Повышение ресурса деталей шасси колесных тракторов во время их восстановительного ремонта
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Исследована динамика изнашивания плазменных покрытий ПГ–10Н–01 и установлена зависимость величины износа покрытий от наработки. Установлено, что динамика износа от наработки исследованных износостойких материалов покрытий ПГ–10Н–01 и ПГ–12Н–01 имеют одинаковый характер, наименьшая величина износа у покрытия ПГ–10Н–01, что в 6,4 раза меньше чем у стали 45. С целью повышения ресурса восстановленного вала привода переднего и заднего мостов трактора типа Т–150К рекомендовано применять способ плазменного напыления порошкового материала ПГ–10Н–01.
Dynamics wear of plasma coatings PG–10N–01 and the dependence the amount of wear the coatings from the experience. Comparative evaluation wear resistance of the restored surface by plasma spraying was carried out according to the average wear rate recovery of the coating and steel 45, heat–treated to a hardness HRC 50. To determine the average wear rate restorative coatings were performed research to determine the amount of wear from experience mate. Comparative tests on wear of plasma coatings were carried out on the car friction–type MI scheme is the disk block in the environment industrial oil brand I–20. The discs and pads were made of steel 45, the floor was nubilalis on the disc, the pads were subjected to heat treatment (hardening and tempering) to a hardness HRC 50.
Dynamics wear of plasma coatings PG–10N–01 and the dependence the amount of wear the coatings from the experience. Comparative evaluation wear resistance of the restored surface by plasma spraying was carried out according to the average wear rate recovery of the coating and steel 45, heat–treated to a hardness HRC 50. To determine the average wear rate restorative coatings were performed research to determine the amount of wear from experience mate. Comparative tests on wear of plasma coatings were carried out on the car friction–type MI scheme is the disk block in the environment industrial oil brand I–20. The discs and pads were made of steel 45, the floor was nubilalis on the disc, the pads were subjected to heat treatment (hardening and tempering) to a hardness HRC 50.
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Бібліографічний опис
Лузан С. А. Повышение ресурса деталей шасси колесных тракторов во время их восстановительного ремонта / С. А. Лузан // Вестник Нац. техн. ун–та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Автомобиле– и тракторостроение. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 9 (1118). – С. 17-22.