk of failure of the subsystem "man" of man-machine system. In the form of a flowchart presents the analysis process incoming to the monitoring/control system, signals (biometric data) about the psychophysical state of the human-operator. One of the parameter groups characterizing the psychophysiological state of human-operator, who, to date, relatively often used in monitoring systems are the parameters of functioning of the human’s body. To assess the risk of failure of the system quantitatively and qualitatively, it is necessary to produce aggregated data collected as part of the tree hierarchy, while aggregation is done in the direction of the arcs of the graph hierarchy. The choice of this group of parameters is due, primarily to the fact that their control is easy to provide the contactless research methods. The latter fact is important, because the current production, as well as in everyday life or in training or competition modes athletes are almost always not possible to attach the sensors directly to the human body. The mathematical description of the calculation of risk given the uncertainty and inaccuracy of the identification of the factors, the large number of assumptions and estimates, based on the theory of fuzzy sets, and suggests one solution algorithm problems, different in their original parametric data. On the basis of use the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic has been developed model for calculating the risk of failure of the subsystem "human" human-machine system. A mathematical model of risk assessment of failure of man-machine system and, consequently, in the future, a computer simulation model for evaluating the risk of failure of the subsystem "Man" can be developed on based of this model.


Ключові слова

человеко-машинная система, психофизиологическое состояние, нечеткая логика, математическая модель, человек-оператор, human-machine system, fuzzy logic, mathematical model, man-operator

Бібліографічний опис

Мещанинов С. К. Модель оценки риска отказа подсистемы "человек" / С. К. Мещанинов, А. В. Льдовская // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ" , 2016. – № 25 (1197). – С. 66-72.
