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Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований и методика определения показателей обрабатываемости (коэффициент усадки стружки, угол наклона условной плоскости сдвига, силовые характеристики процесса резания и коэффициент трения). Представленные данные показывают улучшение обрабатываемости титанового сплава в субмикрокристаллическом состоянии, однако температурно-силовые явления процесса резания влияют на изменение структуры и, соответственно, на показатели обрабатываемости.
The new metals and alloys with nano– and sub microcrystalline structure have improved physical and mechanical properties are discussed in the article. This leads to a change in the parameters of machinability. These parameters are necessary to set for the purpose of rational cutting condition and choice of tools. The chip ratio coefficient, the inclination angle of the conditional shear plane, the force characteristics and friction coefficient are investigated in the article. The sub microcrystalline titanium alloy produced by severe plastic deformation. The length of at least ten chips for each sample was measured with standard deviation. Three-dimensional cutting forces in turning were measured using a force dynamometer. The shear angle and the friction coefficient are calculated analytically. The experimental data show an improvement in the workability of the titanium alloy in the sub microcrystalline condition. However, the temperature and power effects of cutting process are leads to changes in the structure of the metal. The grain size is increased and the parameters of machinability are changed.
The new metals and alloys with nano– and sub microcrystalline structure have improved physical and mechanical properties are discussed in the article. This leads to a change in the parameters of machinability. These parameters are necessary to set for the purpose of rational cutting condition and choice of tools. The chip ratio coefficient, the inclination angle of the conditional shear plane, the force characteristics and friction coefficient are investigated in the article. The sub microcrystalline titanium alloy produced by severe plastic deformation. The length of at least ten chips for each sample was measured with standard deviation. Three-dimensional cutting forces in turning were measured using a force dynamometer. The shear angle and the friction coefficient are calculated analytically. The experimental data show an improvement in the workability of the titanium alloy in the sub microcrystalline condition. However, the temperature and power effects of cutting process are leads to changes in the structure of the metal. The grain size is increased and the parameters of machinability are changed.
Бібліографічний опис
Симонова А. А. Обрабатываемость резанием титанового субмикрокристаллического сплава ВТ6 / А. А. Симонова // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Инновационные технологии и оборудование обработки материалов в машиностроении и металлургии. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 24 (1133). – С. 121-131.