Вплив дисбалансу ротора на електромагнітний момент вентильного реактивного двигуна
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Запропоновано метод моделювання електромагнітного моменту вентильного реактивного двигуна (ВРД), враховуючи нерівномірність повітряного проміжку, яка обумовлена дисбалансом ротора. Проведено моделювання кривих фазного струму та електромагнітного моменту ВРД як при збалансованому роторі, так і при наявності дисбалансу. Зроблено висновки про вплив величини відхилення ротора від збалансованого стану та типу дисбалансу на параметри кривої електромагнітного моменту.
There have been considered the basic types of rotor imbalance and the causes of its appearance. After have been analyzed of last investigations and the literatures it was inferred that there is a need to replace the investigated electrical machine by an equivalent with the air gap which is distributed along the machine evenly, and the value of the rotor imbalance has been proposed to replace by the average value of imbalance of elementary machines. The objective of this article is to investigate the effect of different types of rotor imbalance and the amount of displacement on change of the parameters of electromagnetic torque curves of switched reluctance motors (SRM). There has been proposed the method of modeling the electromagnetic torque of SRM which is considered as an uneven of the air gap through rotor imbalance. There has been proved that the asymmetry of the magnetic system through the rotor imbalance effect on the phase current curves. In this article has been modeled the phase current and electromagnetic torque curves of SRM with balanced and imbalanced rotor. The conclusions about the effect of the value of rotor deviation from balanced state, and the type of imbalance on the parameters of electromagnetic torque curve, have been made.
There have been considered the basic types of rotor imbalance and the causes of its appearance. After have been analyzed of last investigations and the literatures it was inferred that there is a need to replace the investigated electrical machine by an equivalent with the air gap which is distributed along the machine evenly, and the value of the rotor imbalance has been proposed to replace by the average value of imbalance of elementary machines. The objective of this article is to investigate the effect of different types of rotor imbalance and the amount of displacement on change of the parameters of electromagnetic torque curves of switched reluctance motors (SRM). There has been proposed the method of modeling the electromagnetic torque of SRM which is considered as an uneven of the air gap through rotor imbalance. There has been proved that the asymmetry of the magnetic system through the rotor imbalance effect on the phase current curves. In this article has been modeled the phase current and electromagnetic torque curves of SRM with balanced and imbalanced rotor. The conclusions about the effect of the value of rotor deviation from balanced state, and the type of imbalance on the parameters of electromagnetic torque curve, have been made.
Бібліографічний опис
Калініченко А. В. Вплив дисбалансу ротора на електромагнітний момент вентильного реактивного двигуна / А. В. Калініченко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Проблеми удосконалення електричних машин і апаратів. Теорія і практика. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2014. – № 41 (1084). – С. 44-54.