Публікація: Телевізійна реклама як основний медіаканал рекламної кампанії
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
У статті розглядаються питання з використанням телевізійної реклами, як одного з найвпливовіших засобів масової інформації. Зазначено, що реклама на телебаченні все ще залишається одним з найпотужніших інструментів маркетингових комунікацій. Описано і проаналізовано засоби інформації, які можуть бути використані під час проведення рекламної кампанії. Зауважено, що реклама на телебаченні не є самим ефективним інструментом просування. Зауважено, що під час реклами на телебаченні, необхідно враховувати оптимальну кількість показів і переваг, завдяки яким споживач буде знати про товар і при цьому у нього не виникне негативних асоціацій із ним.
The article examines issues related to the use of tv commercial as one of the most influential mass media. In connection with the pandemic that has been going on for the second year in a row, advertisers are cutting their advertising budgets and abandoning such a costly direction as tv commercial. It is pointed out tv commercial is still one of the most powerful marketing communications tools. It has the greatest economic return, so even though budgets are being saved, businesses still try to use it in their advertising campaigns. It is noticed that the choice of one or another of the mass media tools will depend on the goals of the advertising campaign. It has been established that tv commercial has a certain number of advantages, one of which is reaching a large number of audiences and can be used for almost any purpose of an advertising campaign (increasing sales, promoting sales, maintaining a brand image, etc.). It is noted that well-created commercials make consumers worry, form associations, draw certain conclusions, think using certain psychological techniques. A good knowledge of consumer psychology is at the heart of a well-created advertising image and has a significant positive effect. Described and analyzed the media that can be used in the advertising campaign. The main criteria for the selection of media channels and media carriers have been determined. The advantages and disadvantages of the main media carriers are given. It has been established that television is very popular among consumers as it immediately affects the auditory, visual, nervous systems of a person and affects emotional perception. Defined and analyzed the main advertising tools used in tv commercial (commercial, blitz video, expanded video, commercial and demonstration video). It has been noticed that tv commercial is not the most effective promotion tool. Advertising clutters prevent the consumer from perceiving information, he blocks intrusive ads and forms a negative reaction when some brands are mentioned. It is noticed that during tv commercial, it is necessary to take into account the optimal number of impressions and views of advertising, thanks to which the consumer will know about the product and at the same time he will not have negative associations with it.
The article examines issues related to the use of tv commercial as one of the most influential mass media. In connection with the pandemic that has been going on for the second year in a row, advertisers are cutting their advertising budgets and abandoning such a costly direction as tv commercial. It is pointed out tv commercial is still one of the most powerful marketing communications tools. It has the greatest economic return, so even though budgets are being saved, businesses still try to use it in their advertising campaigns. It is noticed that the choice of one or another of the mass media tools will depend on the goals of the advertising campaign. It has been established that tv commercial has a certain number of advantages, one of which is reaching a large number of audiences and can be used for almost any purpose of an advertising campaign (increasing sales, promoting sales, maintaining a brand image, etc.). It is noted that well-created commercials make consumers worry, form associations, draw certain conclusions, think using certain psychological techniques. A good knowledge of consumer psychology is at the heart of a well-created advertising image and has a significant positive effect. Described and analyzed the media that can be used in the advertising campaign. The main criteria for the selection of media channels and media carriers have been determined. The advantages and disadvantages of the main media carriers are given. It has been established that television is very popular among consumers as it immediately affects the auditory, visual, nervous systems of a person and affects emotional perception. Defined and analyzed the main advertising tools used in tv commercial (commercial, blitz video, expanded video, commercial and demonstration video). It has been noticed that tv commercial is not the most effective promotion tool. Advertising clutters prevent the consumer from perceiving information, he blocks intrusive ads and forms a negative reaction when some brands are mentioned. It is noticed that during tv commercial, it is necessary to take into account the optimal number of impressions and views of advertising, thanks to which the consumer will know about the product and at the same time he will not have negative associations with it.
Ключові слова
реклама, засоби масової інформації, телебачення, рекламний ролик, споживач, медіаканали, advertising, commercial, television, promotion, media, consumer, media channels
Бібліографічний опис
Кітченко О. М. Телевізійна реклама як основний медіаканал рекламної кампанії / О. М. Кітченко, П. В. Видря // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ" (економічні науки) = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" (economic sciences) : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2021. – № 2. – С. 48-51.