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Публікація Identifying the system of value factors of green consumer choice(LLC "Consulting Publishing Company "Business Perspectives", 2024) Potrashkova, Liudmyla; Zaruba, Viktor; Raiko, Diana; Yevsyeyev, OleksiyTo justify the production of green products, it is necessary to anticipate the choice of consumers toward products with different environmental friendliness. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the factors that determine this choice, particularly value factors. The study is based on the idea that a consumer is stimulated to eco-consumption by a set of values, not excluding individualist values; and the influence of values is mediated by motives. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical founda tions of constructing a three-level system of value factors of green consumption on the example of office paper consumption. As a result, the study formed a system of factors containing preferences, motives, and values of office paper consumers. According to the proposed approach, for each respondent, quantitative characteristics of the ele ments of the system of factors were determined through a survey, which made it pos sible to identify correlation relationships between the elements. A pilot study was used to test the proposed approach to constructing a value factors system. The results of the pilot survey showed a positive connection between eco-friendliness of consum er preferences – through motives – with such values as “Nature,” “Self-development,” “Country success,” and “Social power.” This finding provides additional justification for the assumption that individuals are driven to green consumption not only by socially oriented values but also by individualistic values. Identifying the value factors of green consumption will allow predicting consumer behavior and influencing it through tar geted marketing offers.Документ The Experience of European Countries in Managing the Expenditures of Enterprises in the Agricultural Sector(2022) Reznik, Andrii; Lavrynenko, Svitlana; Zeliska, Antonina; Mardus, Nataliia; Samborska, OksanaEnsuring the efficient development and functioning of agricultural enterprises depends on the rationally formed optimal level of costs for the implementation of economic activities, particularly for the production of agricultural products. This article aims to describe methodological principles of cost management of agricultural enterprises based on the European Union countries using determination of interconnection between total costs of agricultural enterprises and indicators of the value of agricultural products manufactured by them. Methods: theoretical analysis, abstraction, induction, deduction, tabular and graphical presentation, description, comparison, comparison, and generalization. Results: It was found that the disclosure of methodological principles of cost management of agricultural enterprises should be carried out by identifying the relationship between the total costs of agrarian enterprises and indicators of the cost of agricultural products produced by them using correlation analysis. As a result of correlation analysis, we established direct and reversed very high, high, medium, moderate, and weak correlations between the indicator of total costs of agricultural enterprises and the indicator of the cost of grain growing, index of production cost of industrial crops and the index of the cost of forage crops production according to the surveyed countries of the European Union. It was found that with very high and high intensity of interconnection between the analyzed variables. The increase in the indicator of total costs directly affects the growth of the cost of growing crops by agricultural enterprises in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, the Netherlands, and Romania. The growth in the indicator of total costs directly affects the growth of the production cost of industrial crops by agricultural enterprises of Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, and Portugal and the increase in the indicator of total costs directly affects the increase in the cost of growing forage crops by agricultural enterprises of Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. The prospect of the following research is to disclose the methodological principles of cost management of agricultural enterprises on the application of the United States of America.Документ Практичні аспекти організації розподілених обчислень в науковій та навчальній діяльності університету(Луцький національний технічний університет, 2018) Круглов, Олександр АнатолійовичДокумент Применение нейронных сетей в управлении энергоэффективностью предприятия(Київський національний економічний університет ім. Вадима Гетьмана, 2018) Клепикова, Светлана ВладимировнаСтатья посвящена созданию методики использования нейронных сетей при решении задач управления энергоэффективностью предприятия, позволяющей получить приближенное ожидаемое значение энергоемкости производства в зависимости от значений основных влияющих на нее факторов. В качестве нейронной сети выбран многослойный прямонаправленный перцептрон, синтез которого осуществлен применением метода генетического алгоритма. При определении выборки для синтеза нейронной сети использованы результаты, полученные методом априорного ранжирования и корреляционно‐регрессионного анализа по статистическим данным промышленных предприятий машиностроительного профиля. Приведены рекомендации использования методики и применения ее результатов при практической реализации на предприятии. Проведенные на ее основе расчеты обеспечили высокую точность прогнозирования значений энергоемкости для предприятий, которые были включены в выборку при синтезе нейронной сети, и приемлемую погрешность при проверке по предприятиям, включенным в тестовую выборку.Публікація Business statistics(2020) Shyriaieva, N. V.; Makarenko, Anastasiya B.The tutorial contains lecture notes of the general theory of statistics, including clustering statistics, absolute, relative and average values, organization and grouping of data, sampling, correlation and regression analysis, estimation, time series, indexes and their use in economics. Typical examples of solving the material are presented in the text. Practical problems are given at the end of each chapter for the better understanding of theoretical notes. Designed for students of bachelor level in 073 "Management" and 072 "Finance and Credit".Документ Деякі аспекти формування професійної компетентності з програмної інженерії у технічному вищому навчальному закладі(Кримський гуманітарний університет, 2013) Дубініна, Оксана МиколаївнаРозглянуто проблему темпів розвитку дидактичних систем програмної інженерії. Це питання нерозривно пов'язане з протиріччям в галузі програмної інженерії, яке полягає в дефіциті фахівців, стійко компетентних в цій галузі. Охарактеризовано дисципліни, які формують базові знання програмного інженера. За допомогою коефіцієнта конкордації Кендалла встановлено та проаналізовано кількісну міру зв’язку між базовими дисциплінами та профільним предметом при вступі. Досліджено можливості застосування кореляційного аналізу для обробки сучасного педагогічного експерименту.Документ Взаимосвязь между электронными параметрами атома азота и внутримолекулярными взаимодействиями в производных аммиака(Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет, 2019) Чертихина, Ю. А.; Куцик-Савченко, Н. В.; Лебедь, О. С.; Либ, А. С.; Цыганков, Александр Валерьевич; Просяник, А. В.The electronic parameters and intramolecular interactions in the ground and transition states of inversion of the amines H₂NXHn (XHn=CH₃, NH₂, OH, F, SiH₃, PH₂, SH, Cl) were calculated using DFT (PBE96/def2-tzvpp) method. It was established that the electronacceptor properties of the XHn substituents has a prevailing influence on the change of the electronic parameters of nitrogen atom. Its increase leads to both a decrease of the charge on the nitrogen atom and an increase of the s-character and population of nitrogen lone pair (LP). All parameters under consideration correlate with the χ- and σᵢ-constants of the XHn substituents. The correlation coefficients increase when amines that contain X atoms only from one period are considered separately. It was found that the ρ values for amines containing X atoms from the second or third period are substantially different. The changes of the donor-acceptor interaction energies, s-character and LP population cannot be probable causes for different sensitivity of the electronic parameters of amines containing X atoms from different periods to the change of electron-acceptor properties of the XHn substituents. It was established that the mentioned parameters has only a subordinated influence in comparison with the influence of electron-acceptor ability of the XHn substituents. The negative charge on the nitrogen atom decreases with the increase of s-character and LP population and also with the decrease of energies of donor-acceptor interactions which lead to the withdrawal of electron density from the nitrogen atom. The s-character and LP population increase with the decrease of energies of donor-acceptor interactions which result in the reduction of electron density on the nitrogen atom. The total positive charges of the XHn groups and hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom decrease with increasing the electron-acceptor ability of the XHn substituents. The representation of the electron-acceptor properties of the substituents was shown to be more valid by using the χ-constants than by using the σᵢ-constants. The chlorine atom is a weak electron acceptor in comparison with an amino group.Документ Statistical analysis of thermal nondestructive testing data(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Galagan, R.; Momot, A.The features of processing of active thermal nondestructive testing results are considered. Proved the necessity of search and introduction of new informative parameters in evaluation ofthermograms in order to improve the reliability of control. Task of detecting and estimating the relationships between defect parameters and optimal testingtime and the maximum value of temperature signal is set. Computer simulation of active thermal testingof two samples with artificial defects with known characteristics was performed. Also obtainedthe sequences of thermogramsand formed the sets of initial data during simulationfor correlation, regression and dispersion analysis of testingresults. The method of dynamic thermal tomography was used to determine the levels of maximum differential temperature signal and optimal testing time. The estimates of correlation coefficient for various informational parameters of thermal control obtained. There is a high level of relations between the optimal control time and depth of defects. A high correlation also observed between the maximum value of temperature signal and depth of defects. The nature of relationships between various informative parameters of active thermal control establishedby the regression analysis. A one-factor dispersion analysis of the influence of defect parameters on optimal testing time and maximum value of the temperature signal was performed. High degree of mutual influence of all informative parameters is established. The conclusion made on the necessity ofdeveloping new modern methods for analysis thedata of thermal testing. Revealed patterns in relationships between data show low efficiency of traditional statistical methods in tasksof active thermal testing. Alternatively, proposed to use theartificial intelligence technologies, in particular, neural networks.Документ Using of methods of cross-correlation and regressive analysis for determination of functional dependence between sizes(НТУ "ХПІ", 2019) Prishchenko, Olga Petrivna; Chernogor, Tetyana TimofiyivnaIn article it is told about use of methods of correlation and regression analysis when determining functional dependence between values. When studying different objects of a research in laboratory or working conditions there is a need of establishment of the most probable interrelations and interdependence between two or more variable. Sometimes it happens simply as communication easily is found or is in advance known from any theoretical premises. However identification of such communications between different indicators, factors is much more often, signs is extremely difficult task. Researchers face need of introduction of some hypothesis of the nature of communication in the form of functional dependence, i.e. approximation by its some rather simple mathematical expression, for example, linear equation or a polynomial. Methods of correlation and regression analyses are very useful to search of such mathematical functional or structural dependences between two or more variable (on the saved-up experimental data).Документ Innovative and military-industrial component of overcoming modern challenges of the Baltic-Black Sea region countries(Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej Katowice, 2019) Savchenko, Olga; Skvorchevsky, Alexander EvgenievichThe purpose of the study is to analyze the capabilities of the military-industrial resources of the Baltic-Black Sea region, the ways of their integration and the level of innovation, as one of the most important components of competitiveness in the global market for weapons and military equipment. Paper contributes to the state-of-the-art of open innovation in way explores of external knowledge used in the innovation process. Study the origin of external knowledge used in the innovation process.