К вопросу о классификации электрического взрыва проводников в жидкости
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Рассмотрены различные подходы к классификации видов электрического взрыва проводников в жидкости. Показано, что для описания электрических характеристик взрыва эти подходы примерно равнозначны. Для удельной запасенной энергии в произвольном режиме получено аналитическое выражение, вид которого подтверждает гипотезу о том, что оно также является критерием подобия. Исследован характер влияния различных факторов на газодинамику взрыва. Для частных случаев установлены параметры, влияние которых на амплитуду волны давления наиболее существенно.
Various approaches to the classification of types of the electrical explosion of conductors in liquid were considered. It is shown that these approaches are approximately equivalent for the purpose of description of electrical characteristics of the explosion. Ananalytical expression for the specific stored energy in arbitrary mode was obtained which confirmed the hypothesis that it is also a criterion of similarity. An impact of various factors on the dynamics of the explosion was studied. Parameters whose influence on the amplitude of the pressure wave was most significant were obtained for the particular cases. A mathematical model describing flows which occur during the underwater electrical explosion involves a number of correlations describing the nonlinear process of destruction of the conductor under the influence of current pulses, the process of Joule heating and expansion of plasma of discharge channel, the system of equations of hyperbolic type describing the behaviour of gas-dynamic parameters in space. The problem was solved by numerical methods.
Various approaches to the classification of types of the electrical explosion of conductors in liquid were considered. It is shown that these approaches are approximately equivalent for the purpose of description of electrical characteristics of the explosion. Ananalytical expression for the specific stored energy in arbitrary mode was obtained which confirmed the hypothesis that it is also a criterion of similarity. An impact of various factors on the dynamics of the explosion was studied. Parameters whose influence on the amplitude of the pressure wave was most significant were obtained for the particular cases. A mathematical model describing flows which occur during the underwater electrical explosion involves a number of correlations describing the nonlinear process of destruction of the conductor under the influence of current pulses, the process of Joule heating and expansion of plasma of discharge channel, the system of equations of hyperbolic type describing the behaviour of gas-dynamic parameters in space. The problem was solved by numerical methods.
Ключові слова
оптимальный режим, параметры контура, критерии подобия, ударная волна, подводный электровзрыв
Бібліографічний опис
Хайнацкий С. А. К вопросу о классификации электрического взрыва проводников в жидкости / С. А. Хайнацкий // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Техніка та електрофізика високих напруг = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : Technique and Electrophysics of High Voltage. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 15 (1237). – С. 92-97.