Вплив енерговитрат шахтарів на рівень безпеки праці
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Обґрунтовується необхідність врахування енергетичних витрат організму шахтарів при виконанні ними
операцій (під операцій) в рамках виробничого процесу з метою розробки безпечних технологічних схем ведення гірничих
робіт. Отримано залежності енерговитрат організму гірника при його переміщеннях в гірничих виробках, як з вантажем,
так і без нього, з урахуванням основних факторів. Встановлено залежність енергетичних витрат організму гірника від
частоти серцевих скорочень, використання якої дозволить оперативно оцінювати важкість праці шахтарів та
корегувати графік організації робіт з урахуванням фізіологічних можливостей виконавців. Обґрунтована необхідність
проведення додаткових досліджень щодо оцінки енергетичної вартості робіт на різних ланках технологічного процесу.
Планується подальше вивчення фізіології праці шахтарів при виконанні ними виробничих операцій: видобутку вугілля,
проведенні та ремонті виробок, транспортуванні вантажів, обслуговуванні та ремонті обладнання і т.д.
Here are considered some questions of the physiology of miners` labor in the implementation of their manufacturing operations. In this article it was analyzed the occurrence rate of industrial injures in mining process at the conditions of mines of Ukrainian Donbas. Labor conditions were examined and their influence on the rate of industrial injures were considered, too. The necessity of determining of the energy expenditure of miners` bodies in implementation of operations in job processing is justified for the development of the safe technological schemes of mining, which would be man focused. With multiple correlation method there were obtained the dependences of the energy expenditure of the miner`s organism when he moved through the mines with cargo or without it. And also the basic influencing factors are considered: mine grade and miner`s movement speed. Also was specified the dependence of the energy expenditure of miners` bodies from heart rate. Usage of these dependences will allow to assess rapid ly the severity of conducting concrete industrial operations and to adjust the work schedules based on physiological features of performers to prevent accidents of industrial injures. It was proposed the necessity of carrying out of additional assessment study for energy costs of work on various phases of the technological process. It is planned the follow-up study of the physiology of miners` labor in the implementation of their manufacturing operations: coal mining, roadway maintenance and excavation, transportation of goods, equipment maintenance and repairing, etc.
Here are considered some questions of the physiology of miners` labor in the implementation of their manufacturing operations. In this article it was analyzed the occurrence rate of industrial injures in mining process at the conditions of mines of Ukrainian Donbas. Labor conditions were examined and their influence on the rate of industrial injures were considered, too. The necessity of determining of the energy expenditure of miners` bodies in implementation of operations in job processing is justified for the development of the safe technological schemes of mining, which would be man focused. With multiple correlation method there were obtained the dependences of the energy expenditure of the miner`s organism when he moved through the mines with cargo or without it. And also the basic influencing factors are considered: mine grade and miner`s movement speed. Also was specified the dependence of the energy expenditure of miners` bodies from heart rate. Usage of these dependences will allow to assess rapid ly the severity of conducting concrete industrial operations and to adjust the work schedules based on physiological features of performers to prevent accidents of industrial injures. It was proposed the necessity of carrying out of additional assessment study for energy costs of work on various phases of the technological process. It is planned the follow-up study of the physiology of miners` labor in the implementation of their manufacturing operations: coal mining, roadway maintenance and excavation, transportation of goods, equipment maintenance and repairing, etc.
Бібліографічний опис
Негрій Т. О. Вплив енерговитрат шахтарів на рівень безпеки праці / Т. О. Негрій, І. Г. Сахно, С. Г. Негрій // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 7 (1229). – С. 81-90.