Асинхронные двигатели с тангенциальным смещением зубцовых гармоник магнитного поля. Ч. 2. Добавочные моменты и силы
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Обоснован способ улучшения виброакустических характеристик короткозамкнутых асинхронных двигателей тангенциальным смещением участков зубцов и стержней в роторах с секционированными магнитопроводами и промежуточными кольцами и соответственно со смещением гармонических составляющих магнитного поля, вызванных зубчатостью активных поверхностей и дискретностью распределения обмоток. Рассмотрены конструкции магнитопроводов ротора, реализующие указанный способ.
Purpose. Presentation of way to improve vibroacoustic characteristics of induction motor with partitioned magnetic core and rotor winding with intermediate squirrel-cage rings by tangential shift of higher harmonics of magnetic field, which were caused by tooth components of air gap conductance and discrete distribution of winding. Methodology. The proof of compensation effect of higher components of forces and torques is based on the analytic method of specific conductivity of air gap. Results. The possibility of mutual compensation of tangential and radial vibration forces from tooth higher harmonics by shift of parts of teeth and bars by proportions of tooth segmentations has been shown. Originality. At present, the tendency of reducing noise and vibration of electrical machines are an elimination of self venting and a reduction of electromagnetic loads and an increasing the length and material consumption of machine, which is contrary to requirement of resource conservation in the construction of electrical machines. But the way, which is proposed in this article, is implemented by shift of teeth and partsof winding bars in adjacent sections of rotor magnetic core. Practical value. In known designs of rotors with shift of bars and teeth intermediate squirrel-cage rings are located on the active surface, which increases the losses and material consumption of the induction machine. These drawbacks are eliminated by using a cone-planar rotor magnetic, wherein the intermediate rings is covered by tapered surfaces of teeth. Turning circle of slot disclosures by shift of adjacent groups of magnetic core plates allows tangential displacement of tooth harmonics of magnetic field, analogously to turn parts of bars. The laboriousness of production of rotors with intermediate rings is reduced by decreasing the number of magnetic core sections.
Purpose. Presentation of way to improve vibroacoustic characteristics of induction motor with partitioned magnetic core and rotor winding with intermediate squirrel-cage rings by tangential shift of higher harmonics of magnetic field, which were caused by tooth components of air gap conductance and discrete distribution of winding. Methodology. The proof of compensation effect of higher components of forces and torques is based on the analytic method of specific conductivity of air gap. Results. The possibility of mutual compensation of tangential and radial vibration forces from tooth higher harmonics by shift of parts of teeth and bars by proportions of tooth segmentations has been shown. Originality. At present, the tendency of reducing noise and vibration of electrical machines are an elimination of self venting and a reduction of electromagnetic loads and an increasing the length and material consumption of machine, which is contrary to requirement of resource conservation in the construction of electrical machines. But the way, which is proposed in this article, is implemented by shift of teeth and partsof winding bars in adjacent sections of rotor magnetic core. Practical value. In known designs of rotors with shift of bars and teeth intermediate squirrel-cage rings are located on the active surface, which increases the losses and material consumption of the induction machine. These drawbacks are eliminated by using a cone-planar rotor magnetic, wherein the intermediate rings is covered by tapered surfaces of teeth. Turning circle of slot disclosures by shift of adjacent groups of magnetic core plates allows tangential displacement of tooth harmonics of magnetic field, analogously to turn parts of bars. The laboriousness of production of rotors with intermediate rings is reduced by decreasing the number of magnetic core sections.
Ключові слова
вибровозмущающие силы, гармоническая магнитная индукция, сдвиг, компенсация, внешний ротор, induction motor, additional torques, additional forces, tooth harmonics, displacement, compensation, external rotor
Бібліографічний опис
Асинхронные двигатели с тангенциальным смещением зубцовых гармоник магнитного поля. Ч. 2. Добавочные моменты и силы / А. А. Ставинский [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Електричні машини та електромеханічне перетворення енергії. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 1 (1223). – С. 22-27.