Кафедра "Двигуни та гібридні енергетичні установки"

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Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/diesel/glavnaya

Від 2022 року кафедра має назву "Двигуни та гібридні енергетичні установки", первісна назва – "Двигуни внутрішнього сгоряння".

Кафедра "Двигуни внутрішнього згоряння" (ДВЗ) заснована 9 липня 1930 року у Харківському Механіко машинобудівному інституті. Читання курсів по ДВЗ розпочали на механічному факультеті ще в 1910 році, дисципліну "ДВЗ" і проєктування ДВЗ протягом 1910-1913 рр. читав граф Сергій Йосипович Доррер. Спеціальність "ДВЗ" у Харківському технологічному інституті була організована в 1918 році. У її джерел, а пізніше й кафедри ДВЗ стояв Василь Трохимович Цвєтков (1887–1954).

Від 1980 року вона є базовою серед українських закладів вищої освіти з моторобудування. За час існування кафедра підготувала понад 4000 випускників. Сьогодні на кафедрі навчається понад 200 студентів. Обсяг ліцензійного набору є одним з найбільших в університеті.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора технічних наук, 6 кандидатів технічних наук; 2 співробітника мають звання професора, 5 – доцента. Серед викладачів кафедри 3 лауреата Державної премії України, 2 лауреата премії Кабінету міністрів. Від 2001 року по 2016 рік кафедру очолював Заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, лауреат Нагороди Ярослава Мудрого Академії наук Вищої школи України, Лауреат державної премії в галузі науки і техніки 2008 року, професор, доктор технічних наук, проректор університету з наукової роботи – Андрій Петрович Марченко.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 8 з 8
  • Ескіз
    Improving the performance of diesel engines fueled with water-fuel emulsion
    (Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines, 2023) Samoilenko, Dmytro; Savchenko, Anatolii; Kravchenko, Serhii
    Due to unique properties, production and operation features, water-fuel emulsion (WFE) could be considered as one of the most promising type of alternative fuels for diesel engines. Experimental research showed that compared to traditional diesel fuel, application of water-fuel emulsion allows to reduce nitrogen oxides and soot emissions, which is due primarily to a decrease in the level of maximum temperatures in the engine cylinder, as well as a more uniform distribution of fuel over the combustion chamber volume thanks to its secondary disper-sion (micro-explosion phenomena). To control the stability of water-fuel emulsion properties during engine operation it is recommended to install water content sensor in the fuel supply system.
  • Ескіз
    Improving the procedure for modeling low-frequency oscillations of the free surface liquid in a tractor tank
    (PC Тесhnology сеntеr, 2023) Kozhushko, Andrii; Pelypenko, Yevhen; Kravchenko, Serhii; Danylenko, Vitalii
    This paper considers the influence of hydrodynamic processes in the movement of the free surface of liquid in partially filled tractor tanks. Splashing liquid in partially filled containers is a significant problem in the study of functional stability of movement in the marine, aerospace, rail, and automotive industries. After all, it affects productivity and traffic safety. The same effect was observed when performing transportation work while delivering liquid cargoes in the agricultural sector. That was due to increasing the transportation speeds of wheeled tractors. In the procedure, using the Rayleigh theory of surface waves, a linearized problem of motion of the free surface of a liquid is obtained. Based on Helmholtz's theorem, the components of scalar and Laplace field vector potentials of fluid velocity vector are separated. The potential problem for translational motion of fluid, in which vortex component of the field is absent, is considered. Instead of the fluid velocity potential, a scalar fluid displacement potential in Rayleigh surface waves was introduced. Comparing the results of calculating fluid splashing with the work of other scientists, a high convergence of natural frequencies of partial oscillators in 3D space was found. This is noticeable in the last quarter of the filling of the tank, in which significant displacements of the deep liquid occur. A feature of the results is the introduction, instead of the real shape of the container, an equivalent form of a parallelepiped, the final shape of which depends on the level of fullness. The frequency properties of movement of the free surface of liquid based on the standard size of tanks used in agriculture are separated. The proposed improved methodology could be used to increase stability, controllability, and smoothness when operating tanks with a wheeled tractor.
  • Ескіз
    Research and Innovation to Improve the Efficiency of Modern Diesel Engines
    (IntechOpen, 2022) Marchenko, Andriy; Parsadanov, Igor; Pylyov, Volodymyr; Osetrov, Oleksandr; Linkov, Oleh; Kravchenko, Serhii; Trynov, Oleksandr; Meshkov, Denys; Bilyk, Serhii; Savchenko, Anatolii; Rykova, Inna; Rasoul, Aryan
    Modern diesel engines are one of the main mobile energy sources and are characterized by a high degree of workflow completeness, design, and manufacturing technology. The chapter summarizes the authors’ experience in improving diesel engines, increasing specific volume power, and reliability, ensuring a low level of environmental pollution emissions. The results of research using industry 4.0 technologies for systematization, choice of directions, and the search for rational ways to improve the efficiency of diesel engines are presented. The application of anergoexergy method for analyzing the efficiency of the working process of the engine and its systems is considered. Taking into consideration the operating conditions, technical solutions are proposed to improve the reliability of the most heat-stressed parts of high-powered engines. The possibilities for a comprehensive assessment of the fuel efficiency and environmental qualities of diesel engines have been expanded taking into account CO2 emissions when using traditional, alternative, and hybrid diesel fuel.
  • Ескіз
    Digital twin of gas reciprocating compressor unit: concept, architecture & pilot implementation
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Prokhorenko, Andriy; Kravchenko, Serhii; Solodkii, E.
    Combination of information and operational technologies has led to a new way of production, to a new technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0. The Digital Twin plays a central role in this technology. The Digital Twin is a predictive maintenance tool, and allows you to simulate various options for device failures taking into account their operation modes, environmental influences and various degrees of wear. The concept of creating a digital twin of a real physical object of research is proposed - an AJAX DPS-180 internal combustion engine with a gas piston com-pressor, which is designed to pump gas from gas wells. A feature of its work is autonomous long-term operation in the field with the remoteness of the service personnel, direct enviro nmental impact and ensuring the reliability and stability of work. Therefore, monitoring the parameters of the engine with the subsequent prediction of its failures is especially important. The work on creating a digital twin for AJAX DPS-180 is being carried out in cooperation and with the support of Armco-Engineering, the operator of this equipment. Six stages of the process of creating a digital twin of a given object are shown: collection and preliminary processing of data on the technical state of a real object; early detection of malfunctions, predicting the time of failure; service planning; optimization of financial and time resources for service. Equipping a real object with various sensors made it possible to continuously collect data on its technical condition, and technologies of the industrial Internet of things, such as Big Data and the predictive statistical model, predict failure times with high accuracy. The developed and implemented schemes for equipping an object with data collection equipment and a diagram of the flow of this data in the Internet of Things are presented. The basis of the data collection system is a microcontroller, a set of a crankshaft speed sensor and thermocouples, a multiplexer and 16-bit analog-to-digital converters that convert thermo-EMF of thermocouples. At the moment, channels for measuring the speed, coolant and exhaust gas temperatures have been implemented. It is proposed to use the ThingSpeak server as a remote resource as a cloud aggregator and carrier of this data. The MATLAB mathematical package integrated into the resource is used as a data analyzer.
  • Ескіз
    Formation and study of static and dynamic characteristics of electronically controlled diesel engine
    (2019) Dumenko, P.; Kravchenko, Serhii; Prokhorenko, Andriy; Talanin, Dmytro
    Manufacturing companies of electronic control systems of diesel engines protect access to a program operation algorithm of the regulator that makes impossible adjustments and settings of its work, for example, at reequipment or operational development of a new diesel engine. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge the solution of the scientific and technical problem of an effective and reliable system creation of electronic control of diesel fuel supply with an open program algorithm of its work. During the current research, settlement and experimental studies of a diesel engine supplied with a system of electronic control of a crankshaft rotation frequency developed by the authors show rather high adequacy in results. The dynamic mathematical model of the single-cylinder diesel engine supplied with the electronic regulator of rotation frequency has been developed and verified.
  • Ескіз
    The basic algorithm of the all-speed governor with electronic control and its hardware implementation
    (Łukasiewicz Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji, 2018) Prokhorenko, Andriy; Samoilenko, Dmytro; Orlinski, Piotr; Wojs, Marcin K.; Kravchenko, Serhii; Talanin, Dmytro
    The article considers the results of theoretical and experimental studies devoted to the creation of an electronic control system of fuel injection in diesel engines. The method of synthesis of the algorithm for all-speed electronic governor is described. The functional scheme used for the fuel delivery system control based on the microcontroller, the HEINZMANN electric servo actuator, and the BOSCH high pressure fuel pump has been developed and practically implemented. The experimentally obtained static characteristics of the automatic control system under various governor settings are given.
  • Ескіз
    Subsystem of positioning the actuator for an electronic diesel control syste
    (Łukasiewicz Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji, 2018) Prokhorenko, Andriy; Samoilenko, Dmytro; Orlinski, Piotr; Bednarski, Mateusz; Kravchenko, Serhii; Karyagin, Igor
    The authors proposed the concept of the synthesis of the algorithm for the electronic diesel controller (EDC), based on the analogy with the operation of a mechanical spring-lever governor of direct action. The system of automatic positioning using HEINZMANN StG 6-02V actuator is developed and practically implemented. A preliminary tuning of the electronic PID controller was performed, which ensured the operation of the actuator with a-periodic transients at a high speed. The present work is a part of the project on the creation of an electronically controlled fuel delivery system for the transport diesel.
  • Ескіз
    The application of isodromic equation for calculation of PID-controller integrated component
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych, 2019) Prokhorenko, Andriy; Samoilenko, Dmytro; Orlinski, Piotr; Talanin, Dmytro; Kravchenko, Serhii
    A functional feature of the application of electronics used for the automatic control of internal combustion engines is necessity in the proportional conversion of ECU electrical signals into the mechanical processes based on corresponding elements motion. For such conversion of information actuating mechanisms are used, referred as actuators. Actuators in the form of electrical machines (stepper or precision electric motors) or electric apparatuses (electromagnets and solenoids) are the mostly widespread in ICE. As a physical object of the research, the unit of Heinzmann, model StG 6-02V that is based on a DC electric drive controlled by a pulse-width modulation signal, was selected in the current work. It has a toothed gearbox and a non-contact reverse positional connection. This actuator provides an output torque of 6 Nm and 36-degree range of output shaft rotational angle. The functional scheme of the electronic system of automatic control of a diesel engine based on mentioned device is developed. The PID regulator with feedback is used to control the actuator. A design formula that can be incorporated in the controller algorithm to calculate the integral component of the PID regulator was also obtained. Values of empirical coefficients were determined in this formula. The results of experimental confirmation of the correctness of the approach taken are presented. Thus, the new formula for determining the integral component of the PID regulator differs positively from the well-known solutions because the new approach is free from storing the whole array of previous data with discrepancy in the controller’s RAM, that simplifies the application of the developed algorithm greatly and speeds up the computational capability of the controller.