Повышение экологичности камер сгорания ГТД использованием слаботочных плазмохимических стабилизаторов
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Статья посвящена вопросу снижения выбросов токсичных компонентов в камерах сгорания газотурбинных двигателей за счет использования слаботочных плазмохимических стабилизаторов. Проведен анализ нестационарных процессов в низкоэмиссионной камере сгорания газотурбинного двигателя с помощью современных инструментов вычислительной гидродинамики. Разработаны практические рекомендации по повышению экологичности горения газообразного топлива в низкоэмиссионной камере сгорания ГТД.
Consideration is given to the numerical experiment carried out using the state-of-the-art tools of computational hydrodynamics to predict the emission level of toxic components at the engine design stage that would allow for a considerable reduction of expenditures required for the engine design and its development and also increase the operation efficiency of power systems. The purpose of this research was to increase the ecological efficiency of the combustion of gaseous fuel in the low-emission combustion chambers of gas turbine engines (GTE) due to the use of low-current plasmochemical stabilizers. The theoretical research done showed that the use of low current plasmochemical stabilizers for low-emission combustion chambers of GTE enables to expand the range of stable operation of the fuelfiring device and decrease the emission level of toxic components. Theoretical investigation of pulsation performances of the low-emission combustion chamber with a preliminary mixing of the fuel-&-air mixture of GTE 25 MW allowed us to establish that the plasmochemical stabilization of processes in the combustion chamber would enable an increase in the service life of flue tubes and gas-turbine engines on the whole, getting an economic effect due to the reduction of the emissions of toxic components.
Consideration is given to the numerical experiment carried out using the state-of-the-art tools of computational hydrodynamics to predict the emission level of toxic components at the engine design stage that would allow for a considerable reduction of expenditures required for the engine design and its development and also increase the operation efficiency of power systems. The purpose of this research was to increase the ecological efficiency of the combustion of gaseous fuel in the low-emission combustion chambers of gas turbine engines (GTE) due to the use of low-current plasmochemical stabilizers. The theoretical research done showed that the use of low current plasmochemical stabilizers for low-emission combustion chambers of GTE enables to expand the range of stable operation of the fuelfiring device and decrease the emission level of toxic components. Theoretical investigation of pulsation performances of the low-emission combustion chamber with a preliminary mixing of the fuel-&-air mixture of GTE 25 MW allowed us to establish that the plasmochemical stabilization of processes in the combustion chamber would enable an increase in the service life of flue tubes and gas-turbine engines on the whole, getting an economic effect due to the reduction of the emissions of toxic components.
Бібліографічний опис
Сербин С. И. Повышение экологичности камер сгорания ГТД использованием слаботочных плазмохимических стабилизаторов / С. И. Сербин, А. В. Козловский // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Енергетичні та теплотехнічні процеси й устаткування = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : Power and Heat Engineering Processes and Equipment. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 9 (1231). – С. 29-33.