Кафедра "Електричні апарати"

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Кафедра "Електричні апарати" була створена в 1931 році при Харківському електротехнічному інституті. Засновником, організатором і першим завідувачем кафедри був видатний фахівець в галузі електротехніки професор Вашура Борис Федорович.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут", веде підготовку фахівців що мають глибокі знання з електромеханіки та різнобічні знання в області комп’ютерної техніки й інформаційних технологій.

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора технічних наук, 6 кандидатів технічних наук, 1 кандидат фізико-математичних наук; 5 співробітників мають звання доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 6 з 6
  • Ескіз
    Synthesis of an effective system of active shielding of the magnetic field of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires using a single compensation winding
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Aim. The theoretical and experimental studies of the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding. Methodology Spatial location coordinates of the compensating winding and the current in the shielding winding were determined during the design of systems of active screening based on solution of the vector game, in whith the vector payoffs is calculated based on Biot-Savart's law. The solution of this vector game calculated based on algorithms of multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding are presented. Originality. For the first time, the theoretical and experimental studies of the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building of a power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding are considered. Practical value. From the point of view of the practical implementation it is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field in two-storey cottage of the old building from power transmission line with a horizontal arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with single compensation winding to the sanitary standards of Ukraine.
  • Ескіз
    The method of multi objective synthesis of stochastic robust control by multimass electromechanical systems under non-gausian random external disturbances
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    Development of the method of multi objective synthesis of stochastic robust control by multimass electromechanical systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of such systems in various modes under non-gausian random external disturbances. Methodology. The problem of multi objective synthesis of stochastic robust control by multimass electromechanical systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of such systems in various modes under non-gausian random external disturbances solved based on the choosing of weight matrices in the robust control goal vector.The calculation of the target vector is performed based on the solution of the zero-sum vector antagonistic game. The components of the game payoff vector are variable quality indicators that are applied to the system operation in various modes. The calculation of the components of payoff vector game are performed based on the simulation of the initial system closed by the synthesized stochastic controllers in various operating modes and under various external influences and variations in the parameters of the uncertainty of the initial plant. Results. The results of multi objective synthesis of stochastic robust twomass electromechanical servo systems modes under non-gausian random external disturbances in which differences requirements for the operation of such systems in various modes were satisfied are given. Based on the results of modeling and experimental studies it is established, that with the help of synthesized robust nonlinear controllers, it is possible to improve of quality indicators of two-mass electromechanical servo system in comparison with the system with standard regulators. Originality. For the first time the method of multi objective synthesis of stochastic robust control by multimass electromechanical systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of multimass systems in various modes is developed. Practical value. From the point of view of the practical implementation the possibility of solving the problem of multi objective synthesis of stochastic robust control systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of multimass electromechanical systems in various modes is shown.
  • Ескіз
    The method of multi objective synthesis of nonlinear robust control by multimass electromechanical systems
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobilyanskiy, B. B.
    Development of the method of multi objective synthesis of nonlinear robust control by multimass electromechanical systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of multi-mass systems in various modes. Methodology. The problem of multi objective synthesis of nonlinear robust control of multimass electromechanical systems is formulated and the possibility of satisfying various requirements for the operation of such systems in various modes based on the concept of functionally multiple membership of the state vector and the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equation is shown. A method for choosing weight matrices with the help the vector of purpose of nonlinear robust control is formed by solving a zero-sum vector antagonistic game has been substantiated and developed. Results. The results multi objective synthesis of nonlinear robust two-mass electromechanical servo systems in which differences requirements for the operation of such systems in various modes were satisfied are given. Based on the results of modeling and experimental studies it is established, that with the help of synthesized robust nonlinear controllers, it is possible to improve of quality indicators of two-mass electromechanical servo system in comparison with the system with standard regulators. Originality. For the first time the method of multi objective synthesis of nonlinear robust control by multimass electromechanical systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of multimass systems in various modes is developed. Practical value. From the point of view of the practical implementation the possibility of solving the problem of multi objective synthesis of nonlinear robust control systems to satisfy various requirements for the operation of multimass electromechanical systems in various modes is shown.
  • Ескіз
    Comparison of the effectiveness of thriple-loop and double-loop systems of active shielding of a magnetic field in a multi-storey old buildings
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.
    The issues of comparing the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in a five-storey old buildings generated by a single-circuit overhead power transmission lines with a triangular suspension of wires using a thriple-loop and double-loop systems of active screening, which respectively contain three or two compensating windings are considered. Methodology. Spatial location coordinates of the compensating windings and the currents in the shielding windings were determined during the design of systems of active screening based on solution of the maximin vector optimization problem, in whith the vector of objective function is calculated based on Biot-Savart's law. The solution of this problem is calculated based on algorithms of multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results. The results of theoretical and experimental comparing the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in a five-storey old generated by a single-circuit overhead power transmission lines with a triangular suspension of wires using a thriple-loop and double-loop systems of active screening, which respectively contain three or two compensating windings are presented. Originality. For the first time, the comparison the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in a five-storey old using a thriple-loop and double-loop systems of active screening are considered. Practical value. From the point of view of the practical implementation it is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in a five-storey old buildings to the sanitary standards of Ukraine for real overhead power transmission lines currents with the help of a synthesized double-loop systems of active screening. A double-loop active screening system is simpler in comparison with a thriple-loop active screening system when implementing.
  • Ескіз
    Method of adjustment of three circuit system of active shielding of magnetic field in multi-storey buildings from overhead power lines with wires triangular arrangement
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskiy, B. B.
    For the first time the method of adjustment of three circuit system of the active shielding of the magnetic field based on experimentally determined space-time characteristics to increase the shielding factor in a multi-storey building located near a singlecircuit overhead transmission lines with a wires triangular arrangement was developed. Methodology. When synthesizing the laboratory model of system of active shielding the coordinates of spatial arrangement and of three shielding coils, the currents in shielding coils and resulting magnetic flux density value in the shielding space were calculated. The synthesis is based on the multi-criteria game decision, in which the payoff vector is calculated on the basis on quasi-stationary approximation solutions of the Maxwell equations. The game decision is calculated based on the stochastic particles multi swarm optimization algorithms. Results. Computer simulation and experimental research of the space-time characteristics of laboratory model of three circuit system of active shielding of magnetic field, generated by overhead power lines with phase conductors triangle arrangements in multi-storey building are given. The possibility of initial magnetic flux density level reducing to the sanitary standards level is shown. Originality. For the first time the synthesis and adjustment of laboratory model of three circuit system of active shielding of magnetic field based on experimentally determined spacetime characteristics to increase the shielding factor in a multi-storey building located near a single-circuit overhead transmission lines with a wires triangular arrangement carried out. Practical value. Practical recommendations from the point of view of the implementation of developed method of adjustment of the three circuit system of the active shielding of the magnetic field based on experimentally determined space-time characteristics in a multi-storey building located near a single-circuit overhead transmission lines with a triangular arrangement of wires are given.
  • Ескіз
    Експериментальний стенд для дослідження індукційних кухонних плит
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Чепелюк, Олександр Олександрович; Пантелят, Михайло Гаррійович; Грищук, Юрій Степанович; Єлоєв, Алан Казбекович
    Експериментальні дослідження є головним напрямком науково-дослідних робіт у напрямку вдосконалення конструктивних рішень і режимів експлуатації побутових індукційних плит, оскільки експерименти дозволяють отримати найбільш достовірні результати, які будуть також слугувати порівняльною базою для верифікації розроблених математичних моделей і чисельних алгоритмів комп’ютерного моделювання відповідних процесів і явищ в індукційних кухонних плитах і посуді, що нагрівається. У статті описано розроблений експериментальний стенд для дослідження теплових і енергетичних процесів у індукційних кухонних плитах і посуді, що нагрівається. Для створення текспериментального стенду та проведення досліджень використовується обладнання, придбане кафедрою «Електричні апарати» НТУ «ХПІ» завдяки отриманому у 2016 р. гранту Фонду Олександра фон Гумбольдта(Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Німеччина) на суму 20 тисяч Євро. Експерименти розпочато з використанням індукційної кухонної плити VES electric V-HP6. Наразі стенд дозволяє виконувати наступні експериментальні дослідження: вимірювання швидкості нагріву їжі (води) при використанні різних потужностей індукційної плити; вимірювання температури робочої поверхні, цифрового дисплея та панелі керування індукційною плитою; вимірювання показників електричної енергії, спожитої для нагріву їжі (води). Використовується наступне сучасне вимірювальне обладнання: двоканальний цифровий термометр з термопарами DT 1320, пірометр Flus IR-865U, цифровий мультиметр («струмові кліщі») DT 3352 та спеціалізоване програмне забезпечення до нього. Отримані та проаналізовані попередні результати експериментальних досліджень, встановлені особливості функціонування індукційних кухонних плит у залежності від потужності при нагріванні їжі.