Разработка методики расчета обжатий при горячей прокатке симметричного биметаллического пакета на основе расчета деформаций его слоев
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Разработана методика расчета режима обжатий при горячей прокатке четырехслойных симметричных пакетов «углеродистая сталь + нержавеющая сталь». Режим обжатий определяется конечной толщиной биметаллического листа и толщиной плакирующего слоя в нем, а также исходной толщиной плакирующих листов в пакете. Расчет коэффициентов высотной деформации – среднего и по проходам позволяет рассчитать необходимое количество проходов при прокатке и обжатия по проходам.
Methodology of calculation of the mode of wringing out is worked out at the hot rolling of four-layer symmetric packages «carbon steel + stainless steel». The methodology allows the initial data (the original thickness of the package and the thickness of the cladding layer in it, the thickness of the finished sheet and the cladding layer in it) to appoint the required number of passes and crimp the aisles. In this case, the setting up of layers, which occurs at a certain (assumed) value of the total compression, deformation of layers depends on the ratio of the strength characteristics of the layers, the proportion of the cladding layer in the original package and compression of the layers in the aisle. After setting layers deformation layers on passages taken uniform, i.e. the ratio of the thickness of the cladding layer to the thickness of the package does not change (relative compression of each layer is equal to the relative compression of the whole package). The necessary amount of passage-ways at rolling and wringing out on passage-way is assigned by using the calculation of coefficients of pitch deformation – middle and on passage-ways.
Methodology of calculation of the mode of wringing out is worked out at the hot rolling of four-layer symmetric packages «carbon steel + stainless steel». The methodology allows the initial data (the original thickness of the package and the thickness of the cladding layer in it, the thickness of the finished sheet and the cladding layer in it) to appoint the required number of passes and crimp the aisles. In this case, the setting up of layers, which occurs at a certain (assumed) value of the total compression, deformation of layers depends on the ratio of the strength characteristics of the layers, the proportion of the cladding layer in the original package and compression of the layers in the aisle. After setting layers deformation layers on passages taken uniform, i.e. the ratio of the thickness of the cladding layer to the thickness of the package does not change (relative compression of each layer is equal to the relative compression of the whole package). The necessary amount of passage-ways at rolling and wringing out on passage-way is assigned by using the calculation of coefficients of pitch deformation – middle and on passage-ways.
Бібліографічний опис
Загорянский В. Г. Разработка методики расчета обжатий при горячей прокатке симметричного биметаллического пакета на основе расчета деформаций его слоев / В. Г. Загорянский // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Инновационные технологии и оборудование обработки материалов в машиностроении и металлургии. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 24 (1133). – С. 32-39.