Creep damage anisotropy of thinwalled elements structures
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Рівень дисертації
Шифр та назва спеціальності
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IPPT PAN, Poland
The paper is devoted to the development and theoretical justification of an anisotropy creep damage material model. For the description of initial anisotropy and damage-induced anisotropy the second-order damage tensor has been used. The numerical method of anisotropy creep damage lifetime prediction in thin-walled elements of structures was elaborated on the basis of the proposed model and FE scheme. The results of anisotropy creep damage analysis in models of plates were discussed.
Бібліографічний опис
Morachkovsky O. K. Creep damage anisotropy of thinwalled elements structures / O. K. Morachkovsky, V. N. Burlayenko // XXI International congress of theoretical and applied mechanics (ICTAM 04) : abstr. and CD-ROM Proc., August 15-21, 2004, Warsaw / ed.: W. Gutkowski, T. A. Kowalewski. – Warszawa : IPPT PAN, 2004. – 2 p.