Дослідження антикорозійних властивостей потенційних інгібіторів корозії, призначених для нафтопереробної промисловості
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Визначено захисні властивості потенційних інгібіторів корозії – 1–(2–аміноетил)–2–гептадецил–2–iмідазоліну, 1–(2–діетаноламіноетил)–2–(8– гептадециніл)–2– iмідазоліну, суміші N,N – дізаміщених амідів, естерів та гліцерину, а також амідів поліаміннафтенових кислот методом потенціометричних вимірювань. Встановлено зміну корозійного потенціалу, корозійний струм та зміну нахилу прямих Тафеля, як показники антикорозійної дії, яку проявляють досліджувані речовини. Показано, що найкращі захисні властивості має 1–(2–діетаноламіноетил)–2–(8– гептадециніл)–2– iмідазолін та суміш N,N – дізаміщених амідів, естерів та гліцерину, які можуть використані як інгібітори корозії для захисту обладнання установок первинної переробки нафти.
The experience of corrosion control shows that the use of inhibitors is the most simple and relatively inexpensive method of protecting refinery equipment. The largest part in the world production of corrosion inhibitors are amides (diamides), amines, imidazoline bases and their mixtures, which are the basis of most modern corrosion inhibitors. However, the production of corrosion inhibitors is absent in Ukraine. For research, CARBASOLIN SD-3 1- (2-aminoethyl) -2-heptadecyl-2-imidazoline, carrazoline OT-2 (1- (2 diethanolaminoethyl) -2- (8-heptadecinyl) -2-imidazoline, cationic The fat P-1, which is a mixture of N, N disubstituted amides, fatty acid esters and glycerol, is selected for comparison with the Clariant Dodigen corrosion inhibitor used in the petrochemical industry containing amides of polyaminophenic acids. All tests with inhibitors were made in solutions , which consisted of 0.1 M HCl and a solution of an inhibitor in iso butanol. Polarization measurements were made using the Solatron 1286, the Solatron SI 1255 analyzer controlled by the CorrWare 2 and ZPlot 2 computer software. The values of the electrochemical potential obtained from the measurements for 60 seconds showed that the inhibitors preferentially obstructed the oxidation of iron , which is inherent in inhibitors of the anode type.Potentials taken at 30 seconds galvanostatic cathode polarization current density of -1 mA / cm2 showed that they impede the release of hydrogen - the weakest carbazolin SD 3, the most effective fat kationoaktyvnyy P-1. Potentials taken at 30 seconds of galvanostatic anode polarization with a current density of 1 mA / cm2 were displaced towards less negative values, indicating that the inhibitors also hampered the anode reaction - the weakest of Dodigen and CD-3, the strongest of the carboxylin OT-2 and the fat is cationic P-1. Obtained from the polarization curves of the density of corrosion current ikor at corrosion potential showed that the presence of inhibitors of carbazolin OT-2 and cationic fat P-1 in the amount of 50 ppm in 4-5 times reduces the corrosion current, which is a measure of the rate of corrosion of the metal.
The experience of corrosion control shows that the use of inhibitors is the most simple and relatively inexpensive method of protecting refinery equipment. The largest part in the world production of corrosion inhibitors are amides (diamides), amines, imidazoline bases and their mixtures, which are the basis of most modern corrosion inhibitors. However, the production of corrosion inhibitors is absent in Ukraine. For research, CARBASOLIN SD-3 1- (2-aminoethyl) -2-heptadecyl-2-imidazoline, carrazoline OT-2 (1- (2 diethanolaminoethyl) -2- (8-heptadecinyl) -2-imidazoline, cationic The fat P-1, which is a mixture of N, N disubstituted amides, fatty acid esters and glycerol, is selected for comparison with the Clariant Dodigen corrosion inhibitor used in the petrochemical industry containing amides of polyaminophenic acids. All tests with inhibitors were made in solutions , which consisted of 0.1 M HCl and a solution of an inhibitor in iso butanol. Polarization measurements were made using the Solatron 1286, the Solatron SI 1255 analyzer controlled by the CorrWare 2 and ZPlot 2 computer software. The values of the electrochemical potential obtained from the measurements for 60 seconds showed that the inhibitors preferentially obstructed the oxidation of iron , which is inherent in inhibitors of the anode type.Potentials taken at 30 seconds galvanostatic cathode polarization current density of -1 mA / cm2 showed that they impede the release of hydrogen - the weakest carbazolin SD 3, the most effective fat kationoaktyvnyy P-1. Potentials taken at 30 seconds of galvanostatic anode polarization with a current density of 1 mA / cm2 were displaced towards less negative values, indicating that the inhibitors also hampered the anode reaction - the weakest of Dodigen and CD-3, the strongest of the carboxylin OT-2 and the fat is cationic P-1. Obtained from the polarization curves of the density of corrosion current ikor at corrosion potential showed that the presence of inhibitors of carbazolin OT-2 and cationic fat P-1 in the amount of 50 ppm in 4-5 times reduces the corrosion current, which is a measure of the rate of corrosion of the metal.
Ключові слова
обладнання нафтопереробне, захист антикорозійний, струм корозійний, поляризація, oil refining equipment, anti-corrosion protection, corrosion current, polarization
Бібліографічний опис
Романчук В. В. Дослідження антикорозійних властивостей потенційних інгібіторів корозії, призначених для нафтопереробної промисловості / В. В. Романчук, П. І. Топільницький, Чан Куок Кхань // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Механіко-технологічні системи та комплекси. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 44 (1266). – С. 104-110.