Розробка програмного модуля моніторингу залишкових знань студентів з дисциплін кафедри спеціалізованих комп’ютерних систем
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Назва тому
Актуальність матеріалу, викладеного у статті, зумовлена потребами професійної освіти в проведенні моніторингових досліджень, оскільки вони є одним із шляхів розширення доступу до Європейської освіти і мобільності студентів.
The relevance of the material presented in the article, due to the needs of vocational training in conducting monitoring studies, as they are one of the ways of improving access to the European education and student mobility. Development of software module consists of the creation of a client-server application to a server in Java using the Spring framework and client Android. Using the developed software module for monitoring of residual knowledge of students of specialized computer systems contribu te to its effective functioning and optimal solution to the question about the quality of training of future specialists. The results of this study can be used to assess residual knowledge of students. The product being offered, which is a test. Using software automates the process of testing and analysis of results. A potential customer can perform any educational organization. The software package has educational scope. One effective way to address the problem of automating verification of residual knowledge of students is to create a program that allows you to create tests, take and analyze their results. Their work is to use clientserver technology for fulfilling the above operations. Requirements to software systems: • Small installation file size; • intuitive interface; • speed. The biggest demand for software module in education. Servicing is required for the computer used as a server.
The relevance of the material presented in the article, due to the needs of vocational training in conducting monitoring studies, as they are one of the ways of improving access to the European education and student mobility. Development of software module consists of the creation of a client-server application to a server in Java using the Spring framework and client Android. Using the developed software module for monitoring of residual knowledge of students of specialized computer systems contribu te to its effective functioning and optimal solution to the question about the quality of training of future specialists. The results of this study can be used to assess residual knowledge of students. The product being offered, which is a test. Using software automates the process of testing and analysis of results. A potential customer can perform any educational organization. The software package has educational scope. One effective way to address the problem of automating verification of residual knowledge of students is to create a program that allows you to create tests, take and analyze their results. Their work is to use clientserver technology for fulfilling the above operations. Requirements to software systems: • Small installation file size; • intuitive interface; • speed. The biggest demand for software module in education. Servicing is required for the computer used as a server.
Бібліографічний опис
Жидченко, С. І. Розробка програмного модуля моніторингу залишкових знань студентів з дисциплін кафедри спеціалізованих комп’ютерних систем / С. І. Жидченко, Т. М. Дубовик // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 42 (1214). – С. 129-133.