Исследование влияния реконструкции нанопорошка алмаза на адсорбцию ионов меди
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Исследованы адсорбционные свойства нанопорошка алмаза детонационного синтеза АСУД 99р в статических условиях. Установлено, что сорбция ионов меди обоими адсорбентами удовлетворительно описывается моделью псевдо-второго порядка в статических условиях. Представлена сравнительная характеристика нанопорошков алмаза АСУД 99р и АСУД 99. Сделана математическая обработка кривых адсорбции, используя кинетические модели псевдо-первого и псевдо-второго порядка, и рассчитаны константы скорости.
The aim of the paper is to investigate the sorption process of Cu2+ ions in static conditions from aqueous solutions using nanopowders ASUD 99 and ASUD 99r made according to ТУ У 26.8-05417377-177:2007. Nanopowder ASUD 99r differs from ASUD 99 as its surface was reconstructed in order to increase the specific surface of the powder and reduce its ability to aggregate. It was found that after gas-phase reconstruction of nanodiamond ASUD 99 surface its surface area and adsorption capacity increased 1,5 times, as well as pore volume increased 1,7 times. Thus diamond nanopowder (ASUD 99r) with more advancedsurface area was obtained, which aqueous suspension was much more stable, compared to ASUD 99.
The aim of the paper is to investigate the sorption process of Cu2+ ions in static conditions from aqueous solutions using nanopowders ASUD 99 and ASUD 99r made according to ТУ У 26.8-05417377-177:2007. Nanopowder ASUD 99r differs from ASUD 99 as its surface was reconstructed in order to increase the specific surface of the powder and reduce its ability to aggregate. It was found that after gas-phase reconstruction of nanodiamond ASUD 99 surface its surface area and adsorption capacity increased 1,5 times, as well as pore volume increased 1,7 times. Thus diamond nanopowder (ASUD 99r) with more advancedsurface area was obtained, which aqueous suspension was much more stable, compared to ASUD 99.
Ключові слова
ионы тяжелых металлов, кинетика, детонационный синтез, diamond nanopowder, adsorption, heavy metals ions, kinetics
Бібліографічний опис
Исследование влияния реконструкции нанопорошка алмаза на адсорбцию ионов меди / Л. П. Антоненко [и др.] // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Механико-технологические системы и комплексы. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 60 (1102). – С. 3-8.