Електротехніка і Електромеханіка

Постійне посилання на розділhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/62894

Офіційний сайт http://eie.khpi.edu.ua/

Журнал публікує оригінальні результати досліджень з аналітичного, чисельного та мультифізичного методів моделювання електрофізичних процесів в електротехнічних електромеханічних та електроенергетичних установках та системах, з розробки нових електротехнічних пристроїв і систем з поліпшеними техніко-економічними та екологічними показниками в таких сферах, як: теоретична електротехніка, інженерна електрофізика, техніка сильних електричних та магнітних полів, електричні машини та апарати, електротехнічні комплекси та системи, силова електроніка, електроізоляційна та кабельна техніка, електричний транспорт, електричні станції, мережі і системи, безпека електрообладнання.

Рік заснування: 2002. Періодичність: 6 разів на рік. ISSN 2074-272X (Print), ISSN 2309-3404 (Online).


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Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 3 з 3
  • Ескіз
    Numerical-field analysis of active and reactive winding parameters and mechanical characteristics of a squirrel-cage induction motor
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Milykh, V. I.
    The active and reactive (inductive) winding resistances of three-phase inductions motors (IMs) are investigated. These important parameters are determined during design and are the basis for calculating a number of energy parameters and characteristics. Problem. In the classical design of IM, the winding resistances are determined with insufficient accuracy due to a number of assumptions and conventions. Especially it concerns the operation of IM with increased slip and it affects the accuracy of realization of its design data, starting parameters and characteristics. Goal. The paper aims to further develop the IM design system by numerical-field computational analysis of active and reactive resistances of the IM windings in the whole range of changes in its slip and calculation of the mechanical characteristic of IM to confirm the adequacy of the calculations of these resistances. Methodology. Resistances of the IM windings are determined by numerous calculations of the magnetic fields of dispersion with the FEMM program within stator and rotor teeth steps, and with current displacement in a squirrel-cage rotor core. Everything is done in the slip range when operating from start-up to idle with changing currents in the slots and the corresponding magnetic saturation of the core teeth. A Lua script has been created for the calculations, controlling the FEMM program and providing automation of all calculations. Results. The numerical-field method shows that the classical design method gives very large errors in determining the magnetic conductivities of IM slot dispersion, as well as current displacement in the bars of the squirrel-cage rotor winding. This is especially evident with increased slips in the start-up mode. Originality. Numerical estimates of the differences between the classical and numerical-field methods are given and the origin of errors is analyzed: the strong saturation of the teeth of the stator and rotor cores. This leads to a significant decrease in the magnetic conductivities of slot dispersion and the practical absence of current displacement in the rotor bars, on which the main emphasis was previously made. The obtained results made it possible to calculate the mechanical characteristic of the IM according to a transparent formula without the use of correction coefficients and reference graphical functions. Practical value. The provided technique of numerical-field analysis and the obtained results of the calculation of active and reactive winding resistances and mechanical characteristic are recommended as a basis for the improvement of the IM design system.
  • Ескіз
    Analysis of the thermal state of the electromagnetic mill inductor with oil cooling in stationary operation modes
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Milykh, V. I.; Shaida, V. Р.; Yurieva, O. Yu.
    An electromagnetic mill (EMM) for the technological processing of various substances, which is based on the stator of a three-phase induction motor, is being studied. The stator winding has an increased current density, so the mill is provided with a system of forced cooling with transformer oil. Problem. Currently, there are no works on the thermal state calculation of the EMM with the given design and oil cooling. Therefore, the study of such EMMs thermal state is relevant, as it will contribute to increasing the reliability and efficiency of their work. Goal. Formation of a mathematical model of the thermal state of the electromagnetic mill inductor and the analysis of its heating in stationary modes of operation with cooling by transformer oil. Methodology. The problem of calculating the thermal state, namely the temperature distribution in the main parts of the electromagnetic mill, is solved by the equivalent thermal resistance circuit method. The design of the EMM is provided in a sufficiently complete volume, and on this basis, a corresponding equivalent thermal replacement circuit is formed, which is supplemented by an equivalent hydraulic circuit of oil passageways. An explanation is provided for the composition and solution of the equations algebraic system that describes the distribution of temperatures by the constituent elements of the EMM. Results. The thermal calculation results of the electromagnetic mill showed that the maximum heating temperature is much lower than the allowable one for the selected insulation class. According to the hydraulic scheme, the necessary oil consumption, its average speed and the corresponding pressure at the inlet of the intake pipe are determined, which are at an acceptable level. It is noted that the rather moderate temperature state of the inductor and the hydraulic parameters of the oil path are facilitated by such innovations in the design of the EMM as the loop double layer short chorded winding and axial ventilation channels in the stator core. Originality. Now EMM thermal equivalent circuits with air cooling only have been presented. Therefore, the developed thermal circuit of the oil-cooled inductor is new and makes it possible to evaluate the operating modes of the EMM. Practical value. The proposed technical solutions can be recommended for practical implementation in other EMMs. Taking into account the identified reserves of the EMM temperature state, a forecast was made regarding the transition from its oil cooling to air cooling. But the use of air cooling requires a change in the design of the EMM.
  • Ескіз
    Расчетно-экспериментальное тестирование программы FEMM и преодоление проблем её использования для расчета магнитного поля электрических машин
    (НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Милых, Владимир Иванович; Поляков, Игорь Владимирович; Полякова, Наталия Владимировна; Штангеев, Евгений Иванович; Milykh, V. I.; Polyakov, I. V.; Polyakova, N. V.; Shtangeev, Ye. I.
    Рассмотрены общие возможности и проблемы использования программы FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics), размещенной на сайте http://femm.berlios.de. Тестирование программы проведено на примере электрической машины сложной конструкции посредством сопоставления расчетных и экспериментальных данных. Предложен практический вариант преодоления одной из выявленных проблем расчета магнитного поля, что связано с необходимостью учета разнородных осевых длин участков магнитопровода электрических машин.