Расчетно-экспериментальная верификация динамической модели макета корпуса бронетранспортера
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Проведена верификация компьютерной динамической модели корпуса бронетранспортера путем сопоставления результатов численных и экспериментальных исследований макета. Методика экспериментальных исследований включала испытания на вибрационном стенде и определение реакции конструкции на импульсное воздействие с помощью обрезиненного инструмента. Определено, что динамические характеристики, полученные экспериментальным путем, находятся в хорошем качественном и количественном соответствии с численными результатами. С использованием верифицированных конечно-элементных моделей проведены проверочные исследования натурного образца корпуса БТР-3Е, которые подтвердили корректность разработанных математических и численных моделей, а также точность полученных результатов.
For dynamic computer model verification of the armored personnel carrier hull comparison of numerical and experimental studies results of its model was carried out. Upper belt of the armored personnel carrier hull was choosen for carrying out of experiment because it is the most loaded part. Experimental research method includes tests on the vibrating bench and determination of structure reaction to the impulse action with help of a rubberized tool. On the vibrating bench the natural frequencies and modes of oscillation was fixed. As a result of the second part of experiment, vibration displacement, vibration velocity and vibration acceleration were obtained at studied points, varying in time. Obtained during experimental research frequencies, shapes and relations describing response of the hull model to impact force are represented. It is determined that the dynamic characteristics obtained experimentally are in good qualitative and quantitative conformity with numerical results of modeling using the finite element method. Based on experimental data, damping factor was determined for the design model. With use of verified finite element models, testing of the full-scale specimen of BTR-3E was carried out. It confirms correctness of developed mathematical and numerical models, accuracy of obtained results.
For dynamic computer model verification of the armored personnel carrier hull comparison of numerical and experimental studies results of its model was carried out. Upper belt of the armored personnel carrier hull was choosen for carrying out of experiment because it is the most loaded part. Experimental research method includes tests on the vibrating bench and determination of structure reaction to the impulse action with help of a rubberized tool. On the vibrating bench the natural frequencies and modes of oscillation was fixed. As a result of the second part of experiment, vibration displacement, vibration velocity and vibration acceleration were obtained at studied points, varying in time. Obtained during experimental research frequencies, shapes and relations describing response of the hull model to impact force are represented. It is determined that the dynamic characteristics obtained experimentally are in good qualitative and quantitative conformity with numerical results of modeling using the finite element method. Based on experimental data, damping factor was determined for the design model. With use of verified finite element models, testing of the full-scale specimen of BTR-3E was carried out. It confirms correctness of developed mathematical and numerical models, accuracy of obtained results.
Ключові слова
динамические характеристики, экспериментальные исследования, численные исследования, метод конечных элементов, БТР, МКЭ, dynamic characteristics, experimental research, numerical research, finite element method
Бібліографічний опис
Расчетно-экспериментальная верификация динамической модели макета корпуса бронетранспортера / М. А. Бондаренко [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 32 (1254). – С. 5-13.