Кафедра "Інтернет речей"

Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/5398

Увага! Поповнення колекції кафедри "Інтернет речей" – призупинено.

Від вересня 2022 року кафедри "Інтернет речей" та "Мультимедійних інформаційних технологій і систем" об’єднані у кафедру "Мультимедійні та інтернет технології і системи".

Первісна назва кафедри – "Розподілені інформаційні системи і хмарні технології".


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 3 з 3
  • Ескіз
    Improvement of methods for description of a three-bunker collection conveyor
    (ПП "Технологічний Центр", 2022) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Cherniavska, S. M.
    The object of current research is a multi-section transport conveyor. The actual control problem of the flow parameters of a multi-section conveyor-type transport system with a given control quality criterion is solved. Algorithms for optimal control of the flow of material coming from the input accumulating bunkers into the collection section of the conveyor, ensuring the filling of the accumulating tank in the minimum time were synthesized. An admissible control of the material flow from the accumulating bunkers is found, which allow filling the accumulating tank, taking into account the given distribution of the material along the section of the collection conveyor at the initial and final moments of the filling time with minimal energy consumption. The synthesis of algorithms for optimal control of the material flow from accumulating bunkers became possible due to the determination of differential constraints in the optimal control problem based on an analytical distributed model of a transport conveyor section. The distinctive features of the results obtained are that the allowable controls contain restrictions on the maximum allowable load of material on the conveyor belt and take into account the initial and final distribution of material along the collection conveyor section. Also, a feature of the obtained results is the consideration of variable transport delay in the transport conveyor control model. The application area of the results is the mining industry. The developed models make it possible to synthesize algorithms for optimal control of the flow parameters of the transport system for a mining enterprise, taking into account the transport delay in the incoming of material at the output of the conveyor section. The condition for the practical use of the results obtained is the presence of measuring sensors in the sections of the transport conveyor that determine the belt speed and the amount of material in the accumulating bunkers.
  • Ескіз
    Conveyor belt speed control efficiency using the energy management methodology
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., USA, 2021) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Kozhevnikov, G. K.; Cherniavska, S. M.
    The article presents an algorithm for optimal regulation of the step speed using the energy management methodology. Methods of reducing the cost of transport costs for conveyor systems are considered. The perspectives of using the energy management methodology as a tool to reduce the cost of energy are shown. A comparative analysis of energy management tariffs has been carried out. The problem of synthesizing stepwise speed regulation is formulated taking into account the tariffs for energy management. The criterion of quality for an estimate of the effectiveness of the transition to the TOU tariff, differential links, and restrictions on control is written. The Hamilton function for the transport system was determined, on the basis of which the synthesis of an algorithm for step regulation of the conveyor belt speed was performed. To construct differential relations an analytical PDE - model of the conveyor section was used, taking into account the transport delay of the material. The efficiency of the transition was assessed and a qualitative comparative analysis of TOU tariffs was carried out based on the speed regulation algorithm. It is shown that for the effective use of the energy management methodology, a combined control system for the flow parameters of the transport conveyor is required.
  • Ескіз
    Analysis of stress in the conveyor belt (Maxwell-element model)
    (Дніпровська політехніка, 2021) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Cherniavska, S. M.
    Purpose. For a conveyor belt, the material of which corresponds to the Maxwell-element model, to analyze the causes of the occurrence of longitudinal dynamic stresses and investigate the peculiarities of the propagation of dynamic stresses along the route of material transportation. Methodology. To calculate the value of static and dynamic stresses arising in the conveyor belt, the apparatus of mathematical physics was used. Findings. A wave equation is written that determines the propagation of longitudinal vibrations in a conveyor belt, the material of which corresponds to the Maxwell-element model. An expression is obtained for calculating the speed of propagation of elastic vibrations along the conveyor belt, the frequency of vibrations and their wavelength. The characteristic relaxation time of disturbances is determined. The method of successive approximation was used to solve the wave equation. The estimation of the characteristic time of acceleration of the conveyor belt, at which there is no destruction of the material of the conveyor belt, is given. Originality. PDE-models of conveyor-type transport systems are improved, which are used to design belt speed control systems under restrictions on speed control modes. It is shown that under the modes of acceleration or deceleration of the conveyor belt, the effects associated with the occurrence and propagation of dynamic stresses along the conveyor belt, due to the characteristics of the material corresponding to the Maxwell-element model, are insignificant. Practical value. The results obtained make it possible to determine the limitations on the modes of acceleration or deceleration of the conveyor belt, preventing its damage and increased wear. This opens up prospects for designing effective control systems for the parameters of a conveyor belt, unevenly loaded with material along the transport route.