Кафедра "Інтернет речей"

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Від вересня 2022 року кафедри "Інтернет речей" та "Мультимедійних інформаційних технологій і систем" об’єднані у кафедру "Мультимедійні та інтернет технології і системи".

Первісна назва кафедри – "Розподілені інформаційні системи і хмарні технології".


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 12
  • Ескіз
    Analysis of the input material flow of the transport conveyor
    (Національний гірничий університет, 2023) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Sobol, Maksym
    Purpose. To develop a method for analyzing the material flw entering the input of a conveyor section, based on the decomposition of the input material flw into a deterministic material flw and a stochastic material flw. Methodology. The analysis of experimental data characterizing the input material flw was performed using the methods of the canonical Fourier representation of a random process. Findings. A method for representing a stochastic material flw as a combination of a deterministic process and a stationary random process with ergodic properties is proposed. Originality. The originality of the obtained results lies in the fact that, for the fist time, a method of analysis based on the decomposition of the input material flw for a conveyor section has been proposed, which, unlike the existing methods of input flw typing for the mining industry, will allow us to independently perform deterministic flw typing and stochastic material flw typing in transport conveyors. The proposed approach makes it possible to highlight special characteristics separately for deterministic and stochastic material flws. This will make it possible to use the obtained regularities to increase the accuracy of the conveyor model and will accordingly increase the quality of the belt speed control systems and the flw of material coming from the input bunker. The obtained results are of particular importance due to the fact that the characteristics of the deterministic material flw are directly related to the technical or technological factors of material extraction. Practical value. The obtained results allow determining statistically stable regularities for the incoming flw, which makes it possible, based on these regularities from the set of available control algorithms, to choose the optimal control algorithm for the parameters of the operating conveyor section. This allows reducing the enterprise’s energy costs of the transportation of material. The proposed method can be successfully applied to build random number generators simulating the sequence of values of the input flw of material. The developed generators can be used both for validating existing belt speed control systems and creating new control systems based on neural networks. This opens perspectives for the design of effctive systems for controlling the flw parameters of transport system, based on the transport conveyor model, which takes into account the stochastic nature of the incoming material flw.
  • Ескіз
    Use of analytical model for synthesis of algorithms for control of transport conveyor parameters
    (Khmelnytskyi national university, 2022) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Sobol, Maksym
    This study presents a methodology for synthesizing optimal control algorithms for the flow parameters of a conveyor-type transport system with a variable transport delay. A multi-section transport conveyor is a complex dynamic system with a variable transport delay. The transport conveyor is an important element of the production system, used to synchronize technological operations and move material. The Analytical PiKh-model of the conveyor section was used as a model for designing a control system for flow parameters. The characteristic dimensionless parameters of the conveyor section are introduced and the similarity criteria for the conveyor sections are determined. The model of a conveyor section in a dimensionless form is used to develop a methodology for synthesizing algorithms for optimal control of the flow parameters of a transport conveyor section. The dependencies between the value of the input and output material flow of the section are determined, taking into account the initial distribution of the material along the conveyor section, variable transport delay, restrictions on the specific density of the material, and restrictions on the speed of the belt. The dependencies between the value of the input and output material flow for the case of a constant transport delay are analyzed. A technique for synthesizing algorithms for optimal belt speed control based on the PiKh-model of a conveyor section is presented. As a simplification, a two-stage belt speed control is considered. Particular attention is paid to the methodology for synthesizing optimal control algorithms based on the energy management methodology (TOU-Tariffs). The criteria of control quality are introduced and problems of optimal control of flow parameters of the transport system are formulated. Taking into account differential connections and restrictions on phase variables and admissible controls, which are typical for the conveyor section, the Pontryagin function and the adjoint system of equations are written. As examples demonstrating the design of optimal control, algorithms for optimal control of the flow parameters of the transport system are synthesized and analysis of optimal controls is performed.
  • Ескіз
    Methods of optimal stabilization of parameters by the production flow line
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.
    The report presents the main directions of research into stabilization systems for flow parameters of production lines at the macroscopic level of description. The models of the flow description of a controlled production process based on the kinetic representation of the technological process are considered.
  • Ескіз
    Control of a Conveyor Based on a Neural Network
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., USA, 2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Kozhevnikov, G. K.
    The present study is devoted to the design of the main flow parameters of a conveyor control system with a large number of sections. For the design of the control system, a neural network is used. The architecture of the neural network is justified and the rules for the formation of nodes for the input and output layers are defined. The main parameters of the model are identified and analyzed. The data set for training the neural network is formed using the analytical model of the transport system. The criterion for the quality of the transport system is written. For the given criterion for the quality of the transport system, the Pontryagin function is defined and the adjoint system of equations is given. It allows calculating optimal control of the transport system. For calculation is used additional model of the transport system with output nodes which are controls. A graphical representation of the results of the study is given.
  • Ескіз
    Analysis of stress in the conveyor belt (Maxwell-element model)
    (Дніпровська політехніка, 2021) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Cherniavska, S. M.
    Purpose. For a conveyor belt, the material of which corresponds to the Maxwell-element model, to analyze the causes of the occurrence of longitudinal dynamic stresses and investigate the peculiarities of the propagation of dynamic stresses along the route of material transportation. Methodology. To calculate the value of static and dynamic stresses arising in the conveyor belt, the apparatus of mathematical physics was used. Findings. A wave equation is written that determines the propagation of longitudinal vibrations in a conveyor belt, the material of which corresponds to the Maxwell-element model. An expression is obtained for calculating the speed of propagation of elastic vibrations along the conveyor belt, the frequency of vibrations and their wavelength. The characteristic relaxation time of disturbances is determined. The method of successive approximation was used to solve the wave equation. The estimation of the characteristic time of acceleration of the conveyor belt, at which there is no destruction of the material of the conveyor belt, is given. Originality. PDE-models of conveyor-type transport systems are improved, which are used to design belt speed control systems under restrictions on speed control modes. It is shown that under the modes of acceleration or deceleration of the conveyor belt, the effects associated with the occurrence and propagation of dynamic stresses along the conveyor belt, due to the characteristics of the material corresponding to the Maxwell-element model, are insignificant. Practical value. The results obtained make it possible to determine the limitations on the modes of acceleration or deceleration of the conveyor belt, preventing its damage and increased wear. This opens up prospects for designing effective control systems for the parameters of a conveyor belt, unevenly loaded with material along the transport route.
  • Ескіз
    Conveyor Model with Input and Output Accumulating Bunker
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., USA, 2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Kozhevnikov, G. K.; Khodusov, V. D.
    In this article, a model of a conveyor-type transport system with an input and output bunker is developed. The transport conveyor is presented in the form of a dynamic distributed system. It is shown that the material flow is proportional to the linear density of material distribution along the transport route. The coefficient of proportionality is the speed of the belt. When constructing the model, the assumption of the absence of oscillatory processes associated with the tension of the conveyor belt is introduced, which corresponds to the case when the function determining the speed of the belt is only a function of time. A solution is given, that determines the state of the flow parameters of the conveyor section for a given point of the transport route at an arbitrary point in time. It is shown that the state of the flow parameters for an arbitrary place in the transport route is determined by the state of the flow parameters at the input of the conveyor section, considering the transport delay. An expression is written that allows to calculate the amount of transport delay. The relationship of the transport delay value with the algorithm for controlling the conveyor belt speed is demonstrated. A system of equations for the model of a conveyor-type transport system with an input and output bunker is obtained. The behavior of the model for several characteristic cases of the functioning of the transport system is analyzed. The constructed model of the control object can be used to design highly efficient control systems for the flow parameters of the transport system with an input and an output bunker.
  • Ескіз
    Linear regression model of the conveyor type transport system
    (2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Khodusov, V. D.; Subbotin, Sergey
    This article discusses the prospects of using linear regression models to describe multi-section branched transport systems of conveyor type. A characteristic feature of the functioning of a multi-section transport system is the presence of resonant peak values for the flow parameters of the transport system and transport delay. Various variants of the linear regression model are investigated. It is shown that for multisection transport systems with a periodic nature of the magnitude of the incoming material flow into the transport system and periodic nature of the regulation of the belt speed the value of the transport delay is a quasi-stationary value. The transport delay can be excluded from model variables. Analysis of the various variants of linear regression models considered in the article shows that using them to describe branched transport systems is ineffective. The considered models can only be used for a qualitative analysis of the output stream from the transport system. The absence of a linear relationship between the input and output flow parameters of the transport system is shown.
  • Ескіз
    The kinetic model of the production line
    (Місто, 2017) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Korsun, R. O.
    The paper discusses methods of constructing the kinetic equation of the technology process. The article presents a model of the interaction of objects of labour with technological equipment, which is the basis for the derivation of the kinetic equation. To describe the state of the production line introduced numerical characteristics.
  • Ескіз
    About the methods of formalization of technological process
    (Брама, 2016) Tubychko, K. V.; Pihnastyi, O. M.
    There are mass, serial and single types of production are determined by the coefficient of consolidation of operations at the workplace (GOST 3.1121.84). Mass production is characterized by a type of highly specialized departments and sections on output, limited and stable for a long period of the time range of products. The main objective of planning is to ensure the movement of workpieces on at a given pace of operations. A significant part of the calendar-planned regulations for the type of mass production is sustainable and just laid the basis for the planned regulations of the production lines. Planning is based on the calculation of the rate of release and details of the calculation of interoperable standards groundwork. When a batch type production nomenclature of manufactured products less stable, but still regularly repeated in the release program, the number performed in detail shops operations far exceeds the number of jobs that determines the production of goods parties. Main planning task in batch production, ensuring periodicity of manufacture products in accordance with the scheduled task. Increasing seriality achieved the unification of parts and typed processes. The objective of production planning is to manufacture products on time and uniform loading of production sites for a given production cycle. Each type of production of different methods can be arranged. The main ones are in-line, single party and methods of production. The most effective line method. The set of methods, tools, and principles of organization of the process to form the production planning and control system. Specifically shown what it takes to build a mathematical model of operations.
  • Ескіз
    Neural model of conveyor type transport system
    (2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Khodusov, V. D.
    In this paper, a model of a transport conveyor system using a neural network is demonstrated. The analysis of the main parameters of modern conveyor systems is presented. The main models of the conveyor section, which are used for the design of control systems for flow parameters, are considered. The necessity of using neural networks in the design of conveyor transport control systems is substantiated. A review of conveyor models using a neural network is performed. The conditions of applicability of models using neural networks to describe conveyor systems are determined. A comparative analysis of the analytical model of the conveyor section and the model using the neural network is performed. The technique of forming a set of test data for the process of training a neural network is presented. The foundation for the formation of test data for learning neural network is an analytical model of the conveyor section. Using an analytical model allowed us to form a set of test data for transient dynamic modes of functioning of the transport system. The transport system is presented in the form of a directed graph without cycles. Analysis of the model using a neural network showed a high-quality relationship between the output flow for different conveyor sections of the transport system.