Using the asymptotic approximation of the maxwell element model for the analysis of stress in a conveyor belt



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ЧП "Технолог. центр"

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The features of the propagation of dynamic stresses in a conveyor belt, the material properties of which correspond to the Maxwell element model, are considered. Analytical expressions are presented for calculating the dynamic elastic modulus, the loss modulus, and the angle of technical loss depending on the frequency of longitudinal oscillations in the belt of an extended transport conveyor. To analyze the dynamic stress propagation process, dimensionless parameters are introduced that characterize the specific features of the viscoelastic process in a conveyor belt, the material properties of which correspond to the Maxwell element model. The transition to the dimensionless Maxwell element model is made and the analysis of the relationship between stress and deformation of a conveyor belt element for extremely large and small values of dimensionless parameters is made. The substantiation of the scope of the Maxwell element model is given. It is shown that at sufficiently high frequencies of longitudinal stress oscillations in a conveyor belt, at which the oscillation period is much less than the characteristic oscillation decay time, the relationship between stress and deformation of the conveyor belt element corresponds to Hooke’s law. A qualitative analysis of the relaxation time was carried out for a conveyor belt material, the properties of which correspond to the Maxwell element model. The analysis of the propagation of dynamic stresses in the conveyor belt for the characteristic operating modes of the transport conveyor is carried out. The conveyor operating mode with a constant deformation rate of the belt element; the mode in which a constant load is suddenly applied to the belt element; the conveyor operating mode with an instantly applied load to the belt element was investigated. It was determined that in cases where the characteristic process time significantly exceeds the stress relaxation time in the conveyor belt or the longitudinal oscillation period is much less than the stress relaxation time in the conveyor belt, the Maxwell element model can be replaced with a sufficient degree of accuracy by the Hooke element model


Бібліографічний опис

Pihnastyi O. M. Using the asymptotic approximation of the maxwell element model for the analysis of stress in a conveyor belt / Oleh Pihnastyi, Svіtlana Cherniavska // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий = Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2021. – Т. 6, – № 7 (114). – P. 77-84.



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