Кафедра "Інтернет речей"
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Від вересня 2022 року кафедри "Інтернет речей" та "Мультимедійних інформаційних технологій і систем" об’єднані у кафедру "Мультимедійні та інтернет технології і системи".
Первісна назва кафедри – "Розподілені інформаційні системи і хмарні технології".
31 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Hydrodynamic Kelvin-Voigt model transportation system(Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Khodusov, V. D.The hydrodynamic Kelvin-Voigt model of production systems with a flow method of organizing production is considered. The main macro parameters of the state of the production line and the relationship between them are determined. The analysis of the main characteristics of models of elastic elements, which are used to analyze the occurrence of the dynamic stresses in a moving conveyor belt, is presented. A boundary value problem for elastic longitudinal vibrations in a conveyor belt with a moving material is formulated. It is assumed that the deformation of the conveyor belt element corresponds to the Kelvin-Voigt model and there is no sliding of the moving material on the belt. When determining the forces of resistance to motion acting on an element of the belt, the recommendations of DIN 22101: 2002-08 were used. The analysis of the Kelvin-Voigt model of the elastic element is carried out and the distinctive features of the model are demonstrated. The justification of the choice of the Kelvin-Voigt model of an elastic element for describing the process of occurrence of the longitudinal vibrations in a conveyor belt is given. The dependence of the non-uniform flow of material and the magnitude of tensions in the belt is estimated. An expression is written for the speed of propagation of disturbances along a moving conveyor belt with the material. The reasons for the acceleration and deceleration of the conveyor belt associated with the uneven supply of material at the entrance of the transport system are determined. The relationship between the speed of a conveyor belt and the mass of material along a section of the conveyor is demonstrated. It is shown that an increase in the power of the electric motor at the start and acceleration of the conveyor belt, as well as a decrease in power during the braking and stopping of the conveyor belt, is the cause of the appearance of dynamic stresses in it. The characteristic phases of the initial movement of the conveyor belt with the material are analyzed. The process of occurrence of dynamic tensions with the constant and variable acceleration of the conveyor belt for the phase of acceleration and deceleration of the conveyor belt is investigated. For the analysis, a dimensionless model of a conveyor line was used. An expression is obtained for static and dynamic tensions in the conveyor belt. The amplitude of oscillations of dynamic stresses and the characteristic time of damping of oscillations in a conveyor belt is estimated. A quadratic dependence of the speed of damping of a wave of dynamic tensions with an increase in the oscillation frequency is demonstrated. An inversely proportional dependence of the characteristic decay time of the generated dynamic tensions on the value of the viscosity coefficient of the composite material of the conveyor belt is shown.Документ The information controlling model transport system during transient conditions(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., USA, 2019) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Kozhevnikov, G. K.; Bondarenko, TetianaThis article is devoted to designing an information management system for the conveyor line of mining enterprises. The analytical design method for the transient mode of the stepped speed control system of the conveyor line was developed. The partial differential equation was used in constructing the conveyor line model. The description of the production system is fulfilled in the single step approximation. A decision was obtained which determines the state of the parameters of the production line for a technological position specified as a function of time. Has been determined the length of the transition period during which the initial condition for the distribution of labour objects along the conveyor affects the parameters of the state of the conveyor line. The method for calculating the current parameters of a conveyor line with the use of partial differential equations allows the design of control systems for production lines of conveyor type for transient modes. The originality of the results obtained is to improve the PDE-models of the conveyor-type production systems used to design highly efficient production control systems operating in transient modes.Документ К вопросам статистической теории описания производственных систем(Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України, 2008) Пигнастый, Олег Михайлович; Заруба, Виктор ЯковлевичДокумент Континуальні моделі прогнозування виробничого функціонування поточних ліній(Ткачук О. В., 2013) Заруба, Віктор Яковлевич; Пігнастий, Олег МихайловичРассмотрены континуальные модели прогнозирования производственного функционирования поточных линий.Документ Hydrodynamic model of transport system(Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2020) Pihnastyi, O. M.; Khodusov, V. D.A hydrodynamic model of production systems with a flow method of organizing production is considered. The basic macroparameters of the state of the production flow line and the relationship between them are determined. The choice of a lot of moment approximation for modelling the production line is justified. It is shown that the conveyor-type flow line is a complex dynamic system with distributed parameters. The boundary value problem is formulated for the longitudinal vibrations of the conveyor belt when the material moves along the transportation route. It is assumed that there is no sliding of material along the conveyor belt, and the deformation that occurs in the conveyor belt is proportional to the applied force (Hooke's elastic deformation model). The significant effect of the uneven distribution of the material along the transportation route on the propagation velocity of dynamic stresses in the conveyor belt is shown. When constructing the boundary and initial conditions, the recommendations of DIN 22101: 2002-08 were used. The mechanism of the occurrence of longitudinal vibrations of the conveyor belt when the material moves along the transportation route is investigated. The main parameters of the model that cause dynamic stresses are determined. It is shown that dynamic stresses are formed as a result of a superposition of stresses in the direct and reflected waves. Analytical expressions are written that make it possible to calculate the magnitude of dynamic stresses in a conveyor belt and determine the conditions for the occurrence of destruction of the conveyor belt. The characteristic phases of the initial movement of the material along the technological route are considered. The process of the emergence of dynamic stresses with the constant and variable acceleration of the conveyor belt is investigated. The dynamics of stress distribution along the transportation route is presented. It is shown that the value of dynamic stresses can exceed the maximum permissible value, which leads to the destruction of the conveyor belt or structural elements. The transition period is estimated, which is required to ensure a trouble-free mode of transport operation during acceleration or braking of the conveyor belt. The use of dimensionless parameters allows us to formulate criteria for the similarity of conveyor systems.Документ Вопросы устойчивости макроскопических параметров технологических процессов массового производства(ВД "Академперіодика", 2006) Демуцкий, Виктор Петрович; Пигнастый, Олег МихайловичRecently, scientific articles devoted to the construction of economic models using the laws of the natural sciences have been appearing more often in physical journals. This direction is called “physical economy”. One of the main issues in the construction of economic models is the issue of stability of the simulated process. This work is devoted to the study of the stability of the functioning of mass production processes in a stochastic model of production systems.Документ Характерные числа в моделях описания производственных систем(Національний аерокосмічний університет ім. М. Є. Жуковського "Харківський авіаційний інститут", 2006) Пигнастый, Олег МихайловичПроизводственная система предприятия представлена как система с большим количеством элементов, которые являются объектами труда. Отличительные числа производственной системы вводятся с помощью статистической механики. Такой подход дает возможность качественной оценки функционирования производственных процессов, обоснованного выбора соответствующих уравнений набора макроскопических параметров весов для описания реального производственного объекта. Оценка выбора модели должна интерпретироваться как качественная. Подход имеет преимущество в простом сравнении результатов, соответствующих различным микроскопическим моделям.Документ О вариационном и дифференциальном принципах построения функции Лагранжа производственной системы(Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України, 2006) Новак, Сергей Николаевич; Пигнастый, Олег МихайловичПредставлен вариационный и дифференциальный принципы построения функции Лагранжа производственной системы.Документ Distinctive numbers of production systems functioning description(2007) Pihnastyi, O. M.The production system of an enterprise is represented as the system with a large number of elements, which are the objects of one's labour. The distinctive numbers of the production system are introduced by means of statistical mechanics. This approach gives the possibility of qualitative estimation of production processes functioning, sound selection of the corresponding equations set of macroscopic parameters balances for a description of real production object. The estimation of the model selection should be interpreted as the qualitative one. The approach has the advantage of easy comparison of the results, corresponding to different microscopic models.Документ Расчет производственного цикла с применением статистической теории производственно-технических систем(Академперіодика, 2009) Пигнастый, Олег Михайлович; Ходусов, Валерий ДмитриевичУ фазовому технологiчному просторi визначено стан виробничої системи. Технологiя виробництва задана нормативною технологiчною траєкторiєю. Технологiчний процес на кожнiй технологiчнiй операцiї представлений технологiчними чинниками з нормативними параметрами виробництва i допустимими вiдхиленнями вiд них. З використанням цiльової функцiї виробничо-технiчної системи записаний вираз для розрахунку тривалостi виробничого циклу партiї базових продуктiв. Одержано умови синхронiзацiї технологiчного процесу для безперервного виробничого процесу з розчленовуванням перiоду виробничого циклу на фази.