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Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 17
  • Ескіз
    Methodological approaches to constructing optimal learning trajectory for formation of communicative skills in different categories of learners
    (2023) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Snihurova, Irina Ivanivna
    This article proposes to apply process approach to building optimal educational trajectory for formation of communicative skills, considering educational needs of various categories of learners, basing on comparative and historical review of methodological approaches to language learning. Authors emphasize importance of focusing on individual psychological and cognitive aspects (perception, memorization, reproduction) of information perception by different categories of language classes students.
  • Ескіз
    Socio-economic and humanitarian aspects relevant to post-war renovation of Ukraine in European integration perspective
    (Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди, 2023) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Snihurova, Irina Ivanivna
  • Ескіз
    Cognitive-linguistic aspects of assessment the level of knowledge and quality of provided educational services in Ukrainian language learning
    (Громадська наукова організація "Всеукраїнська асамблея докторів наук з державного управління", 2022) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Snihurova, Irina Ivanivna
    The article is devoted to highlighting the main cognitivelinguisticaspects of assessing the mastery level of Ukrainian language by students (foreigners and our compatriots) considering to its compliance with requirements of national and international language standards in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the functioning of Ukrainian language as state language” and recommendations provided byCouncil of Europe on language education. Prevailing law of Ukraine requires that persons who intend to acquire Ukrainian citizenship or enter the civilservice must pass an appropriate exam for a certain level of proficiency in state language. Providing the educational services in study of Ukrainian language and/or preparation of applicants to take the language exam is carried out by state and private educational institutions, and exam is held at accredited examination sites, usually located on basis of higher education institutions or using other cultural infrastructure facilities that have required equipment (i.e. Libraries). Last time have become widespread such motivated violations of admission and/or testing conditions as: falsification of documents (certificates, diplomas on the acquired education and/or level of higher language training of the applicant, etc.); receiving illegal benefits by third parties from implementation of various manipulations and abuses. Therefore, the problem of comprehensive assessment of Ukrainian language proficiency level and quality of provided educational services for language training is still essential for today. Summing up theoretical and practical developments in this area will contribute, on the one hand, to strengthening up of security component, and on the other hand, to create natural obstacle to performance of public duties for persons who do not possess a sufficient level of Ukrainian language, demonstrate weakness of their communicative and sociocultural competences, as well as weak culture of business communication. Proposed conceptual and methodological principles of language training consider psycho-linguistic features of systematization and assimilation of language material.
  • Ескіз
    Teoretical and practical aspects of conducting research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space
    (Видавнича група "Наукові перспективи", 2023) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Snihurova, Irina Ivanivna; Danchenko, Irina Oleksiivna
    Multidimensional aggression of Russian Federation and attempts of occupying Ukrainian territories caused waves of mass migration of population from Eastern and Southern Ukraine to its Western regions or to European Union, where forced refugees have got temporary shelters and favorable conditions for accommodation, also psychological and medical assistance, employment proposals and possibility to continue education into primary, secondary, professional and higher education institutions. The vast majority of teachers and staff members of European educational institutions, where thousands of Ukrainians were sent to continue their studies, had to find solution for issue of finding such a format of work with new students that would simplify their integration into the new sociocultural environment or even facilitate for them more successful assimilation of new learning material. Essential need in practical recommendations for organization of educationalprocess in mixed groups, where Europeans and Ukrainians (foreigners) study together, initiates development of methods on complex diagnostics of educational process participants responsibility for tolerant constructive intercultural communication and their integration into socio-cultural space of new educational institution. Given comprehensive diagnostic technique must meet the following criteria: collection and analysis of information can also be carried out in an interactive and remote mode; methods of data collection and analysis allow to reach the largest (multicultural) audience of respondents and quickly process the results using software; selected data collection methods should contain clearly formed questions that can be translated into other languages without loss of content; obtained diagnostic results can be used both for working with small groups and for developing a program of special measures for pedagogical and socio-psychological support of certain category of foreign students studying in mixed groups. Considering the specifics of main research issues, it was proposed build research methodology using following techniques: diagnostics of general communicative tolerance (V. Boyko); tolerance Index express test (G. Soldatova); types of ethnic self-awareness (G. Soldatova, S. Ryzhova); determination of sociocultural identity (OSKI); scale of a social distance (scale of Еmory Bogardus) (version of L. Pochebut); determination of vital values (MUST-TEST) (P. Ivanov, E. Kolobova), as well as determining the state of adaptation of the individual to the new sociocultural and/or linguistic environment of L. Jankowski. Also article provides an overview of key theoretical foundations and practical aspects ofplanning and conducting psychosocial research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space.
  • Ескіз
    Конкурентоспроможність і розвиток спектру освітніх послуг в Україні: психолого-педагогічний аспект
    (2021) Гарник, Людмила Петрівна; Данченко, Ірина Олексіївна; Снігурова, Ірина Іванівна; Вітковський, Юрій Петрович; Аль-Халавані, Хусамеддін Рамазанович; Шерстюк, Валерій Сергійович; Осінкін, Олександр Олександрович
    Статтю присвячено висвітленню ключових психолого-педагогічних і соціально-історичних факторів, що вплинули на поточний стан конкурентоспроможності й обсягів експорту освітніх послуг національними вишами, а також оцінці впливу національних реформ вищої освіти та причин падіння її престижу як серед потенційних вітчизняних, так й іноземних абітурієнтів. Також у статті наведено концептуальні засади розбудови толерантності в освітньому середовищі вишу як передумови соціальної інклюзії та інтернаціоналізації освітніх послуг, а також розвитку соціально- й культурно-інтеграційного потенціалу українських регіональних вищих освітніх закладів у рамках визначеного урядом України курсу освітніх реформ і пов'язаних з ними інституційних та організаційних трансформацій. Толерантність як організаційна цінність і чеснота освіченої особистості нівелює прояви інтолерантного ставлення до думки інших, невизнання унікальності й рівноцінності інших людей, несприйняття їх світогляду, а також неповагу до прав людини. Постійна міграція представників інших культур на територію нашої країни викликає в деяких співгромадян занепокоєння та страх перед можливим обмеженням їх "національної гідності". Відтінки цього побоювання різні: від індиферентності до агресії, від холодної байдужості до виявів ксенофобії (ненависті до представників іншої нації). З точки зору психології, такі прояви розглядаються як своєрідна гіперболізована захисна реакція на реальні або уявні загрози з боку представників інших культур та/або етнічних груп. Запропоновані психолого-педагогічні інструменти сприятимуть зниженню соціально-психологічної напруги в учасників освітнього процесу та серед широкого кола вітчизняних і міжнародних стейкхолдерів освітніх послуг.
  • Ескіз
    Game of gender: rethinking archetype theory in light of case studies on intercultural comunication in educational space
    (2021) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Snihurova, Irina Ivanivna
    Article provides observe of classical theories of gender and archetypal analysis, as like as author’s attempt to apply Jungian classical theory for discovering reasons and preconditions for forming different gender stereotypes and preconceptions relevant to competence level, empathy and level of pedagogical skills within scope of cross-cultural communication discourse. In the article is also discussed Edward W. Said’s concept of “Orientalism” and oriental discourse formation on base of colonial and postcolonial narratives and issues related with gender and coherent with them archetypes. Philosophic anthropological analysis and psychological methodics that were used in research, allow us to discover in historical perspective trends and triggers for changing traditional stereotypes on distribution of gender roles in Western and Middle Eastern societies. Usually notions of gender and sex in traditional societies fix normative imagination and stereotypes coherent with social roles and hierarchy, jobs and allowed forms of religious, political, economical and social activity and taboos for male and female. Social and gender roles on practice are flexible and in the most cases depended on conflicts and related with them inevitable social changes. Numerous psychological theories based on multiplicity of worldviews and cultural backgrounds, that is why they try from different viewpoints to describe why people who belong to traditional societies in different ways recognize their gender and social identity. Thus, concept of gender identity and caused by it changes in social roles performance we have proposed to study as social and psychological categories without focusing on just biological background of this issue. We also used in our research main ideas of Gilbert Durand’s “Imaginer” as theoretical framework for interpretation dynamics of archetypes changing in traditional societies and postmodern communities of Middle East and Europe.
  • Ескіз
    Hubs of sustainable development: process approach to strategic management of innovations in National technical university
    (Київський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Sherstyuk, V. S.; Osinkin, A. A.
  • Ескіз
    Sustainable development and practice of circular economy: an experience of prominent companies - leaders of world market
    (2021-05-21) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Rybalka, V.; Vasilieva, A.; Christenko, K.
  • Ескіз
    Manipulative nature of translation: interpretators and interpretations
    (2021) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Vitkovskyi, Yurii
    The article provides critical examination of manipulation as multidimensional phenomenon related with translation and interpreting in light of assurance of informational safety that is our research object. Research methodology is based on critical analysis of manipulations with texts and proficiency requirements for translator. Results of our research are corresponding to theory and practice of translation, psychology, comparative religious studies and national security. Practical value of obtained results consists in proposed algorithms for critical analysis of translated or interpreted texts that allows to evaluate their quality according to context, meaning and semiotics of original ones.
  • Ескіз
    Didactic component of teaching foreign languages on future profession: formation of communicational and translation skills
    (2021) Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna; Snihurova, Irina Ivanivna
    Nowadays higher education focuses on development of learner’s personality, whose proficiency and intellectual potential grounds on obtained knowledge, high moral values, communicative skills, foreign languages mastery, social mobility and competitiveness on labor market. Critical observe and evaluation of adequacy existed didactic component in this area were inspired by statement that your knowledge and cognitive skills can set you apart, due to what you know today will be out-of-date sooner than you even can imagine. Obtained results can be useful for educators and language teachers who work on design and modernization of foreign language teaching process in university.