Публікація: Прийоми стимулювання позитивних емоцій студентів в дистанційному навчанні
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Вінницький національний технічний університет
Subject approach of the report – methodology and practise of Distance Education. Author – a psycologist of Research Laboratory of Distance Education, National Technical Institute "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute". The article contains information about influence of emotions on the information learning process of students in distance learning. The accent is made on using verbal activation of emotions, such as problem questions, searching for idea of disagreements "take-off" that appear, checking the truth of obtained results and so on. The activity of tutor and student is carried out mainly using intellectual and emotional interaction between them, and the result of learning is connected with the learning process objective. To provide the highest activity of students the next forms are given: working with information processing, dialogue, learning discussions, teleconferences and so on. Some methods of interest stimulating are given, one of them is the situation of success. One of the pedagogical systems, transformed in distance education, is presented. Some aspects that differ distance education from traditional are marked out.
Бібліографічний опис
Твердохлебова Н. Є. Прийоми стимулювання позитивних емоцій студентів в дистанційному навчанні / Н. Є. Твердохлебова // Інтернет – освіта – наука – 2002 (ІОН-2002) : зб. матеріалів 3-ї міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 8-12 жовтня 2002 р. – Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2002. – С. 141-143.