Електротехніка і Електромеханіка
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Журнал публікує оригінальні результати досліджень з аналітичного, чисельного та мультифізичного методів моделювання електрофізичних процесів в електротехнічних електромеханічних та електроенергетичних установках та системах, з розробки нових електротехнічних пристроїв і систем з поліпшеними техніко-економічними та екологічними показниками в таких сферах, як: теоретична електротехніка, інженерна електрофізика, техніка сильних електричних та магнітних полів, електричні машини та апарати, електротехнічні комплекси та системи, силова електроніка, електроізоляційна та кабельна техніка, електричний транспорт, електричні станції, мережі і системи, безпека електрообладнання.
Рік заснування: 2002. Періодичність: 6 разів на рік. ISSN 2074-272X (Print), ISSN 2309-3404 (Online).
Результати пошуку
Документ Multispheroidal model of magnetic field of uncertain extended energy-saturated technical object(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2025) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.The implementation of strict requirements for magnetic silence of elongated energy-saturated technical objects – such as naval vessel and submarines is largely determined by the adequacy of mathematical models to the signatures of a real magnetic field. Aim. Simplification of mathematical modeling of the magnetic field of an uncertain extended energy-saturated object based on the development and application of a multispheroidal model of its magnetic field instead of the well-known multidipole model. Methodology. Coordinates of the geometric location and magnitudes of spatial extended spheroidal harmonics of spheroidal sources of multispheroidal model of magnetic field calculated as magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution in the form of nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction far extended technical objects magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field COMSOL Multiphysics software package used. Nonlinear minimax optimization problems solutions calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. Results. Results of prediction far magnetic field magnitude of extended technical objects based on designed multispheroidal model of the magnetic field in the form of spatial prolate spheroidal harmonics in prolate spheroidal coordinate system using near field measurements with consideration of extended technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainty. Originality. For the first time the method for design of multispheroidal model of magnetic field of uncertain extended energy-saturated technical object based on magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution and magnetic field spatial spheroidal harmonics calculated in prolate spheroidal coordinate system taking into account of technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainties developed. Practical value. It is shown the possibility to reduce the number of spheroidal sources of the magnetic field for adequate modeling of the real magnetic field based on the developed multispheroidal model compared to the number of well-known dipole sources of the magnetic field in the multidipole model of the magnetic field.Документ Increasing the damping properties of the magnetorheological actuator of the vehicle suspension control system(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Dushchenko, V. V.; Liubarskyi, B. G.; Masliev, A. O.; Nanivskyi, R. A.; Masliev, V. G.; Ahapov, O. M.; Iakunin, D. I.In accordance with one of the ways of solving the problem of increasing the smoothness of the vehicles, a controlled suspension is proposed, which is created on the basis of the use of «smart» materials – magnetorheological elastomers, the mechanical properties of which, in particular, damping, can be changed with the help of a controlling magnetic field. This is implemented with the help of the magnetorheological actuator of the suspension control system, which has the form of an elastic bushing of the suspension arm, consisting of several electrically connected in series toroid-like coils (with a core of magnetorheological elastomer). The device is powered by current, the value of which is controlled by the operator, or automatically, depending on the road profile and driving mode. Magnetorheological actuators (elastic bushings) are placed in the holes of the suspension levers instead of standard rubber ones and combined with a controlled current source. Thus, the suspension becomes controllable, which makes it possible to set the necessary vibration damping of the vehicle body to increase its smoothness. Problem. The disadvantage of the previous designs of the magnetorheological actuator is the insufficient amount of the magnetic flux density and the unevenness of its distribution within the elastic bushings. As a result, the damping properties of such controlled suspensions become insufficiently effective, which reduces the possibility of increasing the smoothness of the vehicles. The purpose of the work is to increase the damping properties of the magnetorheological actuator of the vehicle suspension control system, which will increase the control efficiency. The task is to improve the design of the performing magnetorheological device, to carry out calculations and develop a calculation scheme of the study, to determine the average magnetic flux density value and its distribution across the cross-section of the device, to calculate the dependence of the device damping indicator on the magnetic flux density, to compare the damping indicators of the improved device with previously known ones. Methodology. Research tasks were solved on the basis of magnetic field analysis using methods of magnetic field theory and SOLIDWORKS® and FEMM software packages, as well as analysis of the dependence of the damping properties of bushings from magnetorheological elastomers on magnetic flux density. A description of the design and principle of operation of the magnetorheological actuator of the vehicle suspension characteristics control system is given, based on which the calculation scheme was developed. Results. The results of research calculations showed that the average value of magnetic flux density in the proposed design of the device reached 0.85 T, its distribution became fairly uniform, and there were no zones where it was abnormally small. For the first time, the dependence of the damping index on the magnetic flux density of the controlling magnetic field has signs of scientific novelty. It was found that this indicator for the proposed design of the device increased by 22 % compared to previous other designs, which will increase the efficiency of the control system and the smoothness of the vehicle. A positive result was achieved due to the following features of the proposed design of the suspension actuator: the elastic sleeve consists of several coaxially located actuators made of anisotropic magnetorheological elastomer, in which the conglomerates of the ferromagnetic filler during the manufacturing process are located collinear to the direction of the angular deformations of the sleeve and the control magnetic field flux density vector, and the devices have control coils located on their surfaces, which are made of conductive elastic elastomer and electrically connected in a series circuit. Originality. The control method, previous designs and construction of this controlled suspension are protected by patents of Ukraine. Practical value. The direction of further research is to optimize the parameters of the control coils in order to reduce the energy consumption for them and to protect them from overheating.Документ Magnetic field of electrical heating cable systems of the floors for residential premises(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Rozov, V. Yu.; Reutskiy, S. Yu.; Pelevin, D. Ye.; Kundius, K. D.In order to effectively protect public health from the magnetic field of electric heating cable systems of the floors, it is necessary to reduce it to a safe level. However, this requires careful study of the magnetic field. The purpose of the work is to develop a mathematical model and a verified methodology for calculating the magnetic field of electric heating cable systems of the floors in residential premises, and assessment of compliance of the magnetic field with the normative level. Method. A methodology for calculating the magnetic field of electric heating cable systems of the floors in residential premises has been developed. Scientific novelty. Based on Bio-Savar’s law and the principle of superposition, an analytical model of the magnetic field of electric heating cable systems of the floors and its calculation method was created. The magnetic field of the coaxial heating cable is determined, taking into account the value of its maximum eccentricity. The experimentally substantiated correctness of the obtained theoretical statements, which is confirmed by their coincidence with the results of the experiment with a spread of less than 7 %. Practical significance. A verified methodology for calculating the magnetic field of electric heating cable systems of the floors was proposed and an assessment of compliance of their magnetic flux density with the normative level of 0.5 μT was performed. It is recommended to lay modern two-wire heating cables at a depth of at least 75–100 mm from the floor. With a smaller laying depth, it is recommended to use coaxial heating cables, which have an order of magnitude smaller magnetic field.Документ The method for design of electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shielding by overhead power lines magnetic field(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, Nikitina; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.Development of the method for designing electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield, consisting from active and multy-circuit passive parts, which is characterized by increased effectiveness of reducing the industrial frequency magnetic field created by twocircuit overhead power lines in residential buildings. Methodology. The designing problem of electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield including robust system of active shielding and multy circuit passive shield of initial magnetic field comes down to a solution of the multy-criteria two-player zero-sum antagonistic game. The game payoff vector calculated based on the finite element calculations system COMSOL Muliphysics. The game solution calculated based on the particles multyswarm optimization algorithms. Results. During the design of the electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield the coordinates of the spatial arrangement of 11 circuits passive shield and the coordinates of the spatial location of one compensation winding, as well as the current and phase in this winding of the active shielding system are calculated. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of hybrid active and multy-circuit passive shield by magnetic field in residential building from two-circuit power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires presented. Originality. For the first time the method for designing hybrid active and multycircuit passive shield, consisting from active and multy-circuit passive parts, which is characterized by increased effectiveness of reducing the magnetic field of industrial frequency created by two-circuit overhead power lines in residential buildings is developed. Practical value. Based on results of calculated study the shielding efficiency of the initial magnetic field what is confirmed by experimental studies determined that shielding factors whith only multy-circuit passive shield is more 1.2 units, whith only active shield is more 4 units and with electromagnetic hybrid active-passive shield is more 6.2 units. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in residential building from two-circuit power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires by means of electromagnetic hybrid active shielding with single compensating winding and multy-circuit passive shielding with 11 circuit passive shield to 0.5 μT level safe for the population.Документ The method for design of combined electromagnetic shield for overhead power lines magnetic field(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Chunikhin, K. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.Aim. Development of the method of designing a combined electromagnetic shield, consisting of active and passive parts, to improve the effectiveness of reduction of industrial frequency magnetic field created by two-circuit overhead power lines in residential buildings. Methodology. The problem of design of combined electromagnetic shield including robust system of active shielding and electromagnetic passive shield of initial magnetic field solved based on of the multi-criteria two-player antagonistic game. The game payoff vector calculated based on the finite element calculations system COMSOL Muliphysics. The game solution calculated based on the particles multiswarm optimization algorithms. During the design of combined electromagnetic shields spatial location coordinates of shielding winding, the currents and phases in the shielding winding of active shielding, geometric dimensions and thickness of the electromagnetic passive shield are calculated. Results. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of combined electromagnetic passive and active shielding of magnetic field in residential building from power transmission line with a "Barrel" type arrangement of wires presented. Originality. For the first time the method of designing a combined electromagnetic shield, consisting of active and passive parts, for more effective reduction of the magnetic field of industrial frequency created by two-circuit overhead power lines in residential buildings is developed. Practical value. Based on results of calculated and experimental study the shielding efficiency of the initial magnetic field determined that shielding factors whith only electromagnetic passive shield is more 2 units, whith only active shield is more 4 units and with combined electromagnetic passive and active shield is more 10 units. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in residential building from power transmission line with a "Barrel" type arrangement of wires by means of a combined electromagnetic passive and active shielding with single compensating winding to 0.5 μT level safe for the population.Документ Method for design of two-level system of active shielding of power frequency magnetic field based on a quasi-static model(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Kutsenko, A. S.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.Development of method for design a two-level active shielding system for an industrial frequency magnetic field based on a quasistatic model of a magnetic field generated by power line wires and compensating windings of an active shielding system, including coarse open and precise closed control. Methodology. At the first level rough control of the magnetic field in open-loop form is carried out based on a quasi-static model of a magnetic field generated by power line wires and compensating windings of an active shielding system. This design calculated based on the finite element calculations system COMSOL Multiphysics. At the second level, a stabilizing accurate control of the magnetic field is implemented in the form of a dynamic closed system containing, in addition plant, also power amplifiers and measuring devices of the system. This design calculated based on the calculations system MATLAB. Results. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of optimal two-level active shielding system of magnetic field in residential building from power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires by means of active canceling with single compensating winding are presented. Originality. For the first time, the method for design a two-level active shielding system for an power frequency magnetic field based on a quasi-static model of a magnetic field generated by power line wires and compensating windings of an active shielding system, including coarse open and precise closed control is developed. Practical value. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field induction in residential building from power transmission line with a «Barrel» type arrangement of wires by means of active canceling with single compensating winding with initial induction of 3.5 µT to a safe level for the population adopted in Europe with an induction of 0.5 µTДокумент Optimization of spatial arrangement of magnetic field sensors of closed loop system of overhead power lines magnetic field active silencing(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.Development of a method for optimization of spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active silencing canceling of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines. Methodology. Spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of closed loop system of overhead power lines magnetic field active silencing determined based on binary preference relations of local objective for multi-objective minimax optimization problem, in whith the vector objective function calculated based on Biot–Savart law. The solution of this vector minimax optimization problem calculated based on nonlinear Archimedes algorithm of multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results. Results of simulation and experimental research of optimal spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active silencing of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines with a barrel-type arrangement of wires. Originality. The method for optimization of spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active shielding of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines is developed. Practical value. An important practical problem optimization of spatial arrangement and angular position of magnetic field sensors of a closed system to ensure maximum efficiency of active silencing of the magnetic field generated by overhead power lines has been solved.Документ The method of multi-objective parametric design of magnetic field active canceling robust system for residential multy-story buildings closed to double-circuit overhead power lines(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Kuznetsov, B. I.; Nikitina, T. B.; Bovdui, I. V.; Voloshko, O. V.; Kolomiets, V. V.; Kobylianskyi, B. B.Aim. Development the method of multi-objective parametric design for robust system of active canceling of magnetic field based on binary preference relations of local objective for multi-objective minimax optimization problem. Methodology. Spatial location coordinates of the compensating winding and the current in the shielding winding were determined during the preference-based multi-objective parametric design of systems of active canceling based on solution of the vector minimax optimization, in whith the vector objective function calculated based on Biot-Savart's law. The solution of this vector minimax optimization problem calculated based on nonlinear Archimedes algorithm. Components of Jacobi matrix and Hesse matrix calculated based on multi-swarm multi-agent optimization. Results. Theoretically and experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of reducing the level of the magnetic field in residential multy-storey old building of a doublecircuit overhead power transmission lines with a barrel-type arrangement of wires by means of active shielding with two compensation winding. Originality. The method of multi-objective parametric design for robust system of active canceling of magnetic field based on binary preference relations of local objective for multi-objective minimax optimization problem is developed. Practical value. It is shown the possibility to reduce the level of magnetic field in residential multy-storey old building closed to double-circuit overhead power transmission lines with a barrel-type arrangement of wires by means of system of active canceling with two canceling winding to a level safe for the population with an induction of 0.5 μT.