Исследование влияния конфигурации магнитной системы на моментные характеристики магнитного редуктора
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Приведены результаты исследования характеристик электродвигателя и редуктора с неодимовыми магнитами для мотор-колеса электромобиля. Для заданных габаритов мотор-колеса с магнитным редуктором (внешний диаметр, осевая длина электродвигателя и редуктора) определена конфигурацию и размеры магнитной системы электродвигателя и редуктора, при которой достигается требуемое значение момента в заданном диапазоне частоты вращения с учетом ездовых циклов. Расчет характеристик исследуемого электродвигателя и редуктора выполнен в программном пакете Infolytica Magnet.
Magnetic gears based on permanent magnets become very popular and promising because they are able to transmit torque without mechanical contact, do not create additional noise, do not require lubrication, have high efficiency and reliability, are more durable, which makes it possible to use them instead of mechanical gearboxes, including for motor-wheels of electric vehicles. Due to the design features of the magnetic gearbox, during its operation, pulsations of the transmitted torque occur. The main cause of pulsations is the presence of a cogging torque. When designing a magnetic gearbox, one should strive to ensure that the amount of cogging torque is minimal, since it causes vibrations and noise in the equipment and leads to a deterioration in the performance of the magnetic gearbox, and therefore decreases the efficiency of the motor-wheel. As a result of numerical studies, it was found that with an integer value of the reduction coefficient, the cogging torque is several times larger than for a non-integer value. For the given dimensions of the gearbox (outer diameter, axial length), the configuration and dimensions of the magnetic gear-box system are determined, at which the specified values of the gearbox moments are achieved at the minimum values of the cogging torque. It seems highly technological to produce a magnetic gear modulator consisting of fixed steel segments as a single unit, steel segments in which are connected by arches and the modulator can be made by stamping or laser cutting electrical steel sheets. As a result of numerical studies, the optimum thickness of the connecting arches and their location between the steel elements of the modulator are determined, at which the specified value of the gearbox torque and the technological effectiveness of its manufacture and assembly are provided. The calculation of the characteristics of the researching magnetic gear was made in the software package Infolytica Magnet.
Magnetic gears based on permanent magnets become very popular and promising because they are able to transmit torque without mechanical contact, do not create additional noise, do not require lubrication, have high efficiency and reliability, are more durable, which makes it possible to use them instead of mechanical gearboxes, including for motor-wheels of electric vehicles. Due to the design features of the magnetic gearbox, during its operation, pulsations of the transmitted torque occur. The main cause of pulsations is the presence of a cogging torque. When designing a magnetic gearbox, one should strive to ensure that the amount of cogging torque is minimal, since it causes vibrations and noise in the equipment and leads to a deterioration in the performance of the magnetic gearbox, and therefore decreases the efficiency of the motor-wheel. As a result of numerical studies, it was found that with an integer value of the reduction coefficient, the cogging torque is several times larger than for a non-integer value. For the given dimensions of the gearbox (outer diameter, axial length), the configuration and dimensions of the magnetic gear-box system are determined, at which the specified values of the gearbox moments are achieved at the minimum values of the cogging torque. It seems highly technological to produce a magnetic gear modulator consisting of fixed steel segments as a single unit, steel segments in which are connected by arches and the modulator can be made by stamping or laser cutting electrical steel sheets. As a result of numerical studies, the optimum thickness of the connecting arches and their location between the steel elements of the modulator are determined, at which the specified value of the gearbox torque and the technological effectiveness of its manufacture and assembly are provided. The calculation of the characteristics of the researching magnetic gear was made in the software package Infolytica Magnet.
Ключові слова
мотор-колесо, электромагнитный момент, рабочие характеристики, численное моделирование, европейский ездовой цикл, motor-wheel, electromagnetic moment, jagged moment
Бібліографічний опис
Гребеников В. B. Исследование влияния конфигурации магнитной системы на моментные характеристики магнитного редуктора / В. B. Гребеников, Р. В. Гамалея // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Електричні машини та електромеханічне перетворення енергії = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Electrical Machines and Electromechanical Energy Conversion : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2019. – № 4 (1329). – С. 68-74.