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Проведен анализ возможных причин неравномерности распределения нагрузки по длине контактных линий в открытых зубчатых передачах крупногабаритных мельниц. Показано, что в открытых зубчатых передачах крупногабаритных машин всегда имеет место неприрабатываемая составляющая погрешности зацепления. Методом конечных элементов исследовано напряженно-деформированное
состояние самоустанавливающейся шестерни. Показано, что в отличие от стандартных инженерных методик метод конечных элементов позволяет получить данные для расчета на прочность.
The article analyzes the current trends in heavy machinery drive production. It is shown that the main trend is the increase of the drive power and the use of drives with two motors. Open gearing – the main type of gearing in heavy machinery. It is shown that the errors occurs during manufacture, installation and operation of open gearing. There is always a non run-out component of gearing error. Gearing errors lead to nonuniform distribution of the load along the length of the contact lines. Gears open gearings have a complex structure. Gears deform under the load. This leads to non-uniform distribution of the load along the length of the contact lines. The results of experimental studies of non-uniform distribution of the load in open gearing of tumbling mills are presented. It is shown that the distribution of load along the length of the contact line is linear. One of the ways to reduce the non-uniform distribution of the load in open gearing is the use of selfaligning pinion. The finite element method was used to investigate the stress-strain state of self-aligning pinion in the absence of gearing errors. It is shown that the gear is in the essentially three-dimensional stressstrain state. Unlike standard methods ISO6336, DIN 3990, AGMA finite element method allows to obtain reliable data for the calculation of the strength of the open gearings of heavy machinery.
The article analyzes the current trends in heavy machinery drive production. It is shown that the main trend is the increase of the drive power and the use of drives with two motors. Open gearing – the main type of gearing in heavy machinery. It is shown that the errors occurs during manufacture, installation and operation of open gearing. There is always a non run-out component of gearing error. Gearing errors lead to nonuniform distribution of the load along the length of the contact lines. Gears open gearings have a complex structure. Gears deform under the load. This leads to non-uniform distribution of the load along the length of the contact lines. The results of experimental studies of non-uniform distribution of the load in open gearing of tumbling mills are presented. It is shown that the distribution of load along the length of the contact line is linear. One of the ways to reduce the non-uniform distribution of the load in open gearing is the use of selfaligning pinion. The finite element method was used to investigate the stress-strain state of self-aligning pinion in the absence of gearing errors. It is shown that the gear is in the essentially three-dimensional stressstrain state. Unlike standard methods ISO6336, DIN 3990, AGMA finite element method allows to obtain reliable data for the calculation of the strength of the open gearings of heavy machinery.
Бібліографічний опис
Виноградов Б. В. Особенности расчёта открытых зубчатых передач на прочность / Б. В. Виноградов, Д. А. Федин // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Проблемы механического привода. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 34 (1143). – С. 19-25.