Мобільні теплові акумулятори
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням пов’язаним із постачанням теплоти мобільними тепловими акумуляторами. А саме, проведено аналіз поточного стану системи централізованого теплопостачання, визначено основні та потенційні проблеми. Обґрунтовано актуальності застосування теплового акумулювання в системах теплозабезпечення. Розглянуто основні технічні й технологічні аспекти застосування мобільних теплових акумуляторів. А також представлено приклади реалізації мобільних теплових акумуляторів в світі та Україні.
The article is devoted to topical issues related to the storage, accumulation and transportation of heat by stationary and mobile heat storage. Analysis of the current state of the district heating system indicates significant heat losses at all stages of providing the consumer with heat. The use of heat storage in heat supply systems leads to balancing the heat supply system, namely, the peak load is reduced; heat production schedules are optimized by accumulating excess energy and using it during emergency outages; heat losses caused by uneven operation of thermal equipment during heat generation are reduced; the need for primary energy and fuel consumption is reduced, as well as the amount of harmful emissions into the environment. The main focus is on mobile thermal batteries (M-TES). The use of M-TES makes it possible to build a completely new discrete heat supply system without the traditional pipeline transport of the heat carrier. The defining parameters affecting the efficiency of the M-TES are the reliability and convenience of the design, the efficiency and volume of the “working fluid”, the operating temperature of the MTA recharging and the distance of transportation from the heat source to the consumer. The article contains examples of the implementation of mobile heat accumulators in the world and in Ukraine, their technical and technological characteristics, scope and degree of efficiency. The technical indicators of the implemented project for the creation of a mobile heat accumulator located in a 20-foot container and intended for transportation by any available means of transport are given.
The article is devoted to topical issues related to the storage, accumulation and transportation of heat by stationary and mobile heat storage. Analysis of the current state of the district heating system indicates significant heat losses at all stages of providing the consumer with heat. The use of heat storage in heat supply systems leads to balancing the heat supply system, namely, the peak load is reduced; heat production schedules are optimized by accumulating excess energy and using it during emergency outages; heat losses caused by uneven operation of thermal equipment during heat generation are reduced; the need for primary energy and fuel consumption is reduced, as well as the amount of harmful emissions into the environment. The main focus is on mobile thermal batteries (M-TES). The use of M-TES makes it possible to build a completely new discrete heat supply system without the traditional pipeline transport of the heat carrier. The defining parameters affecting the efficiency of the M-TES are the reliability and convenience of the design, the efficiency and volume of the “working fluid”, the operating temperature of the MTA recharging and the distance of transportation from the heat source to the consumer. The article contains examples of the implementation of mobile heat accumulators in the world and in Ukraine, their technical and technological characteristics, scope and degree of efficiency. The technical indicators of the implemented project for the creation of a mobile heat accumulator located in a 20-foot container and intended for transportation by any available means of transport are given.
Ключові слова
теплопостачання, мобільний тепловий акумулятор, матеріал з фазовим переходом, heat supply, mobile thermal energy storage, phase change material
Бібліографічний опис
Демченко В. Г. Мобільні теплові акумулятори / В. Г. Демченко, А. В. Коник, В. Ю. Фалько // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Енергетичні та теплотехнічні процеси й устаткування = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Power and Heat Engineering Processes and Equipment : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2021. – № 3 (7). – С. 44-50.