Технология очистки промышленных жидких отходов в алмазном производстве
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05.17.01 – технология неорганических веществ
Рада захисту
Специализированный ученый совет Д 64.050.03
Установа захисту
Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт"
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Гринь Григорий Иванович
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Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.17.01 – технология неорганических веществ. – Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", Харьков, 2005. Диссертация посвящена разработке технологии очистки сточных вод алмазного производства от солей марганца и никеля с получением ликвидных химических продуктов. Проведены теоретические термодинамические исследования по изучению взаимодействия компонентов отходов с различными восстановителями и окислителями, также проведена оценка термодинамической вероятности протекания твердофазных реакций между компонентами отходов. Изучено и установлено влияние на процессы осаждения в случае присутствия одного из металлов в растворе, и при их одновременном присутствии, которые содержат 1-60 г/л и 0,76-40 г/л марганца и никеля соответственно, технологических параметров: концентрации реагентов, температуры, времени осаждения. Для существующего производства синтетических алмазов предложена технологическая схема очистки сточных вод, содержащих соединения марганца и никеля, с двумя способами утилизации водно-солевого раствора: электродиализ с получением раствора NaClO и водорода или направлением в водооборотную систему предприятия.
The thesis for a candidate’s degree of technical science by specialty 05.17.01 – technology of inorganic substances. – National technical university "Kharkov polytechnic institute", Kharkiv, 2005. The dissertation is devoted to development of technology of clearing of wastewater of diamond manufacture from salts of manganese and nickel, which allows receiving products liquid on the chemical market. In the dissertation, the thermodynamic researches on study of interaction of components wastes with various reducezers and oxidizers: HCOOH, HCOH, H₂, CH₄, CO, KMnO₄, (NH₄)₂S₂O₈, K₂Cr₂O₇, NaClO, FeCl₃, Cl₂, O₃, O₂, H₂O₂ are carried out. The researches on study of influence of various parameters on process precipitation of compounds manganese and nickel from solutions, which are, contained compound out of metals and at a solution by connections of compounds of two metals: concentration reagents, temperature of time precipitation. Are established chemises of processes precipitation, as for precipitation from solutions in which there is one of metals, and from solutions in which is present as compounds of manganese and nickel. Based on received given and established the mechanism offers mathematical models of processes precipitation of compounds manganese and nickel from solutions, which are taking into account influence of concentration reagents, temperature and time of precipitation. The circuit of principle technological on clearing wastewater of containing compounds of manganese and nickel, with various ways of recycling of a formed water-salt solution is offered. As a result of the carried out technical-economic account was established, that the most effective variant is the direction of a water-salt solution in water circle system of the plant.
The thesis for a candidate’s degree of technical science by specialty 05.17.01 – technology of inorganic substances. – National technical university "Kharkov polytechnic institute", Kharkiv, 2005. The dissertation is devoted to development of technology of clearing of wastewater of diamond manufacture from salts of manganese and nickel, which allows receiving products liquid on the chemical market. In the dissertation, the thermodynamic researches on study of interaction of components wastes with various reducezers and oxidizers: HCOOH, HCOH, H₂, CH₄, CO, KMnO₄, (NH₄)₂S₂O₈, K₂Cr₂O₇, NaClO, FeCl₃, Cl₂, O₃, O₂, H₂O₂ are carried out. The researches on study of influence of various parameters on process precipitation of compounds manganese and nickel from solutions, which are, contained compound out of metals and at a solution by connections of compounds of two metals: concentration reagents, temperature of time precipitation. Are established chemises of processes precipitation, as for precipitation from solutions in which there is one of metals, and from solutions in which is present as compounds of manganese and nickel. Based on received given and established the mechanism offers mathematical models of processes precipitation of compounds manganese and nickel from solutions, which are taking into account influence of concentration reagents, temperature and time of precipitation. The circuit of principle technological on clearing wastewater of containing compounds of manganese and nickel, with various ways of recycling of a formed water-salt solution is offered. As a result of the carried out technical-economic account was established, that the most effective variant is the direction of a water-salt solution in water circle system of the plant.
Бібліографічний опис
Семенов Е. А. Технология очистки промышленных жидких отходов в алмазном производстве : дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.17.01 [Электронный ресурс] / Евгений Александрович Семенов ; науч. руководитель Гринь Г. И. ; Харьковский политехнический ин-т, нац. техн. ун-т. – Харьков, 2005. – 182 с. – Бібліогр. : с. 146-160. – рус.