Муллит и соединения группы силлиманита в технологии керамики и огнеупоров
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Обобщены накопленные теоретические и экспериментальные данные о соединениях системы Al₂O₃ - SiO₂ Проанализированы дискуссионные вопросы их термодинамической стабильности. Представлены кристаллографические параметры соединений системы Al₂O₃ - SiO₂ Внимание материаловедов сконцентрировано на технологически важных аспектах фазообразования в субсолидусной области системы. Детально рассмотрены соединения группы силлиманита, которые в свою очередь являются необходимыми для синтеза муллита – материала имеющего определяющее значение для формирования микроструктуры, фазового состава и физико-химических свойств материалов на их основе. Обобщенные сведения о муллите и соединениях группы силлиманита определяют целенаправленное их применение для создания новых составов в технологии керамики и огнеупоров.
The accumulated theoretical and experimental data on the compounds of the Al₂O₃ - SiO₂ system are generalized. Discussion questions of their thermodynamic stability are analyzed. The crystallographic parameters of the compounds of the Al₂O₃ - SiO₂ system and their optical characteristics are given. The attention of materials scientists is concentrated on technologically important aspects of phase formation in the subsolidus region of the system. Details are given of information on mullite, compounds of the sillimanite group and their natural minerals. The compounds of the sillimanite group – kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite are considered in detail. Kyanite is used for alumina containing unshaped refractories. The use of andalusite is known not only for unshaped refractories, but also for the production of fired products. The use of sillimanite is limited due to the unregulated amount of minerals that make up its composition. The compounds of the sillimanite group, in turn, are necessary for the synthesis of mullite. Mullite is a material that is of decisive importance for the formation of a microstructure, the phase composition and the physicochemical properties of materials based on them. The paper presents theoretical and experimental data that can provide maximum assistance to technologists (to ensure the predictability of properties when creating new materials) when working with the relevant materials. Generalized information on mullite and compounds of the sillimanite group determines their purposeful application to create new compositions of unshaped refractory masses.
The accumulated theoretical and experimental data on the compounds of the Al₂O₃ - SiO₂ system are generalized. Discussion questions of their thermodynamic stability are analyzed. The crystallographic parameters of the compounds of the Al₂O₃ - SiO₂ system and their optical characteristics are given. The attention of materials scientists is concentrated on technologically important aspects of phase formation in the subsolidus region of the system. Details are given of information on mullite, compounds of the sillimanite group and their natural minerals. The compounds of the sillimanite group – kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite are considered in detail. Kyanite is used for alumina containing unshaped refractories. The use of andalusite is known not only for unshaped refractories, but also for the production of fired products. The use of sillimanite is limited due to the unregulated amount of minerals that make up its composition. The compounds of the sillimanite group, in turn, are necessary for the synthesis of mullite. Mullite is a material that is of decisive importance for the formation of a microstructure, the phase composition and the physicochemical properties of materials based on them. The paper presents theoretical and experimental data that can provide maximum assistance to technologists (to ensure the predictability of properties when creating new materials) when working with the relevant materials. Generalized information on mullite and compounds of the sillimanite group determines their purposeful application to create new compositions of unshaped refractory masses.
Ключові слова
андалузит, кианит, неформованные огнеупорные массы, термодинамическая стабильность, ceramics, refractories, sillimanite, andalusite
Бібліографічний опис
Муллит и соединения группы силлиманита в технологии керамики и огнеупоров / С. М. Логвинков [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Хімія, хімічна технологія та екологія. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 49 (1270). – С. 39-48.